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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. It definitely looks a lot like that to me- looks exactly like my spiderwood decay. I had to take that sucker out and scrub the c*** out of which helped a little, but you know it's natural material it will keep doing that eventually. I'm sure there is probably some algae but you might have a lot of debris from wood and leaves for sure.
  2. If you don't want it to go too far why not just scrape the glass with a razor and follow behind with a siphon if possible? I'm sure you probably have to leave the shells alone but they might look cool.
  3. @lefty o isn't it odd? I just hope it wasn't directed to him at the time...you know how that era treated its soldiers....
  4. He's just lulling you into a false sense of security....
  5. That could also be true. Sounds like it's just best for you to start over just precautionary.
  6. @Colu well, I thought it might be. My Maracyn was expired (forgot to set a reminder on it) but I had Furan2 (I also have Kanaplex). I was forced to make a decision before I left for work. I started a round of Furan2. Any reason to believe that won't be just as effective?
  7. After over 3 weeks in QT with no illnesses/treatment I released 3 male endlers into my Fluval Flex on the 1st of this month. All doing well until I noticed this little one's mouth is red- active but not as active as they were before. What's the deal? My first thought is it might be bacterial? The other two Endlers acting the same as the day I put them in here. This one in the last few days was less of a participant in the group activites and hung out at the top of the water more often than I liked but was still moving about with the other fish. This is the first day I noticed the redness. Tank was tested just today: Temp 78.9, pH 7.6, Nitrate/rite 0 Alkalinity 5/89.5 GH 179
  8. @lefty o apparently it was my Uncle's pride and joy. 😄 Well, besides the cars he had waiting at home for him. He was quite the little 007
  9. Every Veteran's Day (and all the other holidays) I remember my uncle "Ricky" (man on the right in first pic and someone I never got a chance to know) who was point main Seal Team One in Vietnam. Despite numerous patrols with his team died in a freak helicoptor accident during R&R time. Per his CO he was an amazing teammate. RIP Ricky.
  10. A couple things. You have wood in there? I had a piece of spiderwood in one of my tanks that dropped a whole lot of debris that looked just like it (and it was covered in it) Also in my Oto tank I have a lot of hair algae covered by similar debris which I think is the scattered food from algae wafers. It looks like this but it's on plants/other surfaces. The hair algae stuff is harder since it's kinda stubborn but I can turkey baste quite a bit of it out. If I ruffle the plants enough I can knock a lot of it off but then it just settls on the bottom I don't know which is worse (plus there are likely eggs on the undersides of the leaves right now so I'm not doing that). I mention the above because you have fry. Sometimes we feed more.
  11. One of my recently acquired male endlers seems "less than perfect " and slightly bent but I think he's gorgeous.
  12. Looks like a Star Wars character!
  13. @PineSong Ah good. Your Oto is probably fine, I'm just over-cautious with Otos. 🙃 ..but do post when you get a chance. Colors: I do hope it's a color variant, that would be neat!
  14. If it's a green light good luck! @Guppysnail is right they're uber cute. I got only 1 baby by accident and it was fun to watch her grow up. They grow up so fast. 😭
  15. OTOCINCLUS VITTATUS: The Accidental Oto Tank Afternoon Maintenance: Earlier I had discovered the Aqueion QuietFlow 10 on this tank had stopped operating. Whoops. My bad. I panic ordered one from the big box- regardless that's the time I think about back up plans in case it were totally broken. Turns out I just needed to give it a good cleaning and squeeze out the prefilter sponge. It started right up again once I did that. There are two very great things about this HOB. It never has to be primed. It's cheap to replace. Now I have to add, "it takes a lickin and keeps on tickin". There was no real need to worry as the sponge filter is in there too. Needless to say the bigbox emailed me and said they had to cancel my order, they were out. I'm still gonna buy another one... Evening patrol: When I was spot cleaning earlier I saw a little one on the Amazon Sword about the same age as the one that died last night. Impossible to catch there I let it be. It is now taunting me on the glass. I decided to let it be. For now. I think too I've discovered that I *MIGHT* be able tell boys from girls even when small. The females look massive compared to the boys and have a longer body. The boys are shorter and smaller. I might be wrong on the boy in this pic as the body is a little long but it kind of paints a picture of what I'm talking about.
  16. Confirm with your LFS before you let anyone hatch or you'll be stuck with a bajillion babies. 🙂
  17. @Guppysnail your thought is totally legit but the ones that are grey have always been grey and some are lighter in color and it seems fade to this. It's interesting. We shall see. There's no way for me to know in the Parent Tank if it's an adult I started with that faded or a juvenile who at this point would be around 8 months old.
  18. @PineSong unfortunately I cannot tell by the picture. I can see the little one looking right at you though haha. Is there a small indent in their belly? Or is it a trick of the light in your pic? I circled it: I've not seen any spirals on my Otos, but when their bellies aren't' little pearls I start to get concerned and look for other signs of illness and/or up their food/options. It's not saying your Oto isn't ok, that's just when I start to worry about mine.
  19. @Guppysnail that picture has your snail looking very much like a Muppet. It's adorbs.
  20. Hahaha @Guppysnail are you sure it isn't "watch me do this watch me do this, are you lookin??"
  21. Yep. It does indeed appear so. If they are attached by their parts. One way to see sex without doing anything TO the snails is when they are making their "cartoon faces" you can see their sex organs, they attach on the left sides as you can see. My male Mystery Snail Pegasus and female Mystery Snail Escape' (RIP) are demonstrating here for you.
  22. This is what I picture their thoughts being when they're scraping the glass... (star of the show is Curlyque)
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