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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Video of some of the Festival of the Lion King show. Also The Lion Sleeps Tonight was a sing-along which was really fun. The tribe members sang the lyrics and one section of crowd was weemaweps. My section had the oooohweeeeeeeeeeooohweeeeeoooohhweeebummbummbuhwehhhhh! 😂 https://youtu.be/SoreB6HMkpk?si=21PziUQrYo_beN4y And now a pop quiz for you Lion King fans out there. What do you call a problem free philosophy? 🙂
  2. Animal kingdom photo dump. Went on Saturday. From the world of Pandora (Avatar): I’ve been told all these things light up at night but I was on the daytime schedule. And other things: (Zoom in to see the sponsor, hehe) Lion King show Lemur Carnosaur Red-breasted geese
  3. What is the method for seeing if a fish, shrimp, snail etc has entered the tubing, and how do you go about getting it out? Isn’t that the reason tubing is usually clear? Also how do you know when gunk is starting to accumulate in the tubing, prior to it impeding flow?
  4. My opinion is sand will be dirty. 🤣 For awhile it can be maintained but it gets to a point where it always looks dirty, particularly with overstocked tanks (like mine) or with high bioload creatures like pleco and mystery snails (also like mine) 🙄😂. To remove some of it and add new could be a solution. Or you could mix gravel into the sand to help hide things. Adding river rocks helps camouflage waste too. A catappa leaf layer is the best way to camouflage that I’ve found. But remove the leaves before they decay or it will dirty the sand…😂 Um, good luck, lol P.S. I am using pool filter sand. I’m not saying it’s better or worse than other sand. Idk
  5. Wow, there is a lot of advice going back and forth, and I’ve been trying to figure out how I can contribute without adding confusion. So first: welcome! Glad you’re here and seeking help. This is a great, positive community that you will enjoy being a part of. Ok, here we go. This is the proper way to use salt: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish @nabokovfan87 mentioned: removing carbon from your filter. I agree. Carbon removes medication from the water. Removing plastic plants. I agree. Plastic plants are ok for a lot of fish, but with bettas they result in injury and fin tears. Do silk ones, from a pet store not a hobby shop, if you must do fake. Real plants are best and help remove bad things from the water like ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Extra airstone. For sure. Meds make the water thicker and harder for fish to breathe. Bettas breathe from the surface but when at rest the airstone will help them. Do not change from one med to another. Agree. Meds stress fish. Stress can lead to more illness or death. Use them sparingly. Take several days or even a week between meds to let the fish rest, if you must change meds. Wait a period of time to see if a med worked or made the fish health worse. Testing water daily. Agree. This is critical. You should be testing for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Any reading at all on the first two is toxic to the fish and a water change must be done. Use a dechlorinator that detoxifies ammonia and nitrite such as Prime or Fritz Complete. A water change should be done if nitrates are 40+. Take care to match the temp of new water to existing water. I use a meat thermometer. Betta temperature. At least 80 degrees as @Colu recommended. I agree with @Colu’s advice on medications suggested. @Colu has invested a large amount of time in researching freshwater aquarium fish disease, and their advice has saved my fish many times. Avoid pH up and pH down products. Agree. Changing pH causes more harm than good, and in my experience it’s not necessary in most cases. What is important is stable water parameters. Catappa leaves. Yes! Great for bettas. Antibacterial and antifungal. Use alone if no issue or mild issue; use with meds when treating a moderate to severe issue. Lastly, if you can, do less. Research before adding anything to the water. You’re not making a soup. Every time something is added it will have an effect on the fish. Meds cause stress. Stress kills fish if not managed properly. But sometimes meds are indeed necessary to save a fish. Use caution and skepticism.
  6. I do not feed bee pollen, and I do not have issues. Here is a fun video I recently took. Cool! Shrimps are dope. I feed: boiled veggies catappa leaf Repashy Soilent green (as powder but also prepared. More often powder if shrimplets) Bacter AE calcium chips (crayfish empire) Kat’s Aquatics snail food (3-in-1) Hikari shrimp cuisine Sometimes: algae wafers Hikari crab cuisine snail cookies (crayfish empire) Also they are eating algae and biofilm off of things.
  7. When the light was on the dimmest moonlight setting and about to go out, I saw Flint taking the grand tour of the tank, cleaning every inch of the front glass. It’s his turf when everybody goes to sleep. So I make it a point to get the Repashy in there as late as possible so he has the proper nutrition. Also, he is very camera shy and I couldn’t capture it. But when he moves he flares and his fins are so full and beautiful and NO more splits! Fully healed! The pure white edges of his fins are JUST. SO. STUNNING. I am doing more water changes with Flint’s high bioload, but he is handsome and welcome and I don’t mind. Parameters are fine; I check nitrates and ammonia twice a week. It is just a matter of sweeping up after him. 🙂
  8. Interesting, Snoopy was actually eating those. They are calcium. She’d carry it around and then take a bite out of it like a potato chip. Then I saw her go back and finish the rest. This was after she ate worms, and vibra bites.. I guess she wanted to sample the whole buffet tonight! Also I was wondering how those snail foods ended up out of the food dish and scattered around. Now I know. 🤣 There are not many foods she doesn’t like. Loves squash, zucchini, pumpkin, Snello. But doesn’t touch broccoli or green bean. Typical kid.
  9. Thanks @Guppysnail! I wonder what @TheSwissAquarist feeds their frog
  10. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/pleco-care-guide
  11. @Guppysnail has frogs. I think she feeds them worms. What else do they eat @Guppysnail? @TheSwissAquarist?
  12. Oh man, I really tried to catch it on camera, but I couldn’t. Snoopy was carrying around these square snail foods. It was very silly.
  13. Update - Here was adoption day of ember tetras And here is today 🙂 They are grouped up enjoying some Repashy. Everyone is nice and healthy.
  14. Welcome! The tank looks great so far! Be careful with the betta vs. the snails - be prepared to separate them if needed. Antennae look like tasty worms to most bettas! I tried it and ended up having to move my snail to another tank because he was being attacked. Then again it depends on the betta's temperament. Some are nicer than others. And I love sword plants! You can also look for one called a rosette sword. They are shorter and bushier and go great in 10 gallon or even 5 gallon tanks. They do still make under gravel filters. I have one in my tank and enjoyed it, but I ended up decommissioning it (taking the tubes off) so that I could use sand. I had heard that plants do well in sand, and I am having good luck with plant growth.
  15. I love the video anyway. They are cute. Do you have the ACO apisto cave in there too as an option?
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