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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I did the level 1 salt treatment. Thanks @Colu. I’ve been leaning on you a lot lately. Thanks for sticking with me. You as well @nabokovfan87. Medicating is out of my comfort zone.
  2. On second thought. The clutch I floated did poorly. Only part of it hatched. I would crumble yours@Katherine. I crumbled my first clutch after some hatched, and it went well.
  3. ORD! Happy birthday tiny snail! When mine started hatching I floated the clutch on a styrofoam piece in the breeder box when I wasn’t able to watch it. I did put a piece of paper towel on the styrofoam and let an edge of it hang in the water so that the clutch would always be on a moist surface. I don’t know if the paper towel was a good idea or not, maybe @Guppysnail knows. I did it because the styrofoam would not stay damp, and I felt like they should always touch a moist surface. The snails will smell the aquarium water when they hatch and will jump in. I would recommend moss. Mine really liked moss. Powdery foods are good, if you can get them to coat the walls of the breeder box by stirring them in that would be beneficial, as most of them will probably start off by washing the windows. 🙂
  4. I did salt on the first round so I want to ensure correct dosing. With all the water changes, do you think the salt from course 1 is gone? I changed water after course 1, 20% at a time til I got to 100%. I plan to do the same to remove the Jungle/Kana.
  5. Here’s where we stand, Dr. @Colu. (Rapid breathing because they just got netted) To recap First course- Maracyn, Ick X, Salt Second course- Kanaplex, Jungle
  6. Prime has been known to give a false ammonia reading. @nabokovfan87 has a water aeration testing method that maybe you can try?
  7. However, if dechlorinator doesn't remove chloramine, a water change would add ammonia back. I like to buy products that remove both chlorine and chloramine, but I'm like "most people" that Cory mentioned in the video. I haven't tested chlorine and chloramine at the tap. I don't want to buy a test kit just for that. Maybe one day I will take it to LFS and have them test.
  8. So in other words, it's a pain in the butt.
  9. I did the 30% water change this morning and added the carbon to the top of the sponge filter. The buddies ate good. I gave them some frozen brine shrimp. They had been on a 5 day fast during the Kanaplex/Jungle Fungus treatment. I plan to do another water change this afternoon and transfer them to a clear container for their check-up.
  10. An autofeeder could be an idea?
  11. Pretty neat. Sometimes I see these guys while diving. I love them.
  12. That was very beautiful to watch. They are so graceful and patient; very methodical in their strategy. You have beautiful fish @Brandon p.
  13. Here's the guidelines for salt treatment, but as @Guppysnail advised, make sure there are no snails in the tank before using it. Also the post mentions a certain catfish that cannot tolerate salt. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish#:~:text=Level 1 Treatment&text=Add 1 tablespoon (Tbsp) of,small cup of water first.
  14. Just make sure the pH doesn't drop below 7.
  15. Yeah when you said 40-50 I was thinking... 5 gallon tank?! Um... Houston, we have a problem! 🙈 LOL! Well now you get to have fun stocking the 5 gallon with something else later. 🙂 Silver lining! You could always post on the Nextdoor app later on, if you have that. Or do like I'm doing, run an ad in one of the really small town newspapers. Because we can't tell by the pictures, how big are the snails? I needed a magnifying glass at first to see ANY sort of details. Although I was able to see if they were traveling, without magnification. I just had to watch them for a few. Seems like yours are a bit bigger than the sesame seeds that I had. To put it into perspective, mine could be sucked up into an irrigation syringe easily. I also had trouble telling them apart from egg yolk.
  16. Nope. I feed frozen or live brine shrimp, assorted vegetables, krill flakes, sinking cichlid pellets. The Gold Bond is good. It doesn't clear up the irritation but it's really awesome for hydrating. The CeraVe was expensive and pretty sure I'm allergic to that one because my skin felt like it was on fire after I applied it. Tossed that one out. $$$ Most days I don't use any lotion, perfume, etc whatsoever because I know I'll be working in the tanks (ie: the baby snail growout tank gets water changes 2x daily). Even so, I get paranoid and scrub hands & arms before touching any tanks "just in case". I always worry I'll introduce something foreign into the water that will be bad for them. I'm just extra cautious, I guess.
  17. Earlier this week, I got an upgrade. I'm in love with this guy's tank refiller 9000 because I have sand. It works brilliantly, so I wanted to support his small business again. The test tube holder has a lip that sits under the tubes, and there is space underneath that so that the tubes can be inverted & drained. Plus it's small enough to fit into the little box that holds my bottles and notepad, etc. Came with a free pipette - good for measuring dechlorinator for the smaller tanks.
  18. What the best way to cut the trim? I use sheet metal shears, but they don't do that great a job. It gets it done, but it ends up real raggedy looking.
  19. How many gallons due you think the gumball machine will hold? Any stocking ideas yet? Well, I mean, you’re guppy guy, so.. I think maybe guppies?
  20. A couple came today and adopted 4 snails. They are setting up a 160 gallon but the snails will go into a smaller, established tank for now. They already have 2 mystery snails (1 gold, 1 ivory) and were very knowledgeable about parameters and calcium requirements for snails, etc. They told me they believe if you adopt a creature, you should do your homework first on its care. They were very excited and have kids that love aquariums too. I gave them a care sheet anyway, but they are already feeding their snails zucchini and cucumber. My babies are gonna be spoiled over there. ORD 😍
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