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Everything posted by Brandy

  1. I bought a single flag fish to try for some staghorn algae control...It is the most mellow fish in my tank--which says more about the spazzy/agressive nature of my tank, than the temperment of the flag fish. So far I have not seen massive algae eating behvior, so I opted not to buy more, tho she is a pretty little thing. Massive doses of fertilizer while lowering my light hours has had the greater effect. EDITED to clarify: By "massive doses of fertilizer", I mean the correct actual amount required to keep the nitrate consistenly above 10ppm. I am too stingy by far.
  2. I named my otos even tho I can't tell them apart REALLY. And sometimes names just happen, like the male pea puffer who just became "Puff Daddy" spontaneously the other day. Mostly my fish get nicknames related to atributes, which sometimes stick. Like I intended to name my red betta something demon related, but he became "Piglet".
  3. @Codypk you may get more replies if you post this in the correct Topic category. A mod may be able to help move it.
  4. Yes. Also, with stem plants, pruning and replanting the tops is how you get a nice lush forest of growth.
  5. Lindsey Stirling is, of course, my vote. That would crack me up every time.
  6. I try to move the conversation to text asap. I only have problems with that with older people who don't text usually, but they are willing to TALK ON THE PHONE (like savages), so that is ok also.
  7. Nice, I think I have shrimp king mineral from dennerle, and it was too dang expensive. I was dissappointed half of the container was powdered.
  8. I would just probably do 3 otos, max, you will still need to feed in a big way, and shrimp. They are such peaceful sweet little guys, the hard part is feeding them. You can up your lights and fertilizer, but eventually you will just end up with a type of algae they dont eat, like staghorn, so that only works to a point. Otos and nerites kinda both want the same thing, tho Nerites are easier to satisfy. I have puffers in a 12g, with some larger nerites, small pest snails, and cherry shrimp. Adult shrimp and larger snails are mostly ingored so far. I assume baby everything is being eaten. I feed baby brine and really tiny pest snails a few times a week. I have considered adding otos, but I share your concern. My 29g supports 3, and I don't think I could add any without having to feed more.
  9. I would NOT go for 6 otos in a 10g...You dramatically underestimate how much they can eat. They are going to plow thru your algae in under a week. And then if you can't coax more to grow or them to eat something else, they will slowly starve. They are small but mighty! The good news is, all of those can be good with pea puffers, though both shrimp and snails will become food in the end.
  10. I have a dedicated email I use for most online spam heavy interactions. I have never been concerned about using my real phone number as I can block spam easily enough. Most people in the PNW seem fairly honest and decent. I actually always felt the local nature of interactions made me feel safer from scams than say, ebay, but my experience could just be luck. I am inherently trusting, but also savvy enough to spot red flags. That makes me either brave or foolhardy depending on your point of view. 😁
  11. I did actually see a fish on CL, contact a seller, and then tell him I didn't yet have a tank big enough. He bred fish, so I bought a tank, set it up, cycled it, sent him a photo and asked for a trio. He was surprised to hear from me again!
  12. I have bought and sold on craigslist, not sold fish but many, many other things, including floating plants, supplies, etc. In my experience most people follow thru, but I have heard not all parts of the country are like that. I have only backed out once, that was for a tank from a seller who was super weird, paranoid, and flaky. This person was older and did not use technology well, sounded fearful and paranoid, and then forgetfully called me several times as if we had not spoken. I decided I was as likely to get shot as a trespasser as get a cheap tank, and just moved on.
  13. I don't think it is normal for them to turn white, but they are not INSIDE her, so she can't gget sick from them staying there. Shrimp glue the eggs to the outside of their shells. Worst case scenario, if they never hatched she would shed them when she molts next. That said, I have seen a shrimp kick an egg off when it was poorly glued and not staying where she wanted it, and I have seen eggs range in color from deep gold to almost greenish depending on the light and the color of the mom. I suspect if individual eggs are white they may not be fertile, and she will drop them unhatched, eventually.
  14. I do this. I have several setups like you are describing. Because I don't keep all guppies together to adulthood (you can, I just don't want to) I have effectively several tanks with age sorted fish, all with shrimp. My tiniest fry leave shrimplets alone and I have just stem plants and a few rocks for cover. My guppy adults have a massive rockpile, and shrimplets survive, but I only see them after they get bigger than mouth size. My teenaged growouts have moss, floating plants, and mostly bare bottom tanks. The tanks are overstocked and the guppies rarely leave much food for the shrimp. I don't see much in the way of new shrimp there. I need to give them rocks too.
  15. This thread shows how plants filled in in my 29g over time. I sterted with 10 valisnaria and some water lettuce. You can see I added many more. Some made it, some didn't. Your level of patience is a big part of this, you can see how big your footprint is, and how big you expect plants to get... I would suggest floaters to jump start tanks. I have just started a new 40g and have again started with Valisnaria and water lettuce...
  16. It looks like a very similar species I am familar with, Azolla caroliniana. And I am kinda a biologist, so I tend to remember things like that. 🙂 Glad I could help, it makes my day!
  17. You can of course order off eBay and the like. Just don't pay much.
  18. Mine like the middles of cucumbers. I have 10g per fish, and high light and they seem to stay fat so I guess I am growing something. Water is warm also, and driftwood in tank to provide surfaces in adition to glass. I avoid cleaining glass.
  19. Welcome to the forum! Those look awesome, what a great find! I think they are an azolla species, maybe Azolla filiculoides?
  20. I wonder if some jungle vallisneria would be SUPER awesome in a tank like this? Planting would be hard tho, you would need some looong arms...
  21. I want silvertip tetras pretty badly after seeing them at the co-op, I love rummy nose tetras, and of course cardinal/neons. But since you have a 75 you might also want to check out emperor tetras. I can't vouch for the shrimp safety of any but the neons though! The Rummy nose I have seem to be...OK? but I have them in with an angelfish and rams, so hard to tell who is eating the shrimp. Some make it but I have tons of cover.
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