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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. So I got these plants yesterday as a continuing project to add plants to my tanks. I don't have any of these yet. Once I got them home I placed them in my quarantine tank. I have 2 issues: 1.) In one of my pics you'll see some black stuff on one of the bulbs, is that harmful to the plant or fish or tank in any way? It looks like I might be able to remove it with a toothbrush but if that's something the plant needs I didn't want to act before I knew. 2.) Does one plant these or just leave them free floating/wandering in the tank?
  2. @Karen B. totally with you. I don't even see a path on the glass they (Nerites) travel. I also think people lie about what Mystery Snails do- all mine do is try to procreate..... 😐
  3. @CT_ and @Karen B. I have 7 adult Otos in a 20 gallon tank, I still have algae (and I feed them algae wafers too so I'm sure that's partly my fault). Otos definitely don't eat hair algae as I'm currently playing with parameters to get that dialed back. I must have the laziest 2 Nerites on the planet cause I'M the one controling the hair algae.
  4. @Gideyon If you have a happy, healthy fish he should be fine. I usually fast my fish 1x a week. If you search "the internet" sites specifically for Betta say anywhere from 4-10 days (I don't think i'd go for longer than what you are planning myself) without food. I have never left my own bettas I've had in the past go without for 3 days, but that's my threshold. As far as lights I would put a light on a timer for a routine anyway, dunno about the fish but it would make *me* as a fish owner happier. If you have issues with algae in your tank 4 or 5 hours for the timer would be ok if you wanted to do that while you are gone. In my experience if whatever tank you have your betta in has decent filtration cleaning it before you go should be fine, as long as it doesn't go too far beyond when you know it would need it. I usually clean my tanks right before I go anywhere, but it only takes me about 15 mins per 20 gallon tank- I've got my routine down pat. There's no way to tell if your fish will get stressed- either from food or boredom or both- it depends on the fish. That part is all a gamble.
  5. @CT_ isn't it funny how alike some of them look?! It's hard to tell. I don't think even lfs sometimes know which especially since they're wild caught....some species must dwell in the same waters I would guess? Of course when I don't really want to breed I get the easy one 😆
  6. @CT_ well, not sure who is mommie or daddy since I have 7 adults but 99.9% sure I have Otocinclus Vittatus
  7. @Dwayne Brown yep, those are Mystery Snail eggs. If you want them to hatch you can leave them be and leave it to chance OR there are youtube videos out there that show how you can care for them with wet paper towels and a ziplock container. If you don't want them to hatch you can remove them.
  8. @Kauaidoug I haven't used driftwood that didn't come from a fish store yet but the floating part isn't unusual even after boiling- however, bury it in place in your tank and I've found that eventually it won't float anymore so if you have to take it out for cleaning or maintenance you can just set it back in place most of the time. Also, if you think there's anything that might harm your fish, sand it, peel it, scrape it, whatever you have to do- some of it will probably soften up anyway after boiling- just run your hands down it. Haven't had to do that with the driftwood from the fish store but I've had to do it with decorations- the moulds sometimes make sharp corners so I use a metal nail file to dull them down.
  9. @Hobbit All very good to know thank you! Honestly a trade would be nice (fish food or something), but knowing the Otos have a place to go will give me peace of mind when I figure this all out. BTW...caught some more and see some more.....it's definitely Spring....
  10. My vote (for a name) is for Interstellar (Stellar for short) I love the definition "occuring or situated between stars"
  11. Ack! I'm having flashbacks. I've battle Ich twice (and have won thank you very much), my last time was with my new quarantined Otocinclus, all 6 of them had it, pic isn't great, but a lot of sources say you tend to see it on the fins mostly- as you can see while there is a dot or 2 on this adult there are also plenty on the body. If it's Ich, I'd highly recommend getting on top of that pronto. You may need to go to a lfs to buy treatment, I wouldn't wait.
  12. Poor thing looks awfully inflamed. It looks similar to ammonia burn that I've seen on other translucent fish. If that's the case it's entirely possible that could have happened at the breeder or during shipping if conditions were right. Or in this case very wrong.
  13. These are my 2 boys, Quantum a Sable Burmese, and Epic a Singapura
  14. @Celly Rasbora I'm with you I was a little alarmed by the email I got from Petco/Petsmart about my Marimo moss balls. I did my research after that. I don't feel like mine are a threat because like you I don't empty my water into drains, I feed my plants (my blueberry bushes bloom explosion is proof positive of that). Personally, my plants are just as important and just as much of a living thing as my fish are and I would never "freeze a fish" so I could not bring myself to do this to my marimo balls. I will keep an eye on my tank and act accordingly. As @Cory says sanctioning is a threat as there is typically governmental overreaction to things they don't know a lot about so we should react responsibly hoping they don't go that direction. I think the scare tactics @gardenman points out is for those of us who are a lot less responsible/reasonable (and I had a good laugh about the sky is falling attitude there, that was fun!)
