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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @Lennie I think as a general statement that can be true but not always. I used Fluval Stratum and Eco Complete (and I've seen several posts about how these could "leech" into the tank) in my 12G long. It's a very small tank. I dry started it with the monte carlo. The substrate was not covered entirely so it could theoretically "leach". I had zero spikes in anything. It's something to look for in a tank with any sort of planting substrate but not everyone will have this experience. You'll get more algae in a tank with nutrients too, however all new tanks experience these growing pains as well. I do agree it's good to test new tanks frequently to make sure these spikes do not happen.
  2. If summer is somewhere around 2-3 months I'd do the dry start method. You could let it grow for a month- granted it won't necessarily be a full carpet UNLESS you get a LOT of Monte, then you'd be fine. It will give you time to design the tank, grow moss if you want and do research on anything else going in the tank when full. I let mine go about 5 weeks, it's still growing now that the tank is full but slowly. Which I prefer.
  3. @Vítor Hi! It's definitely doable. ESPECIALLY if you dry start the tank. @Patrick_G did it with one of his small tanks and encouraged me to as well when I started a 12G long. You can get your carpet full or just started and fill the tank after. Yes Monte Carlo takes a lot longer in a no co2 situation, but I've found that to be a good thing as it is less maintenance. Planting while the tank is full was a fail for me in the past. With dry starting the roots attach better and it grows faster and covers faster. If you have the patience for it (because it will take time) I highly recommend.
  4. I searched the forum, It's not absorbed effectively through food. Water column is fine. I've never put it in food and it has worked many times for me even when, in the past, people told me to put it in food (and I didn't)
  5. While treating with epsom is a legit treatment if the effects are too much I would consider using another med. What might you have on hand? And, have you gotten your nitrites down yet?
  6. This can happen, what they usually suggest is make a 2nd bath with half as much salt and put them in there as a transition. You can make a 3rd bath with a quarter or less if you think it might be less stressful just in case after observing the 1st transition. You might even consider having to use less salt for future baths.
  7. Avoid Garlic Guard for Betta, our Vet friend @Odd Duck advises there is evidence it does organ damage. If the fish is eating fine you won't need it. If I also remember correctly it is better given in the water column and is not more effective in food.
  8. You can dose up to 5x the recommended amount per Prime I believe and not harm anyone.
  9. Ugggggh. I've had a tank crash too (lost most of the tank not all) but never figured out the EXACT cause only had guesses. I think that's the most frustrating part besides losing favorite fish. I'm very, very sorry. 😞
  10. AGREED! I just do "easy" plants. That's what happens to work in my environment and me being a bit less plant oriented and not doing fertilizers. I've been using Easy Green as an experiment in 2 of my tanks and other than growing faster the plants don't seem any more healthy in my other tanks. However I'm not like @Mmiller2001 and enter competitions!
  11. Super cute, and yes, eggs hatch in their own time so typically not all at once.
  12. @Nicolem, sorry you're not seeing major improvement. This is going to be a long road to recovery. He is very heavily damaged. Only you know what you see best so you make the decisions to change course in treatment when you feel the need. I rescued 4 Betta from a big box store in September of last year and it wasn't until December that I was finally able to close that thread. You might get some ideas for the time and effort it takes to rehab a Betta, I'd pay particular attention to "Red"'s thread in the story. It's long but documents rehabiliation.
  13. Clearly they were having an organized meeting that they didn't inform you of. 😁
  14. @A3M0N I had typed out earlier that every time I saw the title on the thread "milk shake brings all the snakes to the yard" was going through my head. I deleted it though. hehee
  15. There are people out there (including Cory) who have said they would love to have a green water tank. ...and yes, a UV filter would get rid of that for you when you want.
  16. Morning maintenance. Today instead of Little Red and Sergeant hanging out it's Sergeant and Serious Black. Serious liked to hang out in the Coconut Hut but I removed it recently. I feel bad about that so I'll probably add it back again this week. It was just adding a lot of detrius to the tank now it's cleaned up a little maybe it will be a little less for a while. I love the way Sergeant's shell is growing in a different striped direction.... Snail keepers... @Chick-In-Of-TheSea @Guppysnail and others, anyone using cuttle bone in your tanks? If so just break a piece off and throw it in or?
  17. If I can keep Monte Carlo alive, you definitely can. Java is one of the few plants I keep succesfully lol
  18. It takes time. All of my tanks have evolved out of what I learned from the last tank. You'll get what you want. This is part of the fun in the hobby. Evolution and growth. 😁
  19. Awesome! If Ms Betta doesn't get a chance to eat them post a pic when you can!
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