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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Check up. What do you guys think? Recap for this round: 8/14-8/18 Maracyn / level 3 salt 8/18-today level 3 salt @Colu @nabokovfan87
  2. My husband and I have been together for 16 years but married for 3. This month we hit our 3rd anniversary. There are traditions for each year. 1st year paper, 2nd year cloth, 3rd year leather. I got him this teepee. It was handmade in New Mexico. It’s an ornament. See the smoke? Lol He said he got me something too but it didn’t arrive. (He never gets me stuff. Christmas, yes, something small, but he doesn’t do the Valentines or anniversary thing or whatever. We just go to the steakhouse, and that’s cool. They make a good, smoky Old Fashioned there.) So I’m puzzled what he has up his sleeve at this point. Anyway, he had it shipped direct to a store. So he went to the store to pick it up and here they had sold it to someone else! His order! He was venting about it and said he had them reorder it and it was suuuper late getting here (anniversary was the 9th). Today it arrived USPS. He had me open it. It was this wallet! I want you guys to know I’m a Walmart girl. I never had any name brand thing like this before, nor do I yearn for things of status and prestige. I love simple and frugal; that’s how I roll. Functionality is what’s important. But wow… this is adorable. I love it! I will use this until it falls apart! 😍 Also I like little purses anyway, and he noticed that preference as well.
  3. You want to make sure they are like pea sized before attempting to move them.
  4. Lately I've taken to holding onto the side of the bucket, keeping a finger in it so I can feel water. It's not my favorite thing to be bent over while vac the tank, but we do what we gotta do I guess (p.s. doesn't work if your water level indicator finger has already been in the tank and is already at tank temp.. how do I know this..) Sometimes I put the bucket on a stepstool so I am not bending as much. If I'm not lazy, and actually get the stepstool (which is right next to the tank..)
  5. I ordered a custom baffle that will stay on despite a fat snail trying to squish herself behind it. It looks like this. This guy custom makes baffles for TONS of filters. Can’t beat it for fifteen bucks. Also the other morning when I was zoning out vacuuming some detritus, I overflowed my bucket. Good times, good times.
  6. This works well with the smaller siphons, but we are wondering the best way to get the extra long siphon going. The rigid part is quite tall and awkward. I might try to do something with this, as that siphon bulb by Python is expensive for just a bulb. Might attach to an undergravel filter riser tube so I have a more narrow intake.
  7. 1) What a pain. Wire brush could be helpful as well? (Literally the toothbrush did nothing - as you know.) 2) Slow progress > No progress Does that stuff get into the filter and continue to grow?
  8. What's funny is when my tetras start to do the feeding frenzy over it and then put the brakes on like, oh wait, nevermind. Abort! Abort!
  9. Well yeah, didn't we all - but I don't always get it right 🤣 and good thing I have tile because if I get a mouthful I instantly spit wherever my face is pointed (one time into the QT tote which is sitting on the floor - sorry lil fishies [don't worry, they were fine; I helped them with extra bacteria, heh.]) *pptooey* I quit sucking roundabouts the time I got detritus worms in the tank... LOL!
  10. I'm just picturing this dude walking to the sink with a full aquarium; his review explains that's what he was doing before he got the vac. 🤣
  11. With a tube that long, wouldn't it be a pain to get the flow started?
  12. I'm not following. Would they be less active in cooler temps? I could give a Wondershell a whirl - thing is, shells look healthy. Except Dot's shell, which is paler than the rest. Couldn't hurt though, right? Would I need to keep an eye on certain parameters when using a wondershell? Currently using Easy Green in there. I'm confused because up to this point, I had a lot of activity. I could try fasting them. I wonder for how long? Some people do like, a 2 day fast before shipping snails out. Maybe I could try that too. Do you use any kind of liquid minerals @Guppysnail or just the wondershell?
  13. I have a 29 gallon, and quite frankly, I'm tired of getting my arm wet. At the same time, most gravel vac intakes are too big to get around my big ol' piece of spiderwood. I'd like a longer and more narrow tube so I can spot clean in crevices around hardscape, as well as a bulb to get the flow started. Has anyone found or made a product like this?
  14. Thank you for adopting them @Woogie23. You've spent your time and your money, but you're making the world a better place.
  15. Oh, Amazon.... how I love thee...
  16. Ughh. The old tank had a chlorine reading. 😞
  17. It does, keep using the prime on water changes so it is nontoxic. And the bacteria in a bottle.
  18. My mystery snail poop is like dust. Like if you were to pinch sand between your fingers then drop that sand into the tank
  19. I need a little help understanding mineral needs for snails. Dot remains on her back. Other snails are starting to hibernate/burrow or something or are slow or perhaps unhappy. The big 3 are 0/0/5. The others are PH 7. KH 80 GH 180 temp 78; it’s a self adjusting heater that stays at the 78, but I do ck the thermometer anyway to be sure. Is there anything else I can do for these guys? Been trying to do better job of detritus cleanup on the substrate, although parameters are not impacted by this. Plant growth has really taken off in there; lots of plants, esp floating anacharis. I don’t test calcium. I figured I have hard water so I’m ok there?? Also I provide cuttlebone and calcium rich foods. I thought about wondershell but my water is already really hard. Isn’t wonder shell for people with softer water? But could I be missing minerals, I don’t know. Any thoughts? @Guppysnail @Katherine
  20. Did you incubate the hard part of the clutch again? This is what my tote looks like. For simplicity sake you could also consider a submersible light. Actually I ended up notching that corner so that I did not have to move lines when I removed lid.
  21. Agreed, these are not mystery snail eggs.
  22. Hi Pennsylvania folk! I was born & raised in Shamokin, then I lived in da Burgh for like 8 years! 🖤💛 I live in the southern U.S. now.
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