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  1. Apistogramma Agassiz Gold Fire or Apistogramma Cacatuiodes Triple Red? And which is more aggressive while Breeding ?
  2. Yesterday I went to a local fish farm here in Miami, and bought what I believe is a Male and Female pair of Apistogramma Cacatuoides. Idk if they are super red, double red, etc. The one with the darker more prominent stripe was sold to me as female, the one with the less pronounced stripe and more colorful finnage was sold to me as a male. Also, the one sold to me as a female, while not really discernible through camera, is quite a bit more yellow than the other. so far they seem to stick together but they do squabble here and there. Is this normal between sexes? I know it’s very hard to tell their sex when they are young. Mine are only about 1 inch, so they’ve got lots of growing to do.
  3. thought I'd try apisto breeding- then I got the 1st batch and now the 2nd batch. I maybe soon over run. oops
  4. Hi yall so I'm in college I have a waterbox cube ten gallon that is going to be my apartment tank. I've read online and it says they would be great as a pair. But I want to make sure that can a pair live in a 10 gallon happily, healthy, and grow to max size. If they can they would be a species only tank. It will be heavily planted and I have a kessil a160 sun light
  5. I had an Apisto Cacatuoides spawn on 3/4/21. I knew it was large, but I never tried to take an actual count. Just did my best to get a semi-accurate count today and the total is about 200. Totally shocked me. I would have guessed 50 fish tops. I had multiple females in there originally, but I thought I pulled the extra females out the moment I recognized free swimmers. Are apisto spawns typically this large or is it more likely that more than one female had fry? Time to get another, or larger, grow out tank!
  6. Hey everyone, I’m interested in getting a female companion for my male apisto. Cacatuoides. I have a 65g community tank and wanted to round the tank out with this last pairing. I’m just not sure if one or two females is the way to go. I will be buying online as I can’t get these locally. Also my male is a double red but I can only find triple reds online, which I believe will not be an issue. Any experience/advice you have is welcome. TIA
  7. I Would like to breed my apistos in a separate breeding tank but all I have is a 5.5 gallon can I keep them in there for 1-2 months at most. Their eggs are getting eaten by the other fish. If I can't do that could I put the rams that are bullying them in the 5 gallon and have them breed?
  8. Hi all, I have recently purchased a breeding pair of cacatuoides double red Male/Female they are in there own tank with almond leaves coconut shell aqua soil and bubble filter aquatic plants. The first week I had them they spawned which was amazing I was told to remove the male to allow the female to look after the eggs and fry . The next couple of days the female had seemed to eat the eggs I don’t know if they where fertilised or just not the best as this is there very first time spawning and are still learning the ropes. So I decided to re add the male but I have noticed that the male keeps nipping at the female and hunting for her in the aquarium also has gone a dark black colouration but the fins and tail are bright red. I haven’t done anything different doing weekly water changes of 25% feeding daily to once every other day with brine shrimp/blood worm/dafnia/ flake food. The female is a bright yellow colour. I’m just curious on why the male is acting the way he is the temperature of the tank has not changed hitting around 27’c. any help would be much appreciated
  9. So, I am consistently getting 70% males on my Triple Red Spawns. Anyone know what I can do to love a few. My LFS only wanted to pay $3 a piece for them. I can sell them slowly online but it takes some time.
  10. So I have two apistogramma cacautoides. I think I have a male and a female. I have had the male for 7 months and was sold to me as a super red and the presumed female for about 4-5 months. She has not grown a whole lot is about 1/3 the size of the male. They don’t pay much attention to each other. I even built a hole cave specifically for them. Is she really a female. How big do the females get? sorry taking pictures of fish is hard
  11. One male Cockatoo sitting near bottom of tank under cover. He is not eating, mouth is slightly open and gills moving rapidly. Colors still look fine. It's a 29 gallon heavily planted tank with aquasoil and sand substrate seperated by rocks and driftwood. Using an altered HOB filter with prefilter sponge. I tested the water when i noticed the Cockatoo not eating which is incredibly irregular, and the PH had dropped to 6(or below). I did a 50% water change and the current readings are below. I live in Florida so tap's PH is typically 7.5 and up. Tankmates are 3 GBRs, 3 Guppies, 3 banded Kulhi Loaches, 2 Ghost Shrimp, and an undeterminable number of snails. Temp: 79 PH: 6.8 KH: 0-40 GH: 300 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0-20 Can't get a good picture/video as he won't come out from cover. I don't see anything in his mouth or any obvious injuries/ visible parasites.
