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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. A fish friend does it all the time in his breed for profit tank: Java Moss caves, Snowball Shrimp & Endlers.
  2. I have heard about ghost shrimp being predatory towards Neocaridina shrimplets… but I’m told that some get through. If it’s a breed-for-profit tank you’re doing, maybe try some Endlers. Here’s one of mine:!
  3. I’ve had a rainbow shark for about 1.5 years and he used to freak me out by doing a bit of a barrel roll every now & again!
  4. I treat mine with making my current take as good as I can. Probably mental, but it can jump from one aquarist to another 😉
  5. The blue one has quite long fins for a female….
  6. How do you collect the eggs @nabokovfan87?
  7. You’ve either got some very aggressive bettas or accidentally got a male…could you post some pics?
  8. Both work fine, and the method also works on Anubias & Buce
  9. Added extra: Adding some java moss on top and keeping it on with a rubber band. Remove rubber band after 1 month & enjoy!
  10. Can't blame them! I have every buffer known to man (or Mouse!) and I can never stop pH from crashing!
  11. Shame that white's not wanted...I do understand the appeal of a wild-type or koi betta, but I can't walk past a really nice one without thinking 'Do I have the space??'
  12. @tolstoy21 has done quite a bit of Apisto breeding, I've only done Cacatuoides!
  13. I'll be plain & brief: What's the best material to build an aquarium stand and can you build one out of it yourself? I'm faced with either building one or buying one...it's for a really crazy looking fish...a bichir? (Any recommendations on that are also appreciated & I'll tag @Robert in case he has any suggestions!) Thanks! 😁
  14. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea is the one to ask on this; she's got a thriving colony of them!
  15. I can’t think of a fish that would eat scuds but leave shrimp alone…any ideas @Fish Folk?
  16. Never seen a blue snail before 😍
  17. I’ve kept and bred them, but really want to keep them again!
  18. Actually quite a good design! Is there already a patent 😜?
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