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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Thanks for Mrs. @Guppysnail for the labeling suggestion, so the landscaper doesn’t “clean up” and take my logs. I raised the logs up as well, as recommended. This is so other fungi that live in the soil don’t invite themselves into the logs. I gave a log to my neighbor and he gave me three plants: celery, parsley, and leek.
  2. Nah. Snoopy has never been overly energetic. Think of a shopper “just browsing”. That is Snoopy. I use the Hygger with the 24/7 mode.
  3. Nitrazorb is a combo of zeolite and ion-exchange resin; Purigen is moist polymer beads. Both companies protect the exact composition of their products (trade secrets) to reduce or help prevent competition in the market. Both products have the same functionality: removal of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.
  4. Re: the nitrate/ammonia issue What I would do is add a pouch of nitrazorb to the hob or canister.That’s going to be the quickest solution. While that is doing its thing you can shop for hornwort (submerged plant) and pothos (emergent plant). I specified because some people put the whole pothos stems into the tank. I’ve tried both ways but found the pothos is happiest and makes a lot better roots when emergent. Better roots = better nitrate reduction. You can recharge the nitrazorb with aquarium salt when needed but you do need some nitrates in your tank if you have plants, so I’d recommend nitrazorb on a temporary basis to get the situation under control. I have personally used nitrazorb and it worked like a dream for me.
  5. Does it grow for you in deeper tanks (ie:29 gal) mine gets unhappy. It does somewhat better in a 10 or a 5.5 where it is closer to the light. @A3M0N these are low tech
  6. I had quite the surprise this evening! I just watered my plants and went to refill my watering can in the tub and a tree frog jumped out and was boing boing all over the shower, from one wall to the other!
  7. Oh yeah, true! We can’t let it mess up NERM week!
  8. Julie & Julia is a good one too! It’s a movie about a girl that sets her mind to cook every single recipe in the Julia Childs cookbook. I found it very entertaining.
  9. Not sure who this request would go to, but I wonder if we could get reactions added to PMs? I find myself wanting to acknowledge the sender that I’ve read their message, but not wanting to type out “I like that” or “haha”. Ty ❤️ @Streetwise @Cory
  10. Here is what the Sera alder cones look like. @nabokovfan87 2 minute boil. Will reserve the water for Geppetto’s next water change. Forgot to post the water sprite also. The new plants. Took out those yellow ones! Shrimps protested, but they forgave me and instantly were in this.
  11. Snoopy wished to participate in this photo..and even struck a pose! I think her colors look best with the light on this sunrise mode.
  12. Snoopy has always been front and center, watching me, but now that I’ve added more shrimp to the tank, she’s been going to the back. This is Shrimp City, and it’s Snoopy’s new hangout spot. It has a little green log cave for them and some cholla and catappa. Snoopy seems to be entertained by them and has had ample opportunity to get one, but she just casually does her sand sifting. She has been staring at the sponge filter back there for periods of time, and I wonder if there could be shrimplets. Those she would probably eat.
  13. Pushed them out with pipette water. There is a berried female in the jar. She’s a petite girl to begin with, but yeah- she may have been the one that molted a few days ago and sent out the bat signal.
  14. So in case you didn’t see my other thread, I found a surprise MTS. And I hadn’t bought any plants in weeks for the tank it was found in, and I also used Reverse Respiration on all the plants etc. so idk—? It was a shock to see it! Found after I siphoned. I did not keep it in the 29. Too many mysteries being fed there. Placed in shrimp tank, where I can’t really siphon because always shrimplets. A new batch of shrimplets was just born and they are tiny and clear. And adorable. I’ve actually been weighing the food for the shrimp tank based on shrimp population for good water quality measures. I will also be putting a feeding dish back in there. Cute, no? This is after placement in the shrimp tank. See it? (Blurry, sorry) It’s digging fairly quickly under the shrimp. Look at all the gunk under the substrate too, bottom of photo. If it “makes friends” (literally. Makes them..) maybe I won’t have to look at that gunk line. Just like 1,000,000 snails instead 🤯🤣 Hopefully they just chill under there in the day and stay nocturnal. No HOB in there to clog either.
  15. Look at all that stuff under there for it to eat.
  16. Eh. I put it in the shrimp tank. I can’t/won’t gravel vac that tank because clear shrimplets that I can’t really see. If left in the 29g it would be out of control, due to having to feed the mystery snails. Maybe it (and it’s friend) could be good tankmates and they can turn over the sand and keep it looking nice. But when I get overrun you can say I told you so. 😂
  17. Hmm ok so the next question is what do I do with him/her? With feeding mysteries all the time would I have 1,000,000 in the future?
  18. I think MTS but never actually had one. Found after sand vac? It is alive! I reverse respire everything..(??) First ever sighting. No plants added to tank in several weeks. Random find. Does it have friends? Why does my sand always look like trash? How long has it been in there?! Approx 1/2”
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