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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Punk doesn't have sand so he does what Snoopy is doing with the bladder snails
  2. Hi, so sorry, that really sucks. I'm wondering do you test the water in the grow out tank? Can you tell us what the parameters are. My first guess is yes it's probably genetics this can happen with them. @Colu and maybe @Odd Duck could help here. Did you notice any physical signs? Any behavioral? Anything might help give us a clue to assist you better. Anecdotally I was wondering myself about some sudden guppy deaths. I recently had some adult guppies die and everyone else in the tank was fine. They came from good stock too. So out of curiousity I tested the water pH was a little low but my usual hard water turned totally soft that may not have helped them. I added Equilibrium and that really seemed to help. I only say that because it effected my guppy population only and I'd tested the water out of curiosity.
  3. I've decided to have a contest, where I'm the only entry and I'm the winner of the prettiest bladder snails. This is just one specimen. Not the greatest picture but I like my little hoarde of Bladders.
  4. @Guppysnail may have some good answers for you on this one.
  5. Yeah they could get out of control but you know how to do that. Feeding baby brine and fry foods definitely make them multiply but when guppies get big enough a couple days of fasting should make rather short work of a chunk of population.
  6. Thats up to you my friend. Hydra aren't generally harmful and shouldn't be a problem for your fry. They will make short work of them when they get bigger. I think they're kind of cool personally but I did have to sick some guppies on mine because I had a glass skater (Hillstream) that didn't like roving over them. However, this is just a guppy tank, I say keep the free food, that's my vote.
  7. Welcome to the forum @Randall H. Yes we do tend to encourage the hobby around here! But at least it's a positive, supportive place to be! 😆
  8. Hi there! Welcome to the forum! Great tanks. Lots of good people here to share with, learn from and teach as well!
  9. I use my Google photos account. Granted I have only figured out how to post links for people to view if they wish but there's probably a more clever way of doing it I haven't bothered to play with yet.
  10. They are!! You must post when you put them in a tank! Start a journal! There's not many goldfish posters here. :-)
  11. I really like how much thought you're putting into it and making it DIY. You COULD just go out and buy ready made LEDs out there so it's cool to follow along with your process.
  12. Awesome start!! It's fun to see how a tank matures!
  13. Haha, nah. They're light but not ivory. This tank has so much depth in person but doesn't photograph well. I think because it's so short.
  14. What kind of moss do you know? I recently dry started a tank with Java Moss. I had a piece of spiderwood, chopped upthe long strands you speak of, placed it in the tank and kept plastic wrap over it spraying it every day until the tank was ready. The small bits over that time had attached themselves to the wood for a tree. You can also do this to rocks or other harsdscape. Doesn't have to be started in a tank you can do that in another container until the object is ready.
  15. Welcome to the forum! Share pics of your tanks when you can !
  16. Ugh. Yeah looks like it. I'd treat her with salt and super clean water. Kanaplex if you've got it. Stupid little cups.
  17. I decided today was the day for the Medieval Tank. Thankfully after my makeshift med trio and nearly another week in QT the 5 Platinum Guppies were doing very well. Lone White Guppy needed buddies. I was so tired of seeing him moping about the tank solo. So I tested the QT and the Medieval: Pretty darn close (Medieval on the left, QT right). Temps are within a degree/2 at most so I went ahead and released them, Google video here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/mun3jtS5szjutrQs5 (2mins 10 sec) Poor Lone White Guppy. He was kind of scared at first, hiding in the Subbwassertang shelf while the others got used to their new surroundings together: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Vqj242648bie2jxk8 (20 seconds) The 5 stickiing together very closely and are still right now off and on 30 minutes later. Valere of course needs to check things out and assert that he is the King of the Realm: Thankfully his long robes give the Guppies with short fins plenty of warning and they get away easily. He's not flaring at them and since Lone White Guppy has been safe from Valere I don't have any reason to believe the 5 won't be either. The 5 Embers are getting used to new activity as well, they moved to the boulder portion of the scape for a while (they are usually on the Arch side: Lone White Guppy has come out of his shell and is now intermingling with the others - so now I don't know which one he is but he's lonely no more!
  18. Aww poor thing. 😢 I thought she (looks like a she) appeared very red and was probably sick. It could be she was distended because of an illness or eggs would be hard to say. I don't think commercial foods would be an issue necessarily. That said. I personally wonder about high protein diets. I get a lot of people feed them worms and other protein but they are herbivores from my understanding tho in the wild I'm sure they eat proteins just because they are grazers. I've noticed mine prefer foods higher in veggie content like Repashy Super Green. This is not at all to say that's the issue. I just wonder. I don't think you'd have to move them if the other ones seem healthy. You recently treated the tank so clearly there was a concern for illness. It was probably something like that. I'm sorry she passed.
  19. @Lennie yes unlikely. I just had Harlequins in my original 20 tall set up, I pulled them because they were eating the Oto fry. Now it's a species only tank with some Nerites. Nerites don't seem to disturb the eggs since they lay on the undersides of broad leaves. @Odd Duck, just something I've noticed since my original Momma Oto showed me. Seems to be consistent with my observations in keeping them. Never looked it up (not sure the info is there) and never had anyone try and tell me differently. 🙃
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