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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I went to war with my wiring, with a new weapon: However I lost, and both of these are being returned. These are hard to plug into and remove plugs from. I can’t seeing myself giving a fierce tug with my hand behind a floor tank. It just seems like it could be a disaster. I made a big mess of the wiring in the process of trying this out and reverting back. I resorted to 2 smaller power strips and some garden ties to kind of tidy things. (Still have the cyber power with outlets pretty full plus a power strip plugged into that, plus all the wall outlets used up.. The process was pretty annoying; one has to be a contortionist to be crawling around and reaching behind tanks to do the things. But anyway.. looks pretty decent now. A bit satisfying. The last thing is to put some kind of sound absorbing stuff under the air pumps. I wonder if a piece of yoga mat would work.
  2. Spike showed stress when I checked on him last night so I did the 50% water change early. He had 7 hours of expel-P yesterday. This afternoon I dosed the PraziPro. He doesn’t seem to mind the Prazi.
  3. I’ve got a new fish coming, and I just now learned the fish may* be coming from a 6.5 pH, and my tap water is a 7.5. The fish is already in transit. Any advice? *per strips. Liquid test will be done on source water tomorrow to confirm. My tank: Amm 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5 PH 7.5 gH 150 kH 180
  4. Maracyn almost always crashes my cycle. Not immediately but like halfway through the course. Paracleanse does not. Just test daily, have some Seachem Prime dechlorinator on hand. Water change with the Prime to reduce ammonia and nitrite levels if any exist. Prime detoxifies ammonia and nitrite for 24 hrs. Also if you can pick up a good bottled bacteria (ie: Fritz Zyme 7), to rebuild your bacteria colony if/when necessary, that would be a good tool to have in your fish room.
  5. Yep, agreed. I did the soak beginning on 11/7 (preventative). It ended 11/14, water change 25% with siphoning and added carbon. 2 week rest period. Thanks @Colu, I did a water change and siphoned and the Expel-P is in and I blacked out the tank. I have Prazi Pro on hand as well. I don’t know if the Prazi step is necessary though because they already had praziquantel 11/7-11/14 (paracleanse) The powder I did try. I can’t tell where it goes or if it gets consumed. He will periodically eat the prepared stuff too, other days he won’t touch it. Idk LFS was out of fry food; I might powder up some flake.
  6. No, bottom dwells. Disinterest in food half the time. Periodically likes to hide in shady areas but does explore too. I only put the light on for wellness checks. Does sift sand too, a common ram behavior for foraging. Often will sift near food but not eat the food.
  7. Re: wasting disease I believe levamisole is the best course. First off, if Spike’s been through most of a course of preventative Paracleanse previously (5 days out of the 7 days the embers had) and still has the issue, probably is different type of parasite. Expel-P is what I will start with, given he doesn’t want to eat half the time. I will try to offer the laced flake also though just to try. Expel-P was recommended on @Colu commonly posted disease thread and also in another post by @Odd Duck when @xXInkedPhoenixX was treating her rescue bettas. Also @Odd Duck had mentioned it is gentler on the fish, so, win win. The flake contains garlic for palatability. Thanks @Guppysnail for sharing med foods. 🥰 LFS opens up in about an hour and carries the Fritz line. Was hoping today would be a pajama day, but we gotta do what we gotta do for our scaly children. I shared the issue with her and a photo of Spike’s belly. She said hers had been eating well, but when she gets back from a trip (returns Tuesday) she is going to have a closer look at her female. If her ram has same symptoms we can share meds.
  8. You guys, I am worried about little Spike. He’s not putting on weight and may even be skinnier. He ate a live worm yesterday and rejected the rest and went into hiding. He rejected other foods today and is looking more inactive. I have various med foods, I just want to make sure I use the correct one. Many times I have to remove excess food because he doesn’t want to try it. 😞 He has good days and bad days with eating. Today is a bad day. i have been following the ACO paracleanse 7 day soak, and right now they are finishing up the 2 week rest in between. I’m supposed to do another 7 day soak to kill eggs that may have hatched or something? I wonder should I move forward with that or maybe I can still do that in conjunction with the medicated food. Oh also there is level 1 salt in the tank.
  9. Passed the CPA exams. 🥳 I’m about to make a job change; I’ve been interviewing etc. After job change I will have the budget! Right now I’ve been window shopping stands, and I cannot find one I trust. Most of them are fiberboard and I can’t stand that. The metal ones don’t have storage cabinets. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  10. I still have PhosPure from Dr. Foster & Smith. I would like to reduce phosphate too because the hair algae in the shrimp tank tries to run rampant. I’ve been keeping it at bay by keeping the lights off. I read that PhosPure is rust! I wonder if that’s true? That sounds like a terrible idea, no?.. adding metals (essentially) to shrimp tank.. and yet the product claims to reduce heavy metals so.. idk, I would need to research further before using this again. I know it is ok with fish though.
  11. New QT setup for baby pleco. Isn’t it beautiful? 😂Just leak testing now. Will add a hide in a day or two. I think I will get the pleco sometime during the workweek or next weekend. It takes the car ride on Monday.
  12. I enjoy the flower for a day or two, then I cut it at the base of the plant so the plant can focus its energy again on leaves.
  13. Live white worm feeding! Thank you for the cultures @Guppysnail! Snoopy @ 0:10 Spike @ 3:44 Here’s a shorter video < 1 min
  14. @Guppysnail you seem to always get good photos of yours, but some folks say theirs are nocturnal. I wonder if mine is the early bird or the night owl.
  15. Alright, saw a Black Friday deal 2 pleco caves for $9.50 so I got in on that. One is small and the other medium. So we can upsize when baby grows. lame ad photo lacking a pleco 5.5g tanks on sale half price. Perfect for bottom shelf of 2nd stand. Man, every time I say I won’t use a bottom shelf anymore, it doesn’t work out.. 🙄
  16. My baby longfin bristlenose will be picked up for me in South FL this weekend. I just learned this today! 😅 Guess I need another QT tank! I don’t want to reset the timer on the QT I have in progress. I finally got some photos of an adult and a baby from the tank. Adult: Baby: If anyone has care tips, let me know! I’ve got some mopani wood, zucchini, green beans, squash, algae wafers, Soilent Green Repashy, and Community Plus Repashy. Other sinking food is cichlid pellets and various snail foods. I figure the Repashy and the boiled veggies to start. Oh I guess I need to pick up a pleco cave too! I think one of the 2 LFS may have one. Although I heard a pvc with the cap on the end works in the interim. I could get more than one pleco but I worry about their bioload..?
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