  12. I just finished treating this fish for pop-eye and moved it back to the community tank after a month-long quarantine. (Hmm . . . eyes seem bulgy, actually now that I look at these pics. But nothing like they were.) These spots on the head started as one teeny speck while in the quarantine tank, but I dismissed it as discoloration since the fish had just finished a course of Kanaplex (soaked in food) and salt, and then convalesced in a clean tank for three weeks. Now the spots are getting bigger. Fungus? Hole-in-the-head? Thoughts? I lost the female a few months back suddenly after she went south fast and her stomach bloated and showed what looked like red internal hemorrhaging.
  13. Do you think I could setup a 55 gallon community tank with Bolivian Rams and Apistogramma Cocatouities? There will also be other fish in there, but upon asking MANY different people, everyone has a different take on it. Even just searching the web gives different results! Has anyone here on the forums had any experience with this? I AM going to keep this tank for a long time, maybe 5 or 6 years. Edit: I also want to know if I can keep a male and female apisto and maybe a couple males and a couple females (totaling 8 Fish) Thanks!
  14. I bought a 'pair' of apistogramma cacatuoides from my LFS 2 weeks back. I'm curious if I have a pair or if I have a sneaker male. They coexist pretty well, but the big male can be a bit aggressive when I feed towards the 'girl'. Any insight would be appreciated, thanks in advance
  15. Popeye, right? Eyes seems kinda bulgy to me. Also, they are ringed with that milky white coloration that I don't recall seeing on this fish in the past. Most pics I see on the internet for diagnosis show extreme full-blown cases, so it's a little hard for me to judge based on those. I haven't had these apistos super long, so I'm not familiar with the characteristics of this species in terms of what's normal looking and what's an indication of a health issue. This fish was in a community tank for a few weeks (its now isolated in a smaller tank), and I see no health issues with the other fish, nor water quality issues in the community aquarium. I lost the female apisto due to internal issues a few weeks back. She's always been in a separate aquarium and was never introduced to the community tank. Opinions? Advice?
  16. Planted my 40 gallon tank for Apistogramma cacatuoides today. Now the waiting game for plants to grow in. Then I order the fish.
  17. Bought a pair of apisto cacatoides a month ago and didn’t think they were big enough to breed yet. I have been scooping out mosquito larvae from an outdoor pond and been feeding live recently. I don’t have any live foods for the fry but have some fry food (hikari first bites). In a tank 3-4 months old with some clumpy hair looking algae, plants, catalpa leaves and mulm. Sponge filter is a year plus and has clumpy algae growing on it. will there be enough infusoria for fry to Scavenge? Are first bites pretty good for apisto fry? Anyone have experience without live foods?
  18. This is my first time intentionally breeding fish, and my quarrelsome couple of apistos have successfully had kids. The mother has stopped beating the father half to death, but she still won't let him anywhere near the children. When he comes around to the old cave-stead, she swats the water menacingly with her tail which prompts him to sulk off to his side of the aquarium only to console himself with his comfy, old recliner, favorite glass of bourbon and a healthy binge of his favorite fish-tubers. Oh wait, am I still talking about fish? Anyway, jokes aside, some questions - I'm guessing these have been free swimming a day or so now and possible eating infusoria from the java moss and leaf litter. They're hanging out close to the substrate, under the protection of the mother. At this stage, are they old enough for micro worms and/or baby brine? At what age will they take larger foods? Do first time fathers eat their offspring? At what age should I move the juveniles to a grow out tank so the parents don't perceive them as a threat to future spawns? Any other advice? I'm not looking for the highest yield at this point. Just want to have a semi-successful first go at this. So any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  19. Couple of questions about the Apistogramma cacatuoides . . . What is a 'super red'? is that another way of saying either double red or triple red? Or is it some other red variant? Do they have a specific substrate requirement, or are they more or less happy in any substrate as long as they have plants and wood and a cave and leaf litter etc? Or do they require sand or a small pebble size for a specific reason?
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