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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. These neons both had what I believed to be scarring. If you scroll up a few post to their last photos in the specimen container you will see the marks but they were almost gone. They remained in treatment for a few extra weeks to see if it would resolve. During this time it got better. But now one of the neons that was added back two days ago looks worse (spot brighter white, raised) and has been removed. @Colu Do I do level 3 salt at this point or something else? @nabokovfan87
  2. The bigger neon is recovering well and the littler one had to go back to qt. 😭 His symptoms got worse instead of better.
  3. Well, great. The little neon presented symptoms again. His patch became brighter white and raised up. He was moved back out to qt. What now? The bigger neon is doing well and is even being bossy of other neons. His patches look the same, maybe even more faded.
  4. My notebook is almost full. Got myself a new spiffy one from Dollar Tree.
  5. The ram is carting off the squash I put in there for the snails! 😂 @nabokovfan87
  6. Thanks. I picked up some tall plants today to try to break up the middle area where disputes happen. Oddly enough everyone is very peaceful now, in the afternoon. So, I’m thinking feeding time is the main problem. I plan to get more tetras but they are going to have to go through quarantine.
  7. Over time I have had losses due to old age or illness in schools of tetras. I'm now left with 5 pristella tetra and 4 black neons. I noticed that they have been nippy and chase each other. The pristellas only nip the neons, they don't nip each other. The neons also nip other neons, but not the pristella. The neons are getting the raw deal here. Is this because of school size or something else (territory, etc)? They are in a 29 gal with one ram and 3 snails.
  8. The neons are utilizing all of the tank space and look healthy, but I am seeing nipping, both amongst the neons as well as pristellas nipping the neons. The neons are also darting quite a bit. I worry I don’t have big enough schools. (4 neons, 5 pristellas)
  9. With the baffle in place, the Bolivian ram settled in for a good night’s sleep at the back of the tank. She’s usually always in the front. I’m glad to see she is now more comfortable using other tank space.
  10. I added a filter baffle to the tank, and the Bolivian ram settled in for a good night’s sleep at the back of the tank. She’s usually always in the front. I’m glad to see she is now more comfortable using other tank space.
  11. The black neons are now back in the main tank, and the tanks and room are dark for a good night’s rest.
  12. The buyer is purchasing the clutch? Is this the second/third clutches you are incubating now or the one that hatched a week or two ago? Would you recommend keeping the condensation as is within the incubators? I
  13. 2 black neons have recovered from columnaris, and none of the other tankmates were affected since I quickly moved them out to quarantine. Tonight they are rejoining the group. They’ve been treated, with breaks in between, from 7/9 - 8/11. They do have some scarring from the illness which I hope will heal up. Photos with circles are from last week, and the other photos are from today.
  14. When I did it I would make sure the bottom one was always damp, and sometimes I would change the top one. Maybe every 2-3 days. If it was just slightly damp that was ok with me. I just didn’t want it soaked. I did wipe condensation off the lid of the incubator as well.
  15. Fish are looking about the same. They ate well this morning, and every day, really. I’ve been feeding them brine shrimp and krill flakes. Currently on drip acc, about the rejoin the gang just as lights go out for the night. Quarantine tote is going to stay up as I monitor things. Just in case.
  16. The little snail, Dodger, was cruising along the bottom and the current was so strong it lifted him up and sent him backwards. And his little antennae were flapping about. Definitely was too much flow. I think the baffle was needed for quite some time. The pristella tetras seem to appreciate the current, and the ram stays in the front. We know she is really social though. I'd be interested to see if she enjoys swimming about in the back of the tank more now that the flow issue has been taken care of.
  17. These deals keep the floss away from the wheel, without them the floss drifts forward with the water flow and stops the wheel.
  18. It's got to be the eggs, rather than the fish, that survived in drought, and when you added water the eggs hatched. The eggs were probably attached to the equipment you are using. Congratulations on your babies! Time to get a plastic tote so they can have more gallons.
  19. True. Even if the root tabs were green when you planted them, they tend to be white when they come to the top of the substrate and look like goo.
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