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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I took this photo this morning. The drosera sundew made a fiddlehead. Then on the other side of the house I noticed a drainfly on the wall. I killed it and gave it to the plant, then headed to work. It’s about 12 hours later, and I just arrived home, and much to my surprise… The plant made 2 more fiddleheads!😍 It caught a number of bugs on its own as well. If you zoom in, you can see them. Also for your viewing enjoyment is a short of a type of sundew capturing prey.
  2. Oh man guys, the drosera sundew caught its first mosquito! It has caught a number of little flies/gnats as well. The black thing near the mosquito’s foot is another victim. Also I smacked a HUGE mosquito yesterday with the flyswatter and fed it to the pitcher plant!
  3. I was not able to get Maracyn 2 until yesterday around 6pm. Had to call around to several LFS because I couldn’t get it shipped in any sort of timely fashion. I got home with the medicine last night but found patient too weak, unfortunately.
  4. Thanks @Odd Duck. Is Maracyn 2 effective in hard water?
  5. Not a meme but I saw this on Reddit today. Someone’s black skirt caught a housefly on its own and is proudly swimming around with it. 😍
  6. Interesting paper. The symptoms seem to match but I question the highly contagious virus part because 18 other fish show no signs or symptoms, and I have had this fish for probably a year already.
  7. I was posting about this head-and-taillight tetra on my journal, and @Odd Duck and @Colu have been helping me. The fish has been struggling to swim properly. It is in quarantine, and I tried to treat swim bladder symptoms (just in case it was that). Today I notice dark patches around the stomach of the fish. Mainly on left side. My first move was to test ammonia; it is zero. I tested a few days ago as well (either Thursday or Friday) and it was zero. @Odd Duck has been suggesting the fish got injured. I wonder if this is internal bleeding? could it be something else that is treatable and that the fish can spring back from? I’ve never seen anything like this. Scroll down for more photos. The only treatments to date have been a 15 min Epsom salt dip (maybe 2 weeks ago), then I did mild aquarium salt on the tank he was in. After that, moved to quarantine because I was losing track of him in the plants, and he was “social distancing” as well. Also a 3 day fast, then I offered peas, but he spit it out. I offered frozen cyclops today but I couldn’t tell If he ate it. He swam in and out of the cloud of it a few times so maybe he got some. I was going to epsom salt this tank next, mild dose, but now I see these symptoms. I did a water change today after the cyclops feeding. Routine weekly water change. I remove uneaten foods as well within 30 min. Also my chart has something similar but for saltwater: Actually above that saltwater fish I do see similar for freshwater also. Sorry, was hard to see on the orange fish they have on the chart. But the fish is NOT slugging or hiding so it doesn’t make much sense as a diagnosis. He's always moving. I don’t see him rest during the day.
  8. Once it’s setup you really can’t because if you uproot plants you pull the soil up into the water column. The sand layer is meant to lock the soil in place to keep balance. Me too! I knew I couldn’t throw him in a drawer to collect dust. The bamboo is gonna be perfect, and I added some aquarium gravel. So the plant is called drosera sundew and this is how it eats. Makes me feel squeamish, yet, fascinated? It can have all the mosquitos. FL is mosquito capital of the US. 🙄
  9. Here is what the Walstad jar looks like today. It still makes flowers quite often. There is still hair algae, but I tweak the Kasa timer sometimes to reduce light duration. I wait a few weeks to see how things go. And the water is pretty clear under the surface. Here the algae is pearling. I do top offs with tank water which contains some easy green and nitrates from fish waste. The trumpet snails are still in there. I rarely feed them, but they do have air and heat. They do get the occasional meat-based pellet. This snail is huge compared to the others! Yesterday I went to the Art & Foliage festival. I returned today to select some non-aquatic plants. This is a carnivorous plant that does well on a windowsill. The “spikes” at the top attract insects. When the insect lands on a leaf, it becomes trapped and the plant absorbs it. The leaves do not close like a flytrap though. It has already caught some bugs. I will keep this plant in the kitchen in case of fruit flies. It makes a sort of red dew. I guess it is an adhesive/digestive-type liquid. This is a type of pitcher plant. This one likes direct light. I chose this to keep near the African violets I’m growing in the garage because the grow light out there attracts bugs fairly often. Looking inside the “pitcher” I can see it is holding liquid and has a bug. Technically these are bog plants, so when I say they are non-aquatic, I guess that’s not entirely true. I don’t know if they could work on the surface of a Walstad jar or not but that could be a neat idea. The first fuzzy looking one has a label that says it loves humidity and works well in terrariums. However, at some point it will need to get bugs. Also the shopkeeper told me never to fertilize these plants, because the pitcher plant will stop making pitchers and the plants will no longer catch or eat bugs. Lastly, I had this little pot that I needed to put to use again, as its previous resident, the “mother of thousands” got an upgrade. So I went to see the bamboo guy, and he sold me a small trio of bamboo. This is what the mother of thousands looks like. I hook trained her more than once as she got taller and started becoming a bit unruly. She was in the little giraffe for several years! Now she made babies, so I upgraded her and am raising them up too. Look at the babies on the edge of her leaves. enjoy nature daily
  10. @Colu @Odd Duck he tried the peas but spit them out. I tried a 20 min garlic guard soak but he still wouldn’t eat them. Then I tried daphnia. Looks like he made an attempt but my daphnia is freeze dried and he is not doing well feeding from the surface; he’s clumsy. I wonder what else I could try? I have a few different Repashy, as well as flake food and floating pellets. Anything that floats is not too good for this sort of ailment, I believe. I know it may not be swim bladder I’m treating. Just trying to eliminate variables. I have live grindal worms too, as well as frozen brine shrimp. I could hatch some bbs but not sure I want to get into all that unless I have to. Tummy looks “plump”. Could be constipation. It is not as obvious as eggbinding would be.
