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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. My principle is, if one fish in a tank is sick, they all could be sick, even if not showing symptoms. All these fish are new. I remove uneaten food within 30 min unless it is live worms or Repashy. 30 min because Spike is slow to act. I set a timer. Yes, Spike would have less competition for sure. I target feed Spike. I will drop the food in front of his face with tongs so he has first pick. I’m not opposed to a bucket qt for the tetras but I’m out of heaters and established media that I can move without affecting its current tank cycle. Pleco kid started qt in 2nd tank on 12/2 so maybe 1/2 he can go to the community and Spike can live in his tank. The pleco seems very healthy! (I would continue the @Odd Duck deworming treatment on both tanks in that situation.) Also the ammonia in Spike’s tank has been holding at zero! the video @Colu
  2. Spike was in the back corner behind the sponge filter this morning. Rejected the 7 white worms I dropped on his head. So I dropped like 40 grindal worms on his head and he did eat one of those. The tetras were LOVING life at this point. LOL! Spike didn’t swim but an inch, and I could see the wobble was present.
  3. I remember in college we went sledding in our laundry baskets. 🙂 How about a nice stick insect habitat? @nabokovfan87.. like, you played hockey. And yet you broke your arm on a SIDEWALK CRACK?! 😂#iceskatesbutcantwalk @TheSwissAquarist I’m so sorry you broke your arm. You need a pond pump with 1/2” tubing to do nice easy water changes (for the big tanks). And you can use smaller tubing (no pump) for the small tanks. Send that water out the window. Lol! Just cover the intake with a net so you don’t launch your critters through the tube! As @Guppysnail calls it, “the water slide ride”.
  4. Little bit of A. C. Newman. I originally discovered them when I bought a grab bag of CDs from an independent record store years ago.
  5. 2:43 also & not sure. I’ve never had a fish with a swim bladder ailment.
  6. This is a 13 min video of Spike at feeding time. It probably won’t hold your attention, but anyway. This is what’s going on. It is kind of encouraging that he is hanging near the food, and I believe I saw one or two nips at it. But you can tell the little guy is not feeling well. There is just a sponge filter and an airstone in there, and a heater. The stuff behind him is seeded filter floss, which brought balance back to the water parameters. It looked to me like the air was a little too much, maybe pushing him around? But I tried reducing it and his breathing became labored. So now I added an additional hide for if he wants some shelter.
  7. Added a small hide for Spike since he keeps tucking behind the sponge filter. Right now he is on some filter floss. He keeps wanting to scratch his belly and has been swimming with his belly dragging on the sand. The salt has been added.
  8. I did consider salt, but I am concerned with his stress. Would salt stress him, do you think? Yeah. It was frustrating because I had only been using the strips which showed 0 the whole time. ☹️
  9. Kratos was adventuring again yesterday! Nice to see the little dude. I put some Soilent Green powder in. The tank had a dash of bacter ae the other day too. I need to trim back some plants to allow some algae to grow for snails to eat. They are so tall they are covering most of the surface. Imagine that! Wanting to grow some algae! 🤣 I’ve seen the nerites in the food dish lately also.
  10. Yes, absolutely. This is likely because I had discovered my test strips were faulty. I then switched to liquid tests.
  11. I could tell Spike was stressed today after the Expel-P. Same thing last time I dosed it. He sits around and becomes inactive or slow and hides more. Here he is sitting on his little kickstands, poor fella. He did meet up with his friend but they didn’t wall surf today; they just kinda stared at each other. (The wall is already covered but the inside glass is still reflective… not much I can do about it. Seems he likes his friend though and I see energy from him when they are together.) He wasn’t too interested in noms today. He kind of was biting at the water above the food..? Like his aim was poor? Or he had reservations about consuming things. Idk. He ended up eating one live worm; nothing else. The worms are always offered last after commercial food is ignored. I left Repashy in there for the day but I doubt he ate any. He seemed to want to rest. Also this morning he made a sudden and fierce flashing back & forth on the sand, then shot all the way up to the surface, then swam casually back down, resumed his sitting.. strange. Never saw him do that before. I read that fish present flashing when parasites are being purged. I wonder if that’s what’s happening. Next up is the Prazi. The bottle says it’s “extremely safe”. I hope that means it won’t further stress him. @Odd Duck? @Colu? Good news! This morning’s ammonia test was 0. I repeated the test 2 more times. Changed 50% water anyway because I had to remove the expel-p. This evening’s test had a slight tinge of green, maybe? Could be 0, could be like, .10. Regardless, I changed 50% water again and redosed Fritz Zyme 7. Also the ammonia tests start out a little orange. I think the meds in the water are causing that. Spike’s gill inflammation or whatnot seems a little worse today. I’m not sure what that is all about or if it’s just a coloration and not an issue. The tetras in there are eating well and active.
  12. I have a bladder snail that hitchhiked into my shrimp tank on a plant, and it’s been in there like 2 months and has yet to create any friends. I guess that’s lucky.
  13. Thanks @Guppysnail. Doesn’t my dude look like he has a hillstream loach face? Here is @Katherine’s hillstream loach for comparison. But that will change when a bunch of bristles come in. I wonder when the bristles will develop. So the females don’t have whiskers?
  14. This morning we were back up to .5 ammonia. Did the 50% water change with the siphoning and the Prime (added a bit extra), and then cranked up the air and began the 1 day Excel-P treatment. This would be dose 3 of Excel-P. Tank is blacked out but I did peek in on them briefly. Sleeping as expected. I mean, what else are they supposed to do in the dark? Also @nabokovfan87 was nice enough to send several foods for Spike to try. Thank you! 🙏
  15. So I have the bristlenose pleco in quarantine, and it seems to be having a nice time: active, out in the open, looks good. Anyone else think so? Also @Guppysnail I need help sexing the pleco. Not sure if it is too early yet, have to wait for more bristles, etc. I think the mouth parts play a factor? Here are a few photos. The sexing is just for my own curiosity. Just want to learn more about my new kid. Poops look good to me. No white stringy characteristics, etc. The pleco eats daily and makes 100 poops. @Guppysnail While in qt, what signs/symptoms should I look for in the pleco? (I’m used to observing swimmy swimmy fishes, not plecos. LOL) Given this pleco came from another hobbyist, I feel more comfortable about its health, but it did have a long journey + an overnight in a bag to get to me, plus a transfer to a friend’s tank for a few days. It had Prime in its water for the duration of the trip. Seems like a hardy fish; the only thing I noticed was the fin splits. (I’m just using catappa for those.) Not sure how the temperature fluctuations were during the trip either, but I know it was kept in an insulated bag. P.S. the string stuff by the pleco belly/chest in photo 2 is not in the tank; I think it’s cat fur. This is a low shelf tank.
  16. It has been at least a month+ since I saw this! All my gold snails are now gone, but I still have one (old) magenta, Romeo, who has, um.. had the most physical activity of all the snails during his lifetime. 🤣 That just goes to show you, folks! Exercise extends one’s lifespan! And he still “exercises” daily! This clutch confirms at least one of my new snail kids is a girl. 💜 I just don’t know which one yet. 🙂 I think 2 of the new snails are purple (vs magenta), as they don’t have that fuschia type hue like Romeo has. The other new snail is blue. Everybody has a black foot except Romeo.
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