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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. During the rest period after the medicated food, Geppetto healed on his own, and I didn’t need to remedicate. 🎉
  2. The Repashy morning wood I gave him last night was like the size of a half of a die (dice). It was gone by morning.
  3. Thanks guys I put 2 more leaves and 1/2 tbsp salt. He’s in a 5.5gal tank. I already had one leaf in there, mainly for food, but the tannins were being removed by the carbon and the poly filter. I took the carbon and the poly filter out, and I cannot see a blue tint to the water anymore from the jungle fungus tabs. He has had three or four water changes since the medication course ended. @Colu the patches got larger. Not raised. Off white
  4. I think you’re right @Tony s. I’m not sure what’s going on.
  5. The last few days I’ve just been doing water changes. The med course was completed and there is carbon and a chunk of poly-filter in there. It is taking some time for him to heal. I did not add any salt because I’m nervous about it as he is a scaleless fish. fin is a little frayed at the edge now. Not from netting. I caught him in a solo cup. I guess it is stress from the meds. Looks a little skinny since I haven’t been feeding much while I treated. Tiny amounts. I gave him a piece of morning wood Repashy today. Sidenote: look at his cute whiskers Just for comparison, this is what he looks like when healthy. Keep in mind the lighting is way different in these photos as well.
  6. There is a freshwater fish illness called cotton mouth disease. I wonder if the issue could be that?
  7. Hampshire is in a makeshift hospital while I am gone for the day. Last night and this morning he gave me a few scares. The last few weeks he’s been slowing down. I don’t know his exact adoption date but it was before 3/15/22 according to one “headcount” in my notes. feeding ring+tupperware lid+paper towel. Mainly this is so he does not foul the tank for many hours while I’m gone… 😞 There is plenty of algae in the tank so I believe this is age-related. I devised this setup so he can crawl back into the water if/when he feels better.
  8. Yeah. in this case the fins are not the issue
  9. Checked on my buddy this morning. He is happily eating the catappa leaf.
  10. I had hydra in my shrimp tank for like a year. I never saw them snag a shrimplet or a shrimp. They were green and I believe they were eating algae and or the Soilent green Repashy powder I was using in the tank.
  11. 2nd panic of the day!!!!!1!1!!!1!!!!! I double dosed the Kanaplex! And didn’t realize it til 10 or 15 min later! I’ve been so careful to cut and weigh the JF tabs, and drop the water line by a half gallon in the 5.5 tank. But I absentmindedly doubled the Kanaplex (did 2 scoops) because my previous qt was 10 gal and dosing that amount became habit! Omg what a dum dum. Emergency 50 % water change. Flint seems fine. I, however, am about to lose my marbles over here. I will probably not dose tomorrow and just let him relax.
  12. Here is the treatment in progress. Sorry for the typos. This is a screenshot so I can’t edit. He looked too bad to not treat. I have used this treatment in the past for a different illness, columnaris, and it cleared it up every time. Hoping for good results again this time. I feel like it’s a possibility he got behind the PFS and then got all wiggly. Those things are like dish scrubbers. (Or uh, fish scrubbers?) 🙃
  13. I woke up this morning and panicked- the water in Flint’s QT tank was all cloudy. The night before I had siphoned the debris and dosed with phase 2: JF. Also the tiniest kelp nugget for him, which I believe he consumed because I didn’t see it anywhere in the tank later. Anyway, I changed 50% of the water before heading off to work. I don’t trust cloudy water. It makes me very nervous. Came home and tank is clear. Did the 3rd phase (JF + Kanaplex). Too early to tell if it’s working. He looks all bruised, as shown in the OP, poor fella. I had a small chunk of driftwood in QT because he loves wood, but I took it out. I decided it was too abrasive/too many edges could snag him. Replaced with a very smooth ceramic pleco cave, because he does want to bolt when I introduce light (only used to check symptoms). Now he has a safe place. Offered small kelp nugget again but I will check back on it in 30 min and remove it if it is still there (just in case that was the cause of the cloudy water). Also tested ammonia which is 0.
  14. Malaysian trumpet snails in the tank too (I like them) Strangely, 1 of Geppetto’s dots has disappeared. Now he only has 1 left. Medicated food still working, I guess? I did a water change for him today also, 20%
  15. Geppetto finished the course of Maracyn and he looks better but still has 2 raised white bumps on his head. Is the Kanaplex next? Should I rest him? There are 2 juvenile shrimp in the tank somewhere. And live plants. Bumps look like this on the side of his head, first photo
  16. He was relatively easy to catch on Saturday. 🙂
  17. That’s the course I was considering. No decor in the tank besides plants and spiderwood. I used to have a cave in there but took it out because he wasn’t interested in it.
  18. Hi all. Flint was at the front of the tank today, and I noticed patches on him. Is this illness or just part of his coloration pattern? Other fish in the tank are not presenting any symptoms. Temp 75 amm 0 nitri 0 nitra 25 gH 150 kH 180 pH 7.2-7.6 (hard to tell) chlor 0 Will he snag in a net? Should use a cup to catch him, yes? I have a QT tank cycled and ready to go. I have a water change and siphon on the schedule today as well. Trust me, I’m well aware of the detritus problem. Detritus collects quickly at his hangouts. Super high bioload; what you see is all from him! Water is changed/tank siphoned weekly. Update: he’s in a QT. Meds in stock are :
  19. This is a great explanation! Thanks for taking the time to post this!
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