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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. Turn it off. Do just a couple of squeezes in the collected tank water or in dechlorinated water. Rinse the filter box in the same way. The most important portion of the filter is the Matrix. This houses the majority of the beneficial bacteria.
  2. Here are my thoughts. You have a larger size gravel, so your root tabs are leaching right back into the water column. This is why you can't get the Nitrates down. I would stop root tabs indefinitely, and look into a fertilizer that covers both Macro and Micro nutrients. A properly dosed water column is all you need. To test this, stop dosing everything, continue water changes and after a few months, see if nitrates deplete. You could also just dose Micros while performing the above.
  3. So the near 0KH is the reason for low pH.
  4. Seachem Focus, Metroplex and some form of fenbendazole(Panacur C). Furan 2 and PraziPro is a good idea as well.
  5. They get big, do some research. I'd only get one, but that's me.
  6. You might be confusing things. GH is water hardness (amount of Ca:Mg). KH- Carbonate Hardness(often confused as hard/soft water) is the measure of carbonates and bicarbonates in the water. GH has almost no impact on pH, but KH impacts pH. So low KH water will have a low pH and vice versa. Active substrates or rocks can alter things to a degree and you will want to account for their affect on your water.
  7. Give them time. They will be jerks before you know it. Lot's of plants willl help too.
  8. Making adjustments to dosing this week. I've noticed a lack of growth (not really a problem). Plants look healthy overall but the 40 has a bit of BBA 75 Gal 5ppm NO3 5ppm PO4 15.21ppm K .53ppm Fe+trace 40 Gal 12ppm NO3 5ppm PO4 19.63ppm K .51ppm Fe+trace Might remove all Dwarf Sag., I don't want plants that melt if I want to use Excel. Added LOBELIA CARDINALIS to the tank, conveniently, the Amano shrimp have eaten most of it. Might remove all Amano's from the tanks. Are they starving? This is a new behavior for them, and there are only 4 or 5 in the tank. Overall, the 75 looks okay, the 40 needs work. pictures weren't that great but I'll post anyways.
  9. Options to try: Raise PO4 (this seems to solve my problems with GSA) Lower light intensity/ Decrease photoperiod Shade your slower growing plants Snails/ Oto's and such Try rubbing it off I like this chart
  10. Testing zero in RO/DI as above. And if you have some baking soda around, .5g of NaCl in 1 gallon of RO\DI water should test 132.09 1g of NaCl in 1 gallon of RO\DI water should test 264.17 2g of NaCl in 1 gallon of RO\DI water should test 528.34
  11. I would ignore pH. Matching GH and KH is more stabilizing. @Colurecommendation is the best way to go about that. Personally, before starting the drip, I would add 1 drop of Prime to the fish bag then start the drip.
  12. Bladder snails. They are hitchhikers.
  13. You could try something more potent. https://www.seachem.com/polyguard.php Or maybe just keep the water ultra clean and see if he clears the infection after some time.
  14. Excellent, that may just win her over! Thank you.
  15. It's awesome. How to convince the wife though? And thank you.
  16. Can the Apex trigger a response, or does it just give alerts?
  17. Fingers crossed! I'm in unknown territory here! 😅
  18. Perfect! They have the most fascinating behavior imo. I'm a closet Gourami lover.
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