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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Too stankin cute and such a cool natural camo- they're pretty convincing eyes. Do you know if it's supposed to mimic another natural predator in the wild or?
  2. Welcome to the forum Gabe! It takes a village here and we definitely support each other!
  3. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA (TIGER): The Accidental Oto Tank Just proof that even the Cocama have learned where the food bowl is....
  4. My understanding is Kulis don't do well with salt, neither will your mystery snail. Do you not have any used media you could set up a temporary holding tank for the new loaches?
  5. Fins are where Ich starts. Never heard of stress ich but when a fish is stressed they are more suseptible to getting any form of illness. Ich can get out of control fast, some people treat with aquarium salt if you have any on hand you might consider that. The heat will only speed up the life cycle and if you're not treating may fast forward the illness which is fine when you have meds in the water, without it might make matters worse. If you can post a pic of what you see so we can help verify.
  6. How did I miss this beautiful kingdom so obviously ruled by 2 beautiful Mystery Snails?!
  7. Good luck. Very sorry some of your fish didn't make it. Hopefully your tank will be like me and rise again better than before. 😉
  8. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA AND VITTATUS: The Accidental Oto Tank Testing Day (1 day earlier than usual) So this week I discovered a big ole error in one of my digital thermometers. Just so happens it's the one in my only heated tank. It said my tank was at 67 degrees. IMPOSSIBLE. The heater seemed to be working fine as the water was warm. I tested the water it was a full 10+degrees warmer with the heater. I raised my eyebrow in distrust. I use the same aquarium thermometer (granted some are marked with different brands but they are the same silly thing) in all my tanks. So I, on a hunch unplugged the heater and let it sit and the ONLY heated tank I had was a heated tank no longer as it sat without one at 76 degrees! Palm to Face thank you. So naturally I'm distrustful of my other thermometers and have discovered 1 of 4 is pretty close to accurate (Parent Tank) the other 2 are off a degree (including the Accidental tank) and the last one I haven't tested yet as it's being treated by meds and I didn't want to test with my other thermometers yet. Since I was already doing the heat test today I did the water testing too so you'll see a drop in degrees: Temp: 76.5 (-0.3 degrees - no heater) pH 7.6 (steady on) Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 40 (good lawd what's gonna change this) KH 6/107.4 (no change) GH 125.3 (no change) OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: From the Angry Man Tank: Since it was also tank water change day for some of my tanks (usually due to testing results or because it's time), I managed to catch what is possibly the last Oto Vittatus out of the Angry Man tank as I spoke of in last entry after a long chase. I released them into The Accidental tank and hopefully it will be better off there. I will check periodically for any potential straglers. NOW: I leave you with pictures. My Vittatus babies are super happy fat little things, the smallest is doing well but not as big as their siblings here: I got a pretty fantastic (by my standards when compared to my other pics 😄) shot of 1 of the Cocama (buddy in background), I can see all their pretty little details:
  9. @Beardedbillygoat1975 yea I'm pretty happy I did that, they are very cool additions to this tank even if they don't end up spawning for me.
  10. @Flumpweesel @GameCzar If you haven't already and you are truly a Bruce Campbell fan, one MUST watch: Bubba Ho-Tep
  11. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA (TIGER): The Accidental Oto Tank This morning caught one of the Cocama "curled" up at the near top of the tank on an Amazon leaf. Sorry for the pic quality, it was still dark in my house. Also got a couple of cute pics of 2 Cocama just hanging out. One definitely seems to favor the wood it's sitting on (unless there is a different one every time I just have a feeling it's the same one who has staked territory. The other you see is sitting near the veggie clip. I don't blanch the English Cucumber I feed them as you can see by the next morning it gets mushy all on it's own. It gets changed shortly after the lights come on for the day. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Angry Man Tank Found what is probably the last of my Vittatus in the Angry Man tank deceased. I had previously released 6 of them many months ago. My strong belief is because I had to leave food out for the Otos the bladder snails soon out competed them for the food. It is so hard to keep track of them since they hide during the day that it is pretty much too late when I do finally see them. I had already decided every time I saw one I'd catch it and release it into the Accidental tank- I've only managed one. Maybe tomorrow I will dedicated some time moving things around to check for any survivors but if memory serves there *might* be one left? 😔 OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: Ember House aka The Flex9 My inhabitants here have been fighting off some kind of mystery illness for some time. I started with 10 Embers months ago and started finding them, and some of the 5 or so Otos I put in there deceased from no apparent/obvious illness. Finding yet another Oto and Ember gone after just seeing them the day before in seemingly perfect health I started them on a double med round of Furan2 and Kanaplex. I have had no losses so far, 5 Embers and 1 Oto with 2 Endler males and a Hillstream- everyone seemingly eating, active as they were even before the meds and during deaths. I bring this up because there is a solo Oto here. If he/she pulls through the meds and I have no more issues there I will try and pull them as well and put them in the Accidental tank.
  12. Don't know where you live but I'm thankfully close to a University with a reknowned Vetrinary hospital- some of them have services- a friend of mine took her goldfish to them once. If there are any of those remotely close to you even if you can't take your fish there maybe they have a referal service to a graduate vet in your area.
  13. If I were your neigbor I'd come over and take the rejects off your hands any time. Most would likely promptly die in my tanks but I'm sure due to your perfectionism/competitive nature more would come in time. 😉
  14. My tanks run at 7.6 on average. I have Harlequins, Black Neons, Otos, Embers, Hillstream, Endlers, Snails (Mystery, Nerite, Bladder) and the pH is not a problem. I consider 7.6 middle range pH and just .6 above a total Neutral. Leave it. 🙂
  15. It's always fun to get new plants and find places to put them. 🙂
  16. Love everything about a snail, today I was just watching some of them eat, their little mouths/teeth/scraping is just fascinating to me (today's stars: Immaculate the Mystery Snail and Speck and Dash Nerites, all from my Parent Tank)
  17. You might have to rename the Sad Bowl to the Blue Bowl (still a hommage to sad but Blue is a beautiful color).
  18. Though you say they are crowded (I believe you), most of them seem to really like sitting there looking at each other. I saw the red/blue poke at the blue one at least a couple of times are they saying something you can translate? Both males or females?
  19. A fighter. True to her breed. I love it. She's a beauty.
  20. I'm very glad he's calmed down a little! He does sound happy 🙃
  21. I am so rabbit holing this topic later on the internet 😄
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