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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Well I will carefully check first because guess who came from moss?
  2. How long do you guys RR moss & floating plants? I guess the floating plants can't be submerged huh? @Guppysnail's husband: "Here we go again. I better park myself in the living room, this is gonna be a long night. Also I can't find any utensils for my cereal" (cold food because obviously nothing is getting cooked anytime soon)
  3. Sidenote: poly guard sounds like a denture product
  4. He's from "Ohia" - I was just across the border from him and it was soda. But something about crossing the border makes it become pop.
  5. Ah I thought poly guards was the name of that sponge you were using to soak up ammonia
  6. I think @xXInkedPhoenixX may use poly guard?
  7. I saw one in the LFS a few months ago. Deep red with a white tail. Just gorgeous.
  8. This is getting tough! I'm expected to choose between Murphy and Bolivian Ram? OMG 😓
  9. Just a few shots of our residents this morning. The usual testing performed with no change in parameters. The dwarf hairgrass has been a bit unruly because it hasn’t rooted yet, I guess you could say it's more like plugs to start out with. There have been a few occasions where it wanted to float. Also when I moved plants I had at least 1 limpet hitchhiker. Well, hooray ecosystem! It's good for the jar! Think he came over solo? 😇
  10. Make sure you do not share equipment between tanks and wash your hands between tanks. I would isolate all of the sick fish to a quarantine tank or bucket and then medicate so it doesn’t spread further.
  11. @Cinnebuns the only thing I know about guppies.. is that they’re like rabbits.. oh and that they eat everything 🤣 My friend has a few guppies. Like this guy. But she’s a casual hobbyist and doesn’t have any rhyme or reason to the breeding methods, she just lets whatever happens happen.
  12. It’s better for you than soda. Tea has antioxidants and such. I like chamomile tea. I went through a lot the 2 weeks before exam. I think he just tied or superglued a string on it, and dangled the magnet into his brine jar and all the shells stuck to it.
  13. I was going to add some to the 29g today but I decided not to because if they breed I wouldn’t be able to maintain my sponge filters or vacuum my substrate.
  14. Yeah so.. maybe like a half dozen more wilds added to the jar. Getting a little crazy right? Trust me, I realize. I actually didn’t realize how many wilds I had, but they just keep appearing at random times when I observe the shrimp tank. Also boiled a little piece of lettuce leaf for them to ensure everyone has snacks without affecting parameters like commercial foods would. Tested again this morning and 0/0/10. Good stuff.
  15. I chickened out on putting these wilds in the 29 @nabokovfan87. Into the jar they will go. I had all these thoughts running through my head about maintenance on the 29 taking 5x as long because I would have to check everything/all my sponges for shrimplets, and then not being able to vac the tank because I can’t see shrimplets,etc. All the problems I have in the shrimp only tank. But there are 8 mysteries in the 29. And then would the tetras or Snoopy eat the shrimplets? Not necessarily a bad thing but then would that make me an accomplice to murder or something?! Sooo… idk what I’m doing lol. Now they are acclimating to the jar. Poor shrimps. What did I get myself into?
  16. @nabokovfan87 I know! It’s like Heinz 57 varieties! Just removed 6 more different ones. These are going to the 29 since the jar already has a dozen shrimp. Jar offspring will go to the 29 as well. Doing a drip due to 4 degree difference.
  17. I put in a boiled lettuce and Snoopy started tugging at it and swimming backwards! Of course when I got the camera out, she wouldn’t do it again 🙃
  18. I just saw him yesterday. He’s doing well! He has lightened up and developed some dark spots (what she had hoped for) because he is a wild type axolotl. She had upgraded the container for her earthworm farm (was previously using this one) because the worms were doing so well, constantly reproducing, etc - and then you know what happened? The axolotl decided he doesn’t like worms anymore..!!!! Her box turtle Lucy will eat some but that’s not a complete diet! What’s she gonna do with all those worms? I guess they could be garden worms but it’s kind of a shame! Oh also check out her guppy. Isn’t he handsome? He’s CONSTANTLY after one particular female. There is another female but she is “second choice” 🥲. She’s prettier too. Yellow tail. I noticed while I was there how well guppies clean plants! And her fry were picking around in the gravel as well.
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