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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. I would spot dose, with filters off. Wait 10 minutes and then water change. Repeat as necessary.
  2. 9 times out of 10, Staghorn is caused by ammonia or excessive organics in the water. Increase water changes. Increase maintenance. Improve filtration. Cut away old or struggling portions of plants and replant. Spot dose a liquid carbon (do research first on liquid carbons). Ensure fertilization is meeting the needs of your plants. https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/algae-control/how-to-get-rid-of-staghorn-algae
  3. Always trim off unhealthy portions of plants.
  4. Hygrophila Polysperma in low tech setups is awesome. You can plant it or just let sit in the tank. It's very low maintenance and super easy to grow. Rotala can be more challenging and without CO2, is kinda just "ok".
  5. This. Drop blues to 0% and drop all the others down to below 50%. You will either have to do the blackout, or grab a UV sterilizer. Green Machines are cheap and will get the job done. I was having green water issues on my 75 with 2x 3.0's. I had to really drop the light intensity. Here is what I'm running on my main tank. I just swapped the substrate out and it's a bit barren, but there are a few high light plants doing fine in the tank (so far).
  6. When I increased my turnover to about 7x water volume, this similar problem went away. I also run Polyfill.
  7. What's your KH and GH? Did you medicate them when you bought them?
  8. Yes, I use several of their products.
  9. I can't get AR to grow in my tanks even with CO2. I told myself I wouldn't try it again, and here I am trying it again. It's one of those plants that really like a good aquasoil or the like. I use Eco Complete, and It just doesn't want to do well. My best advice, and my current strategy, try it and if it doesn't grow, toss it. I keep guests that like the soup I serve!
  10. I would try to run the flow across the 36" length and have the CO2 diffuser under the HOB to hit the stream going across the tank. If you go with a canister, then build a reactor, which would give true 100% dissolution. "Cerges" reactors are easy to build.
  11. I just had the info, credit goes to @PlaneFishGuy for creating the chart.
  12. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089K8KG8S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_JFVCB3V6X7AM8H23087Q
  13. On this particular tank, it's to increase front to back spread. I didn't want to put 2 lights on this tank (40 Breeder).
  14. Just wanted to share this find with those who might be looking for a cheap solution. I will say, once it's clipped in, it's sturdy. I don't like how the riser bar looks, but I will cut off the extra once I find the height I need.
  15. https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/algae-control/how-to-get-rid-of-staghorn-algae
  16. https://www.bigalspets.com/fluval-peat-granules-21-oz.html?scid=scbplp1115&sc_intid=1115&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SC - Brands and Numbers&utm_term=4578435172496316&utm_content=All Products https://www.bigalspets.com/eheim-torf-peat-pellets-1l.html The Eheim is the best.
  17. Just lowering your KH will lower pH. Mixing RO water in the source water is the easiest way. You could also inject CO². That lowers pH without lowering KH. Peat moss is a bit better than just using leaves. That will also drop GH.
  18. If you lengthen the time between water changes, you will see a small change. But I don't advocate doing that, but many do. Try it though, best way to learn is to just do it!
  19. I doubt you will notice any change in your numbers. I did love the color though!
  20. My experience was they had little effect on pH. What is your KH?
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