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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. @Guppysnail has started a movement with these clay pot saucers! They sure are convenient.
  2. How awesome!!!! Great Kodak moment! What time was she laying them?
  3. I mean, they are vacuum cleaners. Have you named your pandas yet? Here's some ideas. Bissell, Hoover, Dyson, Dirt Devil...
  4. I am doing a gallon-per-day water change for 5 days. This will get us to a level 2 salt. Little guy had one brine shrimp today but refused to eat any additional. I feel bad for him so I added a new plastic plant. (Yeah, I know about decorating when there’s illness. But I do a bleach disinfect after quarantines.) Here’s his new digs. He’s checking it out! This plant is actually small enough to stand up in there. The other one is too tall but I’m leaving it there for BB until he moves out.
  5. I continue the 2 day fast to try to get lethargic snails moving around. Most everyone was traveling yesterday, but today half are traveling and half are napping. After days of inactivity, Dot moved! Only 1 inch, but I’ll take it! So she’s off the hook for the sniff test today. And she’s not on her back. Finally.
  6. Husband: Hey, what came from Amazon? Me: A toner cartridge and a ream of paper for the printer. Husband: Oh, I though you were going to say aquarium stuff! 😳
  7. You’ll want to keep an eye on those parameters with the powdery foods. Uneaten flake can pollute pretty quickly! It took me time to get the quantity right for my little ones.
  8. @Woogie23 remember that test strip you showed us. It had a chlorine reading. I’d pitch the stuff. Don’t take a chance. These guys have been through enough and water conditioner is fairly cheap.
  9. Oh yes, it works awesome for brine shrimp! I prefer to feed brine shrimp this way because if I put the whole block in, most of it falls to the ground and they ignore stuff on the ground. You can get the irrigation syringe at pretty much any drug store.
  10. I use the turkey baster for food because it has a bigger opening. But I use this to just move tank water into the ice cube trays, or into the test tubes.
  11. Basically. I think it’s called an irrigation syringe. There’s no needle. I use it to fill my test tubes for the perfect fill to the line.
  12. I’m on Team Feeding Dish too! Makes for easy cleanup if there’s leftovers. Turkey baster it up and nothing falls in the substrate. If I realize I’ve overfed right away, I suck it up and freeze it in tank water. Like this. Later thaw out and turkey baster it back in. Saves $$$.
  13. So I made a thing? Friend gave me a resin kit for Christmas two, maybe three years ago. I didn’t know what the heck to do with it so I let it collect dust. It has molds in it to make, I don’t know, flat discs that you can embed stuff into. (?) And a bunch of pigments and glitters. Again I’m thinking like.. ??? Anyway, I was going to list it on eBay but thought, eh.. maybe I will just “try” something. So I made this koi pond with pool filter sand and some stuff I collected from the yard. I don’t know how it will cure. I will know in a few days. It’s little. This is a ramekin.
  14. Dot is on her back still, in the same spot. She’s all tucked in tight. Sniff check. Ok. Left her on the cuttlebone. Ordered Wondershell since LFS doesn’t carry it, but the shipping time wasn’t great. Fasting them today to see if that helps with activity level. It seems to so far because everybody else is busy “cleaning their room.”
  15. Truth. Here’s some carrot snowflakes they left as gifts. Sand before: Sand after:
  16. Oh. I see how this could be confusing. I didn’t dose level 3 salt on the 18th. I just meant that he remains at level 3 salt. That’s his current treatment.
  17. 25% on the 18th 20% today All while adding back the necessary salt to stay at level 3. I know that left him with some diluted Maracyn but a mesh bag of fresh carbon was also placed on top of the sponge filter after treatment. Food extreme krill and frozen brine shrimp. He eats a little. Seems to lose appetite after about 3 bites. The first bite or 2 though, he seems excited and charges the food. Dose is based on water change. Ie: 2 gal water replaced means add 2 T salt back.
  18. They are fun to watch, aren’t they? Also anytime you get a clutch that you don’t plan to hatch, freeze it, then crush, then discard. This is humane and ensures no development.
  19. That’s ok. That has happened to part of a clutch I had as well. It’s like half of the clutch hatched and half was hard. We can look at it as population control.
  20. I love reading your journals so much, @TeeJay. ☺️ The baby snails are so cute! I am sure they are loving the bacter ae. Convenient you had that on hand. Did the harder pieces of clutch do anything else in the incubator?
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