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Everything posted by Keeg

  1. When I boil my wood (spider and Malaysian) I save the boiled water in a bucket because of tannins. no need to waste it, plus we call it tea as a joke because we scoop it out with clear cups and it looks exactly the same!
  2. I live on a well so I only rinse under the tap when im trying to clean a cartridge and I want it cleaned thoroughly with super hot water. Everything else gets squeezed/ rinsed in the nasty bucket of old water to save water.
  3. For me it feels impossible to not have even a small mess when separating moss, but I find I get less of a mess when I lightly pull it apart with my hands and not actually cut it. I also use fishing line to tie it along rocks and it ends up being like a net so I can tuck in leftover bits anyways. I know some people hold down the moss by super gluing it. I personally dont like this and I dont know which glue is best/ safe.
  4. They like hardscape to hide in too. Personally I feel like they like wood more than rock but that's completely up to you. Also make sure your tank is cycled! I cycled mine before I left for college to be safe
  5. Do lots of research on your own. Use a timer so human error is reduced. Test your water regularly. Dont skimp out on a good light and fertilizer. And welcome to the forum!
  6. Dont knock it until you try it 😂. They love shells so maybe get him some of those, or maybe some ceramic marbles. You could also give him live foods like ghost shrimp, but with a school setting, I dont know how the PTA would react
  7. What kind of substrate? And how deep are you planting and how deep is the substrate? Are you fertilizing? And like what nooby said what type of plant(s)
  8. Im in a rural area and fish keeping is a medium hobby in my community, like people will have a betta in a quart of water or a 3 gallon glo-fish tank. I think after this batch, I might try one of those trading things (co-op supports the greater Seattle aquarium society) so who knows, maybe they're the best ticket
  9. Red ear sliders do that a lot, its sooooo freaking cute when they do though. Most turtles do it to attract a mate, but red ears do it regularly. They also like to play with empty shells, so he's just having fun.
  10. They offered 1/3 of what they sell at. And this particular store (no names because of guidelines lol) is pretty pricy, like the co-op is pricy but not this kind of pricy 🙄. So while I'd love to sell my bettas by myself, I dont want to have to deal with customers that will return the fish, have DOAs from shipping, or selling them in a cup. If anything, id run it out of my garage and be a word of mouth store like the ones I grew up with. But that's the future and I need a quick solution now. PS. I only bought my golden dumbo pk because some teenage employee completely misjudged its worth.
  11. As a heads up, you dont need to do a large order of the octopus plants. It literally only took a month for mine (one pot from co-op) to grow so much and so fast that I had to trim. Then growth became exponential because when you cut, three grow from the cut like a hydra dragon.
  12. The first rooster we got was from my track coach who owns a farm. They didnt want them anymore as he was pretty aggressive and the hens weren't laying as much. I personally like grey brahmas with black dots. I had a couple hens awhile back but raccoons came out of nowhere unfortunately.
  13. Rhode island red mixed with something else, the first rooster was a pure Rhode Island, but bred with some other kind, and their kids (these chick's father) turned out a light brown with long white tail with a single blue feather. So mutts lol Second batch ever! first batch we had 26 chicks, I dont know if I want that many this time, but these guys are 3 days old now and no other eggs show signs of hatching any time soon
  14. What do you mean by new nets? I feel like all the nets ive seen are the same.
  15. Do you happen to know the time limit? I dont like when it merges and doesnt make sense when together
  16. I thought I would share with y'all our 3 little blessings.
  17. pk betta fry update: The black, blue, red/ black and red plakats have been moved with my brother as he needed the brine shrimp hatchery for his mahachaiensis betta fry. So they're not going to get an update for awhile, but they're doing good and settling in just fine. I will post photos when I can
  18. Keeg

    What is this?

    Sounds like hole in the head disease, treat with ParaCleanse and ich-x to be safe. Velvet usually leaves a rusty/ shiny dust on the fish, was that present? And do you have water parameters?
  19. Looks like you got strawberry rasbora (bottom) and dwarf rasbora (top) if they're mature. But the not so colorful one could be a juvenile and havent fully colored up yet.
  20. Im going to guess it was some sort of fast acting internal parasite. Though with such a fast acting ailment, it wouldn't hurt doing the whole med trio to be safe.
  21. Your ph seems pretty high for rams, tetras, and the kulfi loach. How much and what do you feed? Did the rams even appear to have a concave belly or the tetras stringy waste? Is the ram a short body variety or normal?
  22. Does anybody know how to stop posts from merging? When I want to answer a question or something on my journal, I dont what that answer/ response to be merged with another post on my journal that has nothing to do with it.
  23. This is all good fun for me. I just found a store that's willing to pay 10$ for each betta once full grown, and from what ive heard, its a bit better than what the co-op offers so... they'll be getting the leftover after friends and family😂. And you're right! Those floating boxes also held some fry but I sent those to go live with my brother as he needed the brine shrimp hatchery for his fry. I plan to have a nice little side business, not for the money but for healthy bettas for people and fun. When I was young, there was this amazing seller and breeder in Seattle. For 10$ you'd get 3 fighting kings (his shop burned down and he couldn't afford to rebuild). Now days you can get 1 imbred king with guaranteed deformities for 20$ and if you're lucky 15$ when labeled wrong. I will definitely run an auto water change system once I decide to go bigger, I like the ones in Vietnam the most. Update on my nano tank with the solid tail dumbo guppy. He's still active/ eating well and his tail is slowly but surely healing just fine. Everything is basically the same behavior wise, his right fin was partially detached and doesnt have signs of healing unfortunately, but I still love him.
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