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Everything posted by Johannes

  1. What country are you from as esker is a norwegian word are you from norway
  2. Just ask questions and do not be afraid i have had my hypancistrus in a week and they are super easy to care for and do fine with bnps and hoplo catfish
  3. Yes i know but luckily my lfs owner is a master at plecos and catfish. But its just a bonus if i get fry
  4. Wondering if anyone has bred these I have two juveniles looks like a male and a female
  5. I would do hypancistrus contradens and l134 plecos
  6. You could have bn plecos with tequila in one aquarium and in another you could have apistogramma, rice fish and another variety of bn plecos and maby some corys
  7. Females😂 but this is if you want to have breeding or not
  8. I once caught a tadpole and put in a container plants sand and rocks a month later it has daphnia and other crustaecens on the porch with a lot of sun
  9. I agree with all the above but I would possibily add more plants my 68 gallon has crystal clear water but is overloaded with plants
  10. Guess who's getting an army of bristlenose😂
  11. I remember going to get a pair of Ivanacara adoketa and the owners of the fishstore had sold one of the fish and I was left with one and the layout of the store was completely different P.s this was a dream
  12. Those are some amazing pictures and those parrots and ebas are awesome
  13. My local fish market is pretty good and I have local fish store that have a breeding building and has some amazing catfish and livebearers including honeycomb catfish and L209 Plecos which the owner of the store bred the pleco for the first time in the world and a few other have bred it but most of those where f1 bred by him which is amazing. I know the owner well because I have a summer job all year round at his shop.
  14. I am from Norway but have lived in Florida and spain and got to experience a lot and i am not even a teenager yet . I keep random tetras and cichlids and a couple of catfish.
  15. Thanks am saving up for a rack for breeding and might be completed after april next year because of money and rules in the house but will definitely be doing a journal
  16. Cool to see if mine change color to more green or stay mostly white
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