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  1. my husband and I were recently forced to move into a large city for work, so we needed some way to connect with nature while surrounded by miles and miles of concrete. interaction with our critters is what's keeping us sane, and we're maxed out on the number of dogs we are allowed, so we turned to fish to bring more of that nature therapy into our lives.
  2. yes, that happened when I switched the tank to tropical. the trouble is that my apartment basically has no insulation, so the temperature swings are pretty drastic, and I don't want to stress the heater too much. we try not to run the heat much because it's basically trying to heat outdoors, so I was thinking of putting a black neoprene mat on as a background and maybe throw an emergency blanket over it at night.
  3. I believe the medication instructions are for one week, quarantined observation is longer. Cory cats are bottom dwellers, can you describe excatly what they are doing in greater detail?
  4. Here in north TX we just had a temperature swing from 97 to 50 in about three days, and these kinds of swings are typical for the area. admittedly, I forgot this before switching our tank from room temp to tropical stock, and now I'm concerned about keeping the temperature stable throughout the winter months. my husband and I live in an apartment, so improving the insulation for the room the tank is in isn't possible, so what other ways can you insulate an aquarium? tips for power outage or travel would be helpful too.
  5. YES! they do, I lost a whole colony to scuds. once they get to a certain number in population they switch to being carnivorous and will eat anything that moves. if you have fish that eat them and keep their number down it'll be fine, you just wont get many baby shrimp. but if it's a shrimp only breeding tank they will consume everything! they will even eat each other. 😭
  6. I go through phases, but in the last two weeks: KGtropicals, aquarium co-op, bentley pascoe, fish for thought.
  7. I dug up a paper, the reference section has more sources to look into. ResearchGate WWW.RESEARCHGATE.NET ResearchGate is a network dedicated to science and research. Connect, collaborate and discover scientific publications, jobs and conferences. All for...
  8. I'm not sure, but your question made me wonder how much much calcium meets their daily nutrient needs? fish species may differ in their need, and what percentage of that do fish absorb from the water? do you remember the source of the water absorption idea? you can check your fish food for how much calcium it contains, but I'd dig deeper for some academic sources to find out what they need before throwing any additives in the tank.
  9. What is the best strategy for adding schooling fish to you tank? do you quarantine a large group together and then add them a few at a time to the tank? how do you keep ammonia down in the quarantine tank? do you buy only a few at a time, put them through 4+ weeks of quarantine and then add them to the tank and start quarantining the next batch? how do we add enough of them so they aren't stressed without causing an ammonia spike?
  10. A freshwater Amphipod, usually harmless to fish, but they will eat shrimp (and plants if the population gets too big.) they breed faster than malaysian trumpet snails, and some people use them to feed their fish. But for us it basically turned into the Australian rat-plague, where groups of scuds would swarm healthy adult shrimp and eat them alive. They came in on some moss from my LFS, so we learned to quarantine plants.
  11. I've seen the arguments for both gravel being fine and for sand being best. But what is your firsthand experience with this? have you actually experienced any problems? is so what were they and with what species on what substrate? also have you personally observed any difference when dealing with larger vs smaller species?
  12. that's a really loaded question. stocking isn't a simple yay or nay question. all of these is dependant on parameters and what your maintenance routine is like. If this is a hypothetical tank, and you are just asking for visual opinions; I would pick either rams or apistos as your center piece, and either a larger group of rasboras or a larger group of tetras, but not both. pairing up the medium fish with whichever smaller species is closest to their preferred temperament and water parameters. I am unfamiliar with snowball plecos, so hopefully somebody with more experience with those can chime in.
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