  11. The patient was struggling in the salted 29g with the HOB, and was isolating from the group; staying near the surface. With prolific plant growth I haven’t been able to keep a good eye on him, so I moved him to QT. With my schedule I cannot do epsom dips. I think maybe I willl try the 3 day fast then feed peas remedy, unless anyone had any other thoughts? @Odd Duck @Colu
  12. I was on my way home from my parents’ house and figured, why not stop at Sea World to try out their new pipeline coaster. Whoa! So it’s a standing coaster (cars are surfboards) and the harnesses are on up & down hydraulics. Whenever it catches G’s you like, “float up” and your feet leave the surfboard. Omg was epic! Pic of coaster: And then look at this guy, so tired… until people showed up with sardines. Instantly woke up and… Random photo dump of other things; went on sky tower for the first time and got some aerial shots. Fave ride Mako, got to ride it twice due to 5 min wait. Hill for Mako. It has a 200’ drop. I think this is a wood stork. White coaster is a new one, under construction. Antarctica/Penguin theme Mako: Flamingo paddle boats
  13. The sky looked like a painting yesterday morning. Also I made a tasty cornbread today with some bean & bacon soup. I have been experimenting with our new Instant Pot. That thing cuts cooking time in half or even more. Hard boiled eggs 5 min. Baked potatoes 12 min. It did a good job with chicken thighs, as well as the soup I made today. My husband likes to use it for beef stew. Convenient.
  14. Is that the one that looks like a long, rectangular box with a red switch/lever on the end? I looked at that one but I only have 12” of water due to deep substrate and dropped waterline. That heater is like 11.75” or something and didn’t give me a lot of options on placement. That’s frustrating..
  15. Snoopy eating worms! (And I forgot to clean the glass)
  16. I’ve been using Aqueon. The other tanks have ACO heaters. I tried shopping online but there were a lot of foreign brands with overinflated reviews, so I ended up at big box and bought Aqueon again. Yeah. I think it’s because the heater came forward and now I notice it.
  17. Got the heater. Big box store this time due to convenience/location. This!! Made me happy. See what the bucket says? This is progress from what we usually see. Right @xXInkedPhoenixX? #babysteps And then just for fun, I took pictures for @Guppysnail And then this creepy guy/gal! Whoa!
  18. Heater glowing red the whole length of the tube. Not sure if it’s always done that? It is dark in the tank now, for one. But also it has come a little bit forward because its suction cups detached from the back wall. I don’t know if I’m being paranoid or not, but I really don’t know how old the heater is either. Returned to the tank a few minutes later and the heater is off; the rainbird is doing its job. Rainbird: Maybe time for a replacement heater.
  19. They had some other cool fish as well. Different types of rainbow fish, barbs, cichlids, then they have turtles, lizards, spiders, and snakes. Tons of snakes. They have floor to ceiling bins of snakes. They do have a lot of things for paludariums and vivariums, etc I just snapped random photos while I was there.
  20. Browsing through Pet Bazaar. Mom & pop shop. Many snakes! And amphibians. Snowball pleco Tigerhead pleco Peppermint? Camo Pacman Frog
  21. Omg, thank you @nabokovfan87 for sending better quality nets! Disaster prevention at its finest! I and the fishes are very grateful to you.
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