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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Looks like my Dodger, which I believe is a blue snail. (Photo shows new shell growth color difference)
  2. Do they swim if disturbed? In a squiggly type motion? Do they have a triangular shaped head? Do they seem to be suctioned onto things or just hiding under objects?
  3. @TeeJayyou should start putting your journal links in your signature line now that you have a couple journals. Go to first entry of a journal, above that click share, copy link. Go into your account, in the settings, find signature. type some words into the signature line, highlight those words, then click the little link button (looks like a chain) and paste the link there. The words you typed should then have an underline and be clickable. — But on a smartphone you might have to click the … on the initial journal entry to get that journal link.
  4. Very nice! My main tank is a 29 gallon as well. @TeeJay you are now conducting an experiment and must report your findings. 😉 Gumball and Brownie! ORD😍 And then don’t forget Carmello in the other tank. The big chonker baby snail. (Your daughter must like sweets) 🍬 I saw a beautiful guppy in the LFS a few weeks ago. A brilliant red one. The whole body was royal red, and I think the tail was snowy white. Almost bought it, had it not been for the qt tote already being occupied with a confirmed sick resident. Alas, I had to pass on that opportunity.
  5. Holy smokes! Button went on a grand adventure! I wanted to get a good vacuum on that snail tank. Pulled 3 decorations after inspecting them. Placed them on top of qt tote. Did the vac. Replaced decorations in tank. Aged some water. Meanwhile time to work on qt tote next. I always do that one last so no cross contamination. Removed lid, set it upside down on the floor. Got the fishy out with one dip of the beer pitcher. Awesome! No netting today! Great for everybody! Into the specimen container goes the fishy- doing great! Left him in specimen container and walked back to qt to begin the water change. Looked down at the ground to watch where I was walking. And who was it on the INSIDE of the qt tote lid? Button! She must have camouflaged in the anubias on the spider wood I pulled, then snailed her way off and down through one of the holes in the tote lid while I was vacuuming the other tank, ending up on the other side of the lid. Lid she was on: She got kerplunked back into the snail tank and had a soft landing on the Christmas moss. She is immediately business as usual, tidying up the glass again. (Can’t even tell I vacuumed that sand, can you? That’s just kinda how it goes in the snail tank. I do have a fair amount of plant melt in there, plus ya know, snail doodoo).
  6. That happened to one of the first fish I had as a kid. I still don’t know why. It’s body stayed contorted into a curved shape and it just went in circles. We had to make the same decision. ☹️
  7. Do you ever notice the other fish nipping at this fish, especially at feeding time? Lately I noticed my pristella tetras doing this to one little guy. He ended up getting sick because he couldn’t get to the food or handle the stress. He’s off on his own now in a quarantine tank. He was quarantined and recovered before, but when I added him back, everyone picked on him again. Then he became sick again, so back to quarantine he went. He’s doing fine but people told me I need to increase the school size. Shopkeepers like to say 6 in a school but hobbyists are saying it really should be more than the 6. It’s like they have a pecking order. Or, it could just be illness in general. How long have you had the fish, and what is the temperature of the tank? If your fish does gets picked on at mealtime, he may have quit trying to compete.
  8. I’d agree with this @Fish Folk. I realize I might not get the full effect with my light pool filter sand. Scroll up to the photos from yesterday though. Pretty good, eh?
  9. @redfish LOL! Congrats on your new ram! You will love the little personality! Sometimes they swim backwards too which is fun. I actually alternate between 3 main foods: Hikari cichlid gold “sinking” mini pellet (if pellet too big for ram’s mouth, crush it) - someone said there is one called micro pellet. Get that one if you can. But definitely sinking, they are scavengers. Frozen brine shrimp Xtreme krill flakes (and then she takes it upon herself to “help” the snails eat their food - squash, asparagus, and Soilent green Repashy.) @Fish Folk says foods with carotenoids bring out their color.
  10. Here’s the link. Mine’s in production. He does them custom, based on requests - custom to filter brand, choose your color, message him with desired features, and he will message back with photos of options for you. I asked for one that is appropriate for a waterline 1” down.
  11. I unplug the filter and remove the intake tube. That way no one gets sucked in. It is a pain in the butt, but it keeps plant matter out and also houses BB.
  12. Well, I hadn’t planned on this but someone that adopted snails before contacted me again for more. I had them marked as sold in Nextdoor but she private messaged me. I told her 2 left, that leaves me with 4 babies. I’m ok with that. I know how to get more snail babies if I want them! And I could not allow her other tank to be without snails. Unacceptable!
  13. @Lexi B I sure hope you have tile. SAME. 🙄 I left a hose in there, and gravity drained the water out while I was outside rinsing sand. Poor fish had 1" to swim in, and the filter was making such an awful noise running dry. GOOD THING I had unplugged the heater before maintenance. (Everybody was ok, but it did cause stress - they were all panicking for sure.)
  14. That sounds good. Get plastic plants that are as tall as your tank so that the field of vision is broken up, and they are not seeing each other all the time.
  15. Yeah I know.. the big box store. But I went in there to ask for some [fish] bags a few weeks ago, as I believed at the time I was going to transport snails. The associate gave me 5 bags and asked me if I was moving, and I told him I was moving the snails: taking them to an aquatics club meeting. He's a total fish nerd; he was working in the reptile department, then they moved him to aquatics and he caught the bug. Now he's got a fish room at home with fresh AND saltwater tanks. Big box doesn't sell saltwater, and he buys all of his fish, fresh & salt, from the LFS whenever he can. Go local! Woohoo! Anyway he started asking me about snails: how I raised them, what's the best thing for them to eat, etc. Of course he asked about algae wafers, but then I told him crab cuisine is even better and explained the calcium. I went in there 2 days ago looking for Wondershell. They were out of it, but when he saw me, he excitedly told me - I remember what you said about the snails, and every time I sell a snail I have the customer buy Crab Cuisine! I looked at the rack where the crab cuisine should be. SOLD OUT! I'm internally cheering, and I told him that's awesome! Then he went on to tell me all about his saltwater tanks, and Octopus Teacher (netflix) and all kinds of stuff. Also told me all about the crayfish in the store molting. 🙂 I think he just likes when a knowledgeable customer comes in that he can get nerdy with. He's fun. I told him to get some Flamingo Tongues* last time I was in there, because they're cool. But when I saw him this time he said he did the research, and they eat all the plants/corals. Makes sense. When I dive, I always see them attached to seaweed or coral. Oh also major props to this guy because he replumbed some stuff to ensure they have a proper quarantine area that is not connected to any of the other tanks. This big box is not great by any means. I avert my eyes from the betta section, especially. I don't buy fish there, and that's where I rescued Dodger from bully fish (I HAD to). Just equipment and the plants in the tubes, sometimes I will buy those. But it's great to know there is someone that cares about each fish's requirements. He always tells me he tries to research what each one needs, and tries to provide that for them while they are in the store. And he can better educate the buyers as well. *Flamingo Tongue:
  16. Looking pretty at breakfast time. She even fed at the surface today with the school (but she still received deposits at her cave entrance. Shh.. And she know that, and gets them afterwards.) @nabokovfan87
  17. From what I can tell, those look like containers of cookies & cream ice cream!
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