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  1. Thank you @Whitecloud09! It’s my first planted tank
  2. Instead of doing false julii, I would highly suggest Pigmy Corys. I have some in my 10 gallon and that are super funny to watch. They only get about an inch. And, they like to swim mid water sometimes!
  3. Oops! Sorry for just skimming through the thread! 🤪
  4. Here is a good comparison of the 2 for next time❤️ (top is male, bottom is female)
  5. How do you feel about bettas? I have had a very successful tank (same stocking) but with a betta fish. If you got to you LFS or even some Petcos you can get a female that lives in a community at the store. It depends on the fish of course, but in my experience it has worked out. Also, I understand if you are locked onto pea puffers. Just a suggestion.
  6. My 10 gallon (soon to be Scarlet Badis breading tank)
  7. I am new to plants, and have pretty much no idea what I’m doing, but I love my Aquarium co op light. Pros: You can control the “brightness”. It has a switch for blue light mode. It can sit in water for hours. You can adjust the sliders to fit most tank sizes. Cons: You can’t control how much red/blue/wight light you have. You have to buy an extra timer. It does not have an app.
  8. Does your son like community’s with lots of little fish swimming around, maybe some shrimp. If so, I would suggest getting Chilly Rasboras some cherry shrimp, and a snail. If your son likes 1 big center piece, I would suggest a betta. I love their personally, and I have had at least 1 betta at all times for years. If he wants a mix of both, I would do a honey gourami. They are peaceful, and have wonderful personalities. Also they stay small, and you could do 6 pigmy Corys and 1 honey. And you have a beautiful tank with lots of action.
  9. I just got new Scarlet Badis from my LFS to day and need help sexing them. I know I have at least 1 male.
  10. I have been keeping fish for 5 years now! I love our hobby! I am just starting a new Scarlet Badis breeding project, and I can’t wait to learn!
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