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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Very nice hatch today. If anyone knows the secret to growing these a little bigger, LMK. Last batch, they expired in two or three days, even in a flat shallow dish under refrigeration. Keep the air on even after hatch, yes? They must be dizzy… lol
  2. Spoke to my friend last night and she said her nerite was attached to cuttlebone also (but he won’t eat commercial foods either). Just algae, biofilm, and cuttlebone. I have however, seen my nerites eat zucchini (they seem to only eat the rind) and sweet potato (not every time, but when they feel like it). Although those aren't calcium-rich foods. I’m just throwing it out there because I think it’s interesting.
  3. Found Amethyst on her back this morning. That always makes me nervous. Did the sniff test and the [gentle] poke test. Both ok, seems to be some tension in the flesh. Placed her back upright and after a few minutes I saw a feeler come out and slowly wave around. But she didn’t open up. Then a short while after that she was on her back again and another snail was near her. I think she got knocked over and didn’t have the energy to right herself. 😔
  4. The only other way is to observe mating behavior. The snail on top would be the male.
  5. Guess who was out and about today? The blue rili. Right at the top. I was able to get some decent photos. The moss I had secured with thread has gotten nice and fluffy. The moneywort may reach the light soon! Each day I see bladder snails upside down on the surface, cleaning it. Very curious creatures! I’ve come to learn that they are called bladder snails because of their swim bladder (air bladder?), and how they use it to float on purpose. One day I thought they were dying, but nope. That’s their mannerism. Did a small top off today, conveniently using shrimp tank water and a cup. Slowly pouring it in at “airline tubing speed”. I seem to still have plant matter coming to the surface. One was a piece of moneywort stem with leaves on it. Seems sus…
  6. As far as what colors you’ll get from offspring, @Cinnebuns has some good info on that. I think @Lennie has the picture of how to tell male or female.
  7. That’s a bummer. Everyone else is doing their vacuuming so I don’t think it is a “tank problem”. If I qt her I can do a catappa treatment. Not sure if that would benefit her or not. Perhaps the stress of being moved may not be ideal.
  8. My nerites like to graze on cuttlebone. Initially it might need to be weighed down with a plant weight or rock. Mine don’t accept commercial foods.
  9. This little girl may be sick? I think I remember seeing her in this same spot and pose yesterday. Everyone else is cruising around. Parameters look good, with nitrates at a 10. (I was not able to clean the glass there, as I didn’t want to move her.) Actually, she may be the same snail that had the Snello on her head yesterday.
  10. The jar project is going amazingly well. The other day I moved a blue rilii into the jar, but I could not find him to take a photo today because of the density of the plant life. Here is the clear-ish shrimp which is often hard to spot. Do bladder snails burrow? Does the photo above appear to have a snail in the sand? Or perhaps I planted him when I tucked a plant back in. Here is a photo of the snail situation. But they are so small, and I haven’t noticed any difference in parameters. These quick breeding snails still make me nervous, but at the same time I know they are contributing to the ecosystem here. Also great news! The walls of the jar have algae. Which means food for everybody that lives there. I may need to pull some of the hair grass, as it is yellowing in some spots. I will not do that until I have replacement plants though. @FLFishChik
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