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2 hours ago, Kirsten said:

I love the salad-tub-as-grow-out-tank idea!

Unfortunately the plastic isn’t high quality and after two weeks of use it gets rough and opaque. This is only my second time using it and I’m not sure it will last much longer 😅 But with something a little higher quality it would work great! I use fishing line tied to suction cups to hang it.

1 hour ago, CanadaAmanda said:

Are they black neon tetras?

They’re honey gouramis!

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I hope yall are staying warm and cozy. Water changes and completing the Christmas decorating are my challenges this week, with a lil bit of everyday chores mixed in. Tomorrow the tree comes out, the inflatables go in the yard, and it's back to Dollar Tree for more garlands and some sticky hooks. They are a bit dinky, but they're cheap and fill my need for holiday sparkle without adding to the light bill... Still so much left to do... Dollar Tree also has the perfect size strand of lights for around/on a small tank. 



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All started with a 29.

Then built a temporary fish room and added a couple tanks, 100 sq. ft

Spent the last 4 days framing, insulating, sheetrock and painting the new fish room, 240 sq. ft.

tomorrow hooking up water and air, tanks move 50 feet this weekend.

Last picture 1.00 gallon sale plus picked up another 75 and 90 for ,50 cents  a gallon (used)










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Glass Center brace dropped into my 150 while doing a water change. Silicone just gave way.

Scrapped out the silicone to take the center brace apart into 3 pieces, cleaned it up, reassembled it and siliconed it back in place.

Going to keep the tank half full for at least the next 24 hours.


Looped some string around it and have it hanging from a piece of wood to keep it in place until it cures:




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Did final 25% WC after treatment for fin injury and infection. Two rasboras are missing part of their tail fin (the teeny end that has a black streak), and one is also missing part of a pelvic fin. It's really hard to get a good look at them as they never stop moving long enough, but the fuzz appears to be gone! Got another batch of BBS going - I'm giving them extra due to their medication ordeal and to help the injured ones recover (sorry, danios). Resting this evening in preparation for the start of new tank setup tomorrow!

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I decided not to put the 20L where originally planned. So I rushed out and got this aqueon stand and started the build in a better location and with slightly more room behind it. The easy planters are alot bigger than I thought they'd be, so just using 2 and not all 4. Any ideas/criticisms are more than welcome! I also have a small bag of ~.75-1" decorative rocks,  a large bag of pebble-sized substrate, and a couple of bigger rocks. Here's a dry-run (except substrate is damp from being rinsed!)




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1 hour ago, Streetwise said:

@MattyIce, how is that tank going that you repaired?

Doing well, filled to 75% yesterday after 24 hours and then today got it to about 90-95%.

Did a 1/3 water change early today and then filled it to 90 ish %.   Later in the day I noticed the fish didn’t seem happy, so I did another 1/3 water change And every one is happy now.  I’m thinking when I had it at half tank, waste started building up and I needed to do the extra water change to get it back to normal.

Between the lights being off and condensation, it’s not the best picture, but  it’s just condensation and the seams are looking great:


As far as today though, it’s been about 2 weeks since I started my 29 convert low boy,  with out a heater temp ranges from a low of 70 at night and 74 during the day, water measurements are right, and the algae is taking off, so I moved my 5 gold Rice fish, 3 juvi white clouds and about 20 cherry shrimp into the tank:


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