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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I was feeding quite a bit but now I’ve adopted most of the babies out. I have the little cubes in the freezer now and just take some out when I need them.
  2. I don’t think I will feed asparagus again. Dodger didn’t like it and the babies stayed on it for awhile, then got bored with it. If it were a green bean, they’d stay on it until it was gone. York, however, loved it. But she loves everything. Except maybe the calcium chip. Seems everyone is turning their snoots up at those lately. Some different flavored ones are sold on Crayfish Empire. Might be something to consider later. I've got plenty of food right now!
  3. I just float the pothos cutting, leaves & all, in the tank. It usually sinks, but still remains healthy looking when completely underwater. I haven't tried this for an extended period of time, but about 1-2 months or so.
  4. I think @Katherine got some of the pink ramshorns fairly recently.
  5. I takes me a large cup of ice to get from 89 to 78 (24-ish ounce cup), but I have to do 2 cups of ice to take it from the 103 down to the 78. I just do that in a 2-gallon bucket. That works well for changing the 10 gallon tank, but for the 29 gallon tank, I would do 2-3 buckets worth. All this only takes about 5 minutes (per bucket) for the ice to melt and for it to get to the right temp. I use an instant read meat thermometer to check. I'm also adding the ice while the faucet is filling the bucket. It's better for me to do water changes in the morning before it gets hot. Then I don't have to mess with ice.
  6. I find Repashy super easy to slice. It stays nice & firm, and you can cut to whatever size you want. Also the shelf life for prepared Repashy is 2 weeks in fridge and 6 months in freezer. I add calcium carbonate to Soilent Green Repsashy for snail shell health.
  7. It's amazing how a piece of driftwood can instantly make a tank look cool. 😎
  8. I want the shells to be thicker on those tiny ones, so I might go to the 75. I'm having a hard time with water temp at the tap. Yesterday it was 103! My pipes run through the attic. I always add ice cubes if I'm water changing in the afternoon. In the morning I can get 78 out of the tap.
  9. Here’s the other guy that went through treatment and rejoined the gang. Look how happy he is. He just had a nice meal too, as you can tell from his gut. 😊
  10. I found this information regarding temperature for mystery snails: 68-72 – Best for promoting thick shells and slower growth rate. Recommend temperature for newly hatched mystery snail until they are pea sized. Often adult mystery snails will be less active and less likely to breed/lay clutches at this temperature. 73-75 – Ideal temperature, mystery snails will still be active but still able to focus on the shells thickness rather than length. 76-84 – This is breeding & laying clutch temperature. Mystery Snails will be extremely active, which means a lot of mating. However, this temperature will also promote a fast shell growth rate leading to thinner and more brittle shells. Source: https://mysterysnailguardians.com/ideal-environment/ Does anyone have any thoughts or experience with this? I wonder why York has a growth line. She's been in the same tank for a long time. It makes sense for Dodger because he recently came from the pet store and/or wherever else he was before that.
  11. If only the mosses we actually want to have would do this. 😆 Maybe you need like, 100 shrimp to help you. What you need are critters that like to nom on the stuff so you don't have to do so much work. Well that stinks. 😐
  12. Yesss!!! Please please please!
  13. Live baby brine shrimp is also good for the young mbuna fry. You'd just need an airstone, salt, a mason jar, and shrimp eggs.
  14. @nabokovfan87 can you remove any of the algae with a toothbrush after the treatment? Does it release its grip at all?
  15. The unwell snail was on his back at the rear of the tank last night. I can’t see back there, really. I had to move a bunch of stuff to complete headcount. So I did the same as before - moved him to food dish, then he started snailing around. I think we are ok now. I have 3 minis - 2 apparently have stunted growth and one is the little guy with the dark shell and foot that I “found”. I need to keep a close watch on them because they are significantly more lethargic than the larger ones. You can see all 3 in the pic with the dish.
  16. "I Am A Snail" If you listen carefully here (turn on closed captions because the song speeds up quite a bit later) it starts w/ the "pet store conditions" and then it proceeds to give all of the instructions on how to care for your mystery snails. These guys liked one of my snail asparagus videos; they said I snailed it (by giving vegetables). LOL
  17. I think you meant to tag @anitstuk on this one.
  18. Hmm.. did you change water recently? Sometimes the water companies make changes to water chemistry and it comes as a surprise to hobbyists. Leaves will help to lower pH (catappa leaves, Indian almond leaves, etc)
  19. That’s a good idea. Gives it a bit more grip and resistance.
  20. Finally changed out to old hood to a versa top. More light is illuminating the tank now. Before & after. Versa tops are annoying to trim and they never seem to fit right, but they sure do look nice.
  21. I can tell it’s doing something TeeJay! A few eggs look plumper, a few eggs look like they are starting to turn white. That’s good! I bet these ones will hatch soon.
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