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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. I have an abudance of Subbwassertang in my tanks now because of the small bunch I got from them. However it has snails cause they are in tanks with snails. 😁 I effectively infected it. hehe
  2. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea yep, that's the one. I recommend if you've not done business before with them.
  3. I agree with @CJs Aquatics you can approach this from multiple ways. Everyone will tell you something different. Letting a tank just sit without a host most things will die and I'd still have a eco system. You could consider getting a Nerite snail for a nanny in the tank while you decide where to go next. Some people would say just to play it safe you could do the ACO med trio in the tank when you populate it again, not only treating whatever the incoming fish might have but any sign of what may have effected the last inhabitants. This isn't a bad option either. I had a vet that did a spay surgery on my pet Rat years ago, he said to me when I picked her up that he would prescribe me pain meds if I insisted however his philosophy was that feeling pain is not a bad thing. It's part of the healing process and the animal's body will tell them when they should not be doing something, like moving, when their body needs them to rest. That statement made more sense to me than most anything in my life. So I don't personally medicate myself or my animals unless it's necessary. (Not just for pain but illness) This is a personal choice though and you should do what's best for you and your situation and don't let anyone let you feel bad about that choice! 😁 I'm really very sorry for your loss. I don't care what anyone says, Betta fish are hard and sometimes they pass mysteriously. I think they're a lot like cats, they don't show weakness until it's too late- it's part of the nature of predators/fighters. I've also had bad luck with some beloved Mystery Snails in the past. I feel for you, big time. Take your time to mourn the loss but stock the tank again when you feel it's time.
  4. Then you have that category covered for sure!
  5. I also love Blind Cave Fish, but again. Too big. :-( What about a freshwater Pipefish? They need to be kept away from other fish species because they are slow feeders, they are super neat and might be worth a try.
  6. Ughh! Too bad it's not a 20 gallon as I would get Glass Catfish, they are very oddball, and are middle dwellers so they'd be interesting and not disturb the snails. I find them totally fascinating.
  7. That's lovely! I think it's even more satisfying when a friend, family or partner notices when you thought maybe they weren't paying attention or had no interest. His friends conversation was super nice too, I love that they paid so much attention to it. I don't have a lot of people over to my house but the Angry Man always gets the most attention/questions. Intrepid Partner keeps surprising me with his interest in my hobby having recently walked right up to the counter at the LFS while I was getting my new Mysteries with the staff and asked them what they recommended for LARGE custom tanks. He constantly pops off random questions that make me believe he spends a lot of time thinking about my tanks, fish, the biological workings of keeping fish in the hobby. He doesn't have interest in the maintenance part as far as I can tell but he seems to greatly appreciate my tanks and is super supportive.
  8. I think it's fine @Goldie Blue most of these sculptures are made of a resin that is safe for aquariums and if you haven't noticed often come with crappy (though also presumably safe) paint jobs. I'd keep using it. It has character. Likely the bridge is still made if you look for it. It's probably PennPlax or some other similar brand. A few of my sculptures aren't fully painted and are black inside.
  9. Keep us updated here, it's going to be a great tank! 😁
  10. Co2 peeps can we help our member out? @Mmiller2001 @nabokovfan87 @Pepere maybe?
  11. Hi @Germanicus, welcome to the forum. All three of these products are bottled bacteria with the promise that they are a specific type of bacteria that will help with detrius breakdown and keep your tank cleaner. Presumably this is bacteria unlike the beneficial bacteria we rely on in the Nitrogen Cycle. I've recently used Pristine as I was having some cloudy water and wondering if this could help. For purposes of this post I will mention I put it in a Fluval Flex 9 has some modified media and an aftermarket 80gph pump for flow. I also run a sponge filter in the main chamber. What I can say is the issue I was having wasn't necessarily detrius but what did happen was surprising. The left over food (flake mostly) that falls on the aquarium floor turns to what looks like mulm within the day so it definitely breaks down faster. I usually use a baster to syphon this up though what I should do is wait and see what happens from there. This did not happen before I added this product. It was very interesting and I will probably use it more at least in this tank to see what further it can do.
  12. Wonderful! Will be a nice little tank when things grow in. Make sure that cute little Nerite has a good food supply! Keep us updated on the progress!!
