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Everything posted by MickS77

  1. I think best practice is to remove the old silicone first. I don't think new silicone with adhere to old silicone good enough to seal it.
  2. I've kept most fish in the hobby at one time or another but I never had an interest in guppies until following Cory and hearing all his love for live bearers. I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of colors come from spawning.
  3. Good idea. I'll never go back to lugging around canister filters. I really like using two DC return pumps for redundancy. They are silent and you can control the amount of water getting returned to the tank. It's helpful if you're running an overflow box. Have check valves of some kind on your returns so in the event of a power failure your sump doesn't overflow from back siphoning. Get some leak detection alarms. Sumps are awesome. I really like filling them up with as much bio media as I can so I'll always have some to start new tanks with.
  4. I wish ADA products were more readily available in the US
  5. What immediately came to my mind was the Ronco Solid Flavor Injector, I bet that would work! 😆
  6. Sharing this tip in case you plan on keeping White Clouds in a tank with a mattenfilter. I kept finding them behind the filter foam and discovered they were swimming down the lift tubes. I think it's their natural behavior to swim against the current. I folded up a small piece of 1/8 inch clear plastic mesh netting and zip-tied it around the opening. Could be a life saver too if you run an airstone in your tube as it might trap the fish. Problem solved 👍
  7. Looks like nipping to me. Just keep an eye on it to make sure it heals properly. Serpae tetra are pretty nippy in my experience.
  8. That sounds awesome, post some pictures of them when you can 👍
  9. 3D printer is definitely on my wishlist. I use CAD software everyday for work and I've modeled a few things I'd like to try printing someday.
  10. I definitely agree with @Daniel. Having kept many Tetra species over the years I've seen how hard shipping and store stress is on them. I would try getting some from a different store or vendor.
  11. Are you injecting CO2? I've had fish really stress out with that before
  12. Here's what I came up with. I scrounged up a glass jar, added some lettuce, squeezed some sponge grunge in, filled with tank water, and a shot of easy green. I'll leave it in my patio window sill and see what happens. Thanks for the advice and photos.
  13. Nice job Randy! Thanks for sharing your techniques and success. I may be inspired to try breeding these in my fish room, such a beautiful fish 😍
  14. I'm looking to keep some infusoria for raising tetra fry. Anyone keep infusoria? What do your setups look like and do have any tips or tricks?
  15. Exactly haha, I did a Nitrate test last night and thought "why am I not using the stirrer?"
  16. Do you use any gadgets for your aquarium? Something unconventional but that you've found makes a job easier or quicker? I originally got this magnetic stirrer for mixing up Seachem Equilibrium so it dissipates quicker when poured into the tank. I also found it makes checking some water parameters easier too. Instead of opening, closing, shaking a test tube for measuring Gh, I simply set it at slow spin and add drops until the color changes.
  17. This is my first attempt, 75 gallon. I'm still letting the tank establish so no fish yet, just some crypts, Java fern, and snails. I plan on stocking it with larger bodied tetras and maybe a few angelfish.
  18. I think finally need to get some guppies, just have to find a place for them haha
  19. The bigger one in the back looks like an Amano to me
  20. Looks like a blue Neocardina type
  21. Mine exists but not for freshwater. Automatic water tester like the Neptune Trident. Automatic daily testing of nitrate, ammonia, nitrite, ph, Gh, kh with text alerts for high readings.
  22. I think it'll be alright, super glue hardens pretty quick
  23. Yeah it seems like only a couple European stores have it.
  24. Yeah that will hold it together until it grows and attaches to the rock
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