  15. I thank you all for responding and I appreciate the ideas. I had a thought that a LFS might take them, what's that usually like? Any of you have experience with that? Do they trade or buy or both? I'm not part of any major social media (FB, Twitter, Instagram, all no) but CL is an option, especially if they keep coming as I suspect they will. @gardenman not only was I NOT trying, I didn't WANT them to! Ha! They are stupid cute though. When I saw the first transluscent Oto stuck to the glass I thought I was seeing a bug in my tank but when I realized what it was I could *not* believe it - I'll admit to giggling like a madperson and maybe squeezed out a happy tear they were so stinkin cute. @Hobbit and @Maggie it's good to have concensus that LFS is a good place to start. I live in a pretty large city and have a few LFS I can try, I'm hoping the place I got them from would be interested, because the first set I got from a different LFS all died within days but for one, the six I got from the 2nd LFS all survived. @CT_ Like I mentioned I wasn't trying to get my Otos to reproduce so I didn't feed them anything special so as not to encourage them- my tank has plenty of algae and I literally have a small fish-shaped "fish bowl" in the tank that I put a piece of Hikari Algae Wafer and a couple of small pieces of Xtreme Cat Scraper in every other day or so and I can say that I've spotted some of the smalllest fry in the bowl. 6 of the adult Otos I have when in quarantine ate Hikari Wafers (due to lack of algae in my quarantine tank) so I continued to put it in my established tank in case they got picky, but were never interested in the Xtreme Cat Scrapers- my Snails love them though- seek them out all the time. I chose to do a low tech tank, so I don't run a heater (today's temp was 76.3), run full spec lights on a timer and a dimmer switch, PH is a steady 7.6, Allkalinity at 3 or 53.7 GH at 125.3, all the other readings typically at 0, have a sponge filter rated for a 20 gallon (that the adult Otos ALL hang out at during the day), some driftwood (which I suspect one of my females is laying near), some live plants and some imaginary (what I call fake ones) in for color, the substrate is fairly large pebble river rock with a bit of plant substrate under towards the back of the tank. I do partial water changes every week. My Mystery snails also keep trying to reproduce. My Harlequin Rasboras have made no moves to reproduce but are happy and brightly colored, however now that I've said that I might have to eat my words.....
  16. Hi all, new here and I tried to find a similar post so forgive me for starting a new one if there was a more appropriate place to be- posted on the introductory page a bit about what I have as far as tanks/equip/fish etc. When I started my 20 gallon I just wanted a peaceful community tank with fish that had similar parameter needs of course and I didn't want reproduction, so I avoided live bearers and "easy breeders". I ended up with 10 Harlequin Rasboras and 7 Otocinclus. Well about 6 months into my endeavor I now have 25 baby catfish and counting. I know some have fallen prey to the Rasboras which is ok, that's nature, but I've managed to contain the 25+ in a floating breeder box (boy am I glad I got that for "back up" plans). I seem to catch 1 or 2 daily in varying stages of develoment. Of all the hours and hours of research I did I didn't look into this because I never thought I'd be able to breed what is sometimes called on the internet an "intermediate level" breeder: now what?! I started another 20 gallon which I plan to likely house my Rasboras and I'll up the number of Otos in my well established algae covered tank where they bred- I have 1 friend who also keeps fish and she's taking a half dozen. This isn't likely to stop happening so can anyone give me ideas on how to rehome fish? Thank you in advance for your ideas!
  17. Hi. Been stalking Cory and fish aquarium friends on YouTube for a while now. My 20 gallon tank is 6 months and 6 days old according to my aquarium app at time of this post, with the internet's help and more research than I can list I stocked it with 10 very happy/healthy Harlequin Rasboras (aka gang of Harlies) and 7 Otocinclus catfish (aka Herd of Cats). I also have a Gold Mystery Snail you can see on the right of my uploaded pic saying hi named Escape (female) (name has an accent over the final e but I'm tech challenged at times) White Mystery Snail Pegasus (male) and 2 small zebra Nerite snails Dash and Speck- along with random plants both real and imagined. I only run a sponge filter- NO HEATER (thanks Cory it really DOES WORK in some applications)- my tank stays between a 75-77 degree temperature thanks to the kitchen the tanks occupy with its constant activity and the Wedgewood stove with a pilot light. For lighting I have AMZBD full spectrum lighting that I've put on a dimmer switch because, well, programming it beyond the timer function is more than I want to bother with considering if the power even flickers I lose what I put in. I'm going in deep because in my 2nd pic I'll upload (tank with yellow flowers) I've started another 20 gallon which is now 4 days old according to my aquarium app, no inhabitants but for a few live plants (also some imaginary plants- aka plastic plants- to help fill in the look). ***here's why***I originally picked Harlequins and Otocinclus because they a) fiit the parameters of my tank and their needs are similar and b) MOST IMPORTANTLY: they wouldn't multiply. Neither per my research are easy to breed. Right?! WRONG. At least apparently in my case. I have 25 and COUNTING baby OTOCINCLUS. Some of which have fallen to Rasbora food but most of which I feel like I've saved and are currently in a floating breeder box. The 2nd tank I think will rehome the Rasboras eventually with a group of Otos when the tank is fully established and the first tank will be for what I might call the algae eater tank- I'd like to maybe add some compatable shrimp with my Otos and Snails. Now as much as I LOVE my Otos (really love love love) I can't keep them all. So I guess I'm on here not just for the forum comaraderie but for ideas of how I can rehome my baby Otos?! I doubt they will stop breeding sooooo.....help? You'll likely see posts from me elsewhere about the Oto conundrum.
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