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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. It is garlic guard, a Seachem product. I mixed it with Repashy to entice my ram to eat.
  2. Thanks @Lennie. I don't know. My intention was not to feed this to the snails, but to the fish. The snails helped themselves. Anyway, I'd imagine if it was killing everyone's snails there would be a widespread outrage about it on the internet? I did find some snello recipes that contain garlic guard though, when I was searching. Maybe the amount of allicin in Garlic Guard is not high, or maybe it was heated to a certain point to make the Garlic Guard, which rendered it safe and that is why everyone is ok. It is very vague and hard to find info on it though, as far as how it relates to our invert friends. I don't intend to feed it in this tank any more until we can find more data.
  3. Happy to report all our snail friends are doing well. @Lennie Today they are helping clean up some fish food flakes. Spike’s tank is down to .25 ammonia. Another 50% water change with Prime. He ate some worms and has Repashy if he wants it. Snoopy is flashing today but has no other symptoms. I wonder what that’s all about. Snoopy goes through periods of flashing and then it just goes away. Like one day she will flash and then 2 weeks will go by where she doesn’t (?) I haven’t taken action because it is so intermittent and her behavior is the same. Peppy, curious, feisty.
  4. I would think Seachem garlic guard is ok? It’s a very popular product. The package says tank safe but does not mention inverts specifically. The snails are active and cruising around. They had some yesterday too.
  5. Well, Snoopy loves garlic Repashy and the snails are practically fighting over it. Even the nerites are there! .5 ammonia today still in Spike’s tank. Another 50% water change with Prime and added some seeded floss from another tank. Put that near the air in 2 sections of tank. Everyone in the tank enjoyed grindal worms today. Spike popped his dorsal fin up and went into hunting mode, swimming toward the prey in quick spurts.
  6. Found yummy stuff! This is a snail cookie. Lots of kelp, spirulina, and black soldier fly larvae, etc. Mmmm! The pleco wasn’t the only one who got a cookie.
  7. Showing the pictures I showed above, I reported back on the strips and was refunded. Customer svc 100% 💚 every time
  8. Spike is having some kind of color explosion; I began to notice it yesterday. Day 1 Spike: Today, in natural light and LED: I’m in love with those reds poppin, but the stripes.. I raise an eyebrow. Time to do some water tests. First up, ammonia liquid test. [insert several EXPLETIVES here] Now, was I doing my due diligence along the way? Indeed. But you see, Things were looking great. (This test taken immediately after liquid test above). Upon receiving said strips and first use, I had reported them as possibly faulty. Said I’ve used these before but this time the strips looked more yellow than previous orders. I mentioned that possibly moisture affected the contents of the container? Even though sealed with silica gel. Was reassured the coloration of strips is fine/normal. Accepted this response at face value and have been using them for 1+ month, but today was the true test/proof; no longer a hunch. Anyway, after the expletives kerfuffle, I did a 50% water change with a few extra dashes of Prime, and the new tank dosage amount of Fritz Zyme 7 (Dear past self, thank you for helping present self by thinking ahead and replacing the near empty container of Fritz Zyme 7, despite not having a specific purpose for it at the time.) Everything else is cool (normal readings) and these kids are ok too, but they grouped up because they didn’t like the siphon in their vicinity, plus the additional light. Spike did eat some worms for me today. When I get home again I will be moving some seeded filter media to this tank).
  9. There are 2 snello recipes in my signature line 🙂
  10. Right, this is why I’m not feeding the worms every day. Also trying to let the worm population grow. Spike may have a hard time when he goes in the main tank if he only wants worms because there’s 18 tetras in there. We have to get this sorted out before he moves. For now, I’m just glad he’s accepting some kind of food.
  11. Friend is experienced with worm cultures: larger worms. Right now she has another culture going for the axolotl. They are just a bit smaller than earthworms; I forget what they are called. Axolotl has been eating those and guppy fry. Occasionally the meat Repashy. I ate a banana on the drive to her house and told her to throw out the peel but she cut it into bits and gave it to those worms.
  12. The worm colonies are doing well. This weekend I will upgrade the container for the grindal worms. Friend asked why it seems like she never sees the white worms on the bread. I have no idea, but regardless the white worms are doing well and are nice and active. @Guppysnail? Friend was very excited today when she found a clutch in her grindal worm culture. She sent a pic:
  13. I spiked the Repashy with garlic guard today and it doesn’t seem like anybody wanted it! I left it in there and will check on it later. Spike ate worms directly from the tongs! I really wish Spike would start eating some more commercial foods. I think he did take a bite of the Repashy though right as I was leaving. The Repashy was right next to where he ate the worms.
  14. In one of Irene’s aquascaping style videos, she does mention a category called jungle tanks! And it’s literally how it sounds: let the plants do whatever. Love those killis!
  15. What I do is use the tube without the suction cups, and I point it at the fish I am trying to target feed.
  16. I found this helpful as far as getting fish to eat when they are ill. He’s using different meds, but I like the technique he’s using to make the food appetizing. I have medicated flakes that have garlic, but Spike would not eat them. Maybe if soaking in the garlic guard as well, he would consume more foods.
  17. Very awesome! I love it, and the plants are nice and heathy.
  18. I have a couple ACO heaters. They are 100% silent. Shrimps go in and out of one of them and there is still no noise at all. The one flashing EL is suctioned to the side wall so I don’t have to see it unless I look that direction. I use a floating thermometer to check temp. When I’m being redundant I will use an instant-read meat thermometer. I don’t mess around with heaters. If there is even a hint of something being wrong with it, I throw it away or try to return it. It is not worth the risk to my animals.
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