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  1. Do both of them spawn in penn plax egg traps. Thanks @Cory can you breed gardneri (pair) in a community tank with kubotai rasboras, cpds, luminatus, and macmasteri
  2. the apistogramma will devour all the shrimp within days.
  3. Add MJ aquascaping to that list. He has a good DIY Co2 system
  4. I could reccomend you a good algae eater if you give me your current stocking of that tank.
  5. you could replace the odessa with snakeskin barbs for a different Look. You could try discus or red terror instead of false green terror
  6. You could do 40 cpd, 40 Kubotai rasboras, 40 Gertrudae , and 40 red neon blue eyes
  7. Could it be Snakeskin Barbs Maybe
  8. Water Lettuce . It is invasive down here (FL)
  9. I want to do an all red plant aquarium so can you name all the red plants in the tank.Thanks
  10. @PepereWhat plant do you have in that tank it look so good!
  11. I heard that Cherry Shrimp will they eat fungused eggs and leave the healthy eggs alone. Which of these have a better hatch rate. Thanks
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