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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Good luck! ⬇️ https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/camallanus-worms
  2. I know quite a couple of would-be takers on this side of the Atlantic…I should have moved to the States long ago 😜
  3. New fish have been added to the fish swap list! Apistogramma agassizi Apistogramma agassizi Apistogramma cacatuoides "Double Red" Corydoras adolfoi Corydoras sterbai 30 Corydoras trilineatus Paracheirodon axelrodi Puntius Padamya Symphysodon discus Caridina dennerli Opae Ula Any thoughts?
  4. Really interesting species, sorry you’re having such bad luck! @Colu
  5. I remember someone saying that acrylic tanks are safer than glass… @Zenzo
  6. She’s showing the gravid spot, which means she is pregnant, but hasn’t really “expanded” yet. A couple of weeks … Welcome to the forum!
  7. If those are the culls, what do the good ones look like?!?
  8. Snowboarding is better off-piste, but if you’re on a flat bit of the piste, you need to unclip and walk😂. @Tanked
  9. Same as in Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis Macularius)
  10. Never seen those before! Were they hard to find???
  11. I'm really interested in this fish species, please keep us posted on what you eventually do!
  12. Wish I lived closer! I expect there are probably some other Nerms on here that'll be there... Have fun!
  13. From what it looks like the cold chain of the XXX eggs may have been broken, or the nauplii (BBS) are dead. What is the % hatch rate it claims to have?
  14. Are you going to try this? The results would be really interesting!
  15. Are you feeding any of the algae they eat? https://www.wikihow.com/Main-Page?_gl=1*3n1k6e*_ga*S185N2R6X2FPT3F1VWs2WUFqQTZydEpTMmZJbDBaXzJVbkp0SkRWbkNERUlOcW1fY2FIb2ZuVi00UHRtSmY0Vw..
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