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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. It looks like you have just gravel as substrate, the plant may or may not eventually rot as Java is a rhizone plant but if it's not too buried it might be fine. Trust me, a lot of people new to plants mistakenly plant them- I had! It's not like they come with instructions and unless you look for the information you just assume a plant needs planting! Personally I have fun looking for things to glue new Java to. so if you ever find anything cool, uproot it and glue it! Honestly can't really say how often it happens, lol, it just does. I take it as a sign of a happy plant. 🙂
  2. Fantastic! I really hope he pulls through for you, sounds like you could really use the win right now.
  3. That's totally normal, in fact a good thing as eventually they can be pulled/trimmed if you want and glued to another base. I found one floating in my tank from my Narrow Leaf Java this morning. But my Windelov has them too (don't mind the debris stuck to it.
  4. Ok. I'd probably treat her for bacterial as this is what fin rot is- even if the rip is new we don't want it to get worse. Check for ANYTHING in the tank that might have caused her to rip her fins. I'd follow @Irene's guidelines here: Watch "How to Cure Fin Rot the EASY Way!" on YouTube I might do a small water change while checking for sharp areas as a precaution but your water parameters are fine. However when I treat a fish that's always the first thing I do.
  5. Since a small group of Endlers replaced my idea of a centerpiece Betta in my Flex9 I've been working towards that. Unfortunately with my first group of 4 I'd lost one in QT and sadly yesterday lost another to an ultimately unknown illness after trying to treat with meds for a week. My ongoing saga of trying to fully stock my tanks continues and the stocking of my 8mos old 20 gallon again on hold. So I went back to the LFS and got 4 more Endlers (literally the last 4 they had) to add to the 2 who are constantly chasing each other in the Flex. So the newbies are in QT, hopefully they all make it. Do you name your small group individuals too? The two in the tank I have left are Drogon (yes Game Of Thrones) and Phoenix. (SIP lil Koi) Now meet: Falcor (Luck Dragon from Never Ending Story- I keep suggesting the name on the forum nobody takes it, so I'm insistent- ha!) he's the biggest and fanciest of the 4. NEL (stands for Never Ending Light, one of my favorite songs ever) who is all white. Torchlight (multi colored orange and yellow marks) and Flare (just a dark orange strip down his body- remindint me of the color of flares). They've been really hard to get pictures of....Endlers never stop moving.....
  6. Someday I'll have a giant tank with 1 pleco and hundreds of small community fish. Not sure if it'd work, but it's my dream.
  7. There are 2 things you can do, just drop them in the tank (I'd probably rinse them first- that's just me) and let them be. OR you can boil them and let the tannis get released like tea let it sit and get dark- and save that water- add during water changes. Since she's sick, I might drop a leaf or 2 in now and boil the others.
  8. Well parameters seem fine, I'd make sure the temp is on the higher end (lesson learned with Bettas, trust me). Now that I know her fins were like that what about the rest of her? Any other visible changes? What have you been feeding her?
  9. Woke up to find my Tetra Whisper pump was not outputting air like I'd like it. Thankfully I'm a back up plan kind of human so I pulled it today and installed a BIGGER Tetra Whisper. I had the "Up to 20 gallon" pump for my two 20 gallons. One of the sponge filters had no output at all (this my friends is why I run TWO air driven pumps, the other is run by a lithium backed battery air pump for power outages- so neither tank was in any sort of danger). Originally- it only ran one but after addding the 2nd 20 I split the lines. I figured eventually it would grow tired of it. So I had the "up to 60" gallon pump standing by for that day. Apparently today was the day. Wow did that make a difference. I might actually have to turn the air down....
  10. Lots of great shelf liner nowadays. I just put some on my old desk for small QT tanks and it's wide enough that I turn it up against the wall in the back so if any water leaks it won't go down the backside of the desk. In your case for a built in if it went up the back a bit that would be a good thing. Potentially you could secure it with tape OR I'd get some pieces of vinyl/plastick backsplash from the home goods store. It would look nice and protect the wall if the shelf liner came up and behind the backsplash.
  11. Did you toss any gravel/sand too? That will have beneficials on it also. QT happens without BB at times. If I were in your shoes I'd probably make sure Danny was super warm (there's something about humidity and Bettas that people keep mentioning here since the club's Betta talk too but I'm not sure how that's accomplished since I'm not able to view the talk). I might even consider salt treatment and API Stress Coat (or similar). I'm rooting for you and your fish @Lexi B
  12. I'm very sorry, how frustrating. 😞 Do you have another QT? Maybe your main tank could use a good cleaning. I know at this point it's probably grasping at straws and I believe columaris is a really hard one to fight. What are your water parameters right now? Temperature?