  13. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea yeah I see it. Oi. Geppetto!
  14. probably just big enough for a Betta mouth!
  15. @Chick-In-Of-TheSeaah gotcha I knew he was biting his tail but I thought it resulted in a little finrot, my bad!
  16. I have a large boulder near my heater (not an ACO but we're talking about similar things) it's not touching but close enough the boulder takes on the heat which radiates out into the water. So while flow absolutely counts (my tank has very little flow) sometimes proximity to things that can heat up also helps!
  17. Hope it works out good! Keep us updated!
  18. I think you need to take a look at what's best for you and the current situation. If it were me I would do a good sized water change and treat with Maracyn. That's me though. However, like I said before the ammonia spike may have set you back in treatment so maybe that's why you haven't so far seen results with the salt. Sometimes it takes patience. If he has shown any signs of improvement and he's already stressed from all the recent changes maybe it is best to keep hiim in the salt for now and wait and see. You have two very good options with the potential to help the fish. It's up to you to decide what you think might be best for him. We can also tag @Colu and see if there's anything we're missing or @Chick-In-Of-TheSea who has recently dealt with some fin rot with a Betta as well.
  19. @Nicolem just saw your post that kanaplex had no effect for you, which is unusual but I would then try the Maracyn as it treats gram positive bacteria, Kanaplex gram negative. You also have to consider the fish may have some other sort of illness that has caused the decline. I would not bomb him with the med trio as he is already weakened. I would start with the Maracyn and go from there, if you think the med trio is necessary I would follow ACO's recommendation for "weak fish" which uses one med trio product at a time. Eagle eye the parameters and use Prime or Fritz as necessary after water changes or when you need to leave meds in. When I QT fish I dose Prime every day.
  20. Hi @Nicolem, welcome to the forum. The ammonia probably set you back some as far as the fin rot goes. Salt will help but if I were in your shoes I'd probably treat with Kanaplex instead if you can get it. I've had the best results with that medication and I'd hover over water parameters and do water changes before redosing if needed and use Prime or Fritz conditioner often. If all you have is Maracyn, I would use it.
  21. First thanks for all your insights! I LOVE Glass Catfish SO much but I've always stayed away from them because their pH requirement is low and most of what I keep is in the 7+ range. I'd hate to hurt them so I've never tried (plus my tanks are a bit small for them right now) I've always wanted a large group of silver tip tetras for their schooling and finger following behavior and Intrepid Partner is always attracted to the Rummies when we go to the LFS so those are musts. 😄 Funny! Intrepid Partner and I are big bonsai keepers as well (novices, but we have multiple trees in our care). We have yet to have extra long bonsai trimmers in our tools that just gives us an excuse to go shopping. So far the tanks we're looking at come wiith sumps. I wouldn't mind buying them that way and you can trust and believe that if when it does come if he's dissatisfied it will get modified. I'm also sure we could just order tank only, so clearly we need to research sumps and figure out how this is all going to workout for us. Thanks for the video link! That's exactly the kind of shape we're going to aim for I'll have to forward that to him too. I can say that Intrepid Partner is a big fan of my tank style which usually includes one unnatural piece/sculpture and the tank is based on and usually named after said object. He loves the tiny Dragon Tank: and the Medieval Tank: And he loves Angry Man the best: So a large sculpture will need to be found. I'm starting to look at long garden sculptures made of resin or stone and will of course have to find out potential toxicity etc. Just one, nothing crazy. Maybe another dragon since they are not uncommon... Noted!! What will be nice about a Peninsula tank is that all sides should be accessible even if I have to take a deep dive. I'm thinking if we get that tall of a tank we will need to build a shorter cabinet just to make reaching a little easier. We are both well endowed with height, I'm 5'9" and he's over 6' and both long limbed. Doesn't mean we want to be up to our shoulders in water - but becausee we want a large population of nano schooling fish the height would be nice. HOWEVER everyone who has mentioned this has not gone unheard. As a nano tank keeper each of my 6 tanks have their own "nano" syphon and not one is without a built in primer. I will NEVER have a water change syphon without one!! Wow! That tank deserves a build and a journal page for sure.
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