  13. Oh no, another sick Betta. 😞 What's your water parameters? Her fins look kind of ragged, was she always like that?
  14. I have a 10 an 4 gallon on mine....and a KitchenAid mixer...and we all know those aren't light....
  15. @Odd Duck They're looking amazing. I remember when you were redoing that tank, it's still one of my very favorites on the forum. I love those Plecos. They're like peaceful aquatic tank Dragons (I love me a dragon!)
  16. Love it! I've been tempted. I love jack o lanterns and one of the bigbox had some I nearly went there. Then there's a seller on my favorite handmade site that did some Grinch themed characters for the aquarium. Also I"m tempted to do a light/bubble curtain- but then I think is this like putting a sweater on a dog/cat?! 🙂
  17. I use Seachem Paraguard and have succesfully treated parasitic infections (mainly Ich). I believe either formula will act similarly, though I have no experience with the Fritz version. The pleco should be fine with either- I treated my Otos with Paraguard and they did fine (and no losses).
  18. Want to talk obsessed? I wanted more horned Nerites to add to my collection (I have 3 in one tank). I went to the LFS and they didn't have any (and of course the bigboxes don't carry them- at least I've never seen them there). So I ridiculously ordered a 5 pack online (ridiculous because the shipping cost more than the snails). Silly me!
  19. OTOCINCLUS COCAMA (TIGER): The Accidental Oto Tank Morning after: So morning patrols of the Accidental Oto tank after the big move yesterday found all my Cocama still doing well. This morning they apparently had some sort of meeting, and as per usual with these meetings someone decides they're too important to show up (only 4 Cocama hanging out- the other 2 were off doing something else apparently...hopefully spawning)- but they seem to be confering with their new Vittatus tankmates. Everyone is playing very nicely. C'mon, they're Otocinclus- did we expect any less? I left a camera on for a little bit to try and catch some of the Accidental Tank's activities. They tend to shoal a lot more in the evening and mornings before and just after the lights come on. there's a little activity in the following google link (1m 34 sec), most of the activity is towards the middle and end of the video. https://photos.app.goo.gl/xnKJGrUrbYtcdUweA They got light maintenance today as really they didn't make any big messes. On a side note, all 7 Vittatus babies accounted for and doing very well.
  20. As predicted. Found deceased this morning. 😞 SIP lil one
  21. Don't have one but LOVE them....PICS PICS PICS!!!! 😍
  22. Thank you@lindabee53 for the compliments! What I have learned has been mostly by my experience and by hours and hours of research on the fish that I keep. Things like walking out of a fish/pet store with fish when that is not your intention definitely happens. Even with someone like me who is typically patient. The Cocama were definitely what I would consider "impulse" for me though I did not buy them the day I saw them. One of my tanks is 8 months old and still not fully stocked out as I'd planned it. THIS is why it's very important to be prepared to have a QT. A seeded sponge in a working tank (with a back up sponge to replace it when pulled) is probably the most important. Sounds like you have that! Since I had the Cocamas in QT I had another QT running for my Flex aka Ember House, now it's holding a sick fish and where the Cocama used to be is now up and running for something new. So I'm glad you've understood the importance. Now that you have Accidental Cory and Oto in your care, make sure the Oto get opportunities for food. As mentioned above my Otos love Hikari Algae wafers and now Repashy Super Green- but Cories can be kinda piggy, so I would highly recommend putting a veggie or two in there since they can't be eaten as quickly. My Otos, though I've tried so, so many veggies the only one they've touched are English Cucumbers- but others have been successful with spinach, green beans, squash etc (usually after blanching- I don't have to blanch the cucumber). Hope you are successful with the process!! And have fun with that quilt (I love quilts and have purchased several from crafters).
  23. So far my Endler isn't doing any better. After a couple days beside the mouth around the gills turned red. Today was the last of a 4 day treatment of Furan2. I did a tank cleaning/water change and started a round of Kanaplex. He's not too active, mostly resting on stuff in the tank. Sadly I wouldn't be too surprised if he doesn't make it overnight, though his mouth seems a bit less red than it was. I'm 🤞 Meanwhile his 2 male friends in the Flex are still doing well and nobody there is showing any signs of illness.
  24. I wouldn't think it'd be against the rules here if someone offered to help who was local. It's a rescue from a disaster not a trade or sale but I get it if it is. I'd ask any of the LFS around you to see if they can help or maybe they know someone who can take them for you! Again, so sad to hear. 😞
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