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Everything posted by Brandy

  1. Mine was very split and ragged when he came home, but his fins healed and he looks like this now. (his top fin was the most ragged and never made a point)
  2. not likely. They are realtively healthy...they have been in there for 2 months. My puffers come out more when I add a dither fish or two. You may want to try a young fast guppy or two. Mine don't bother the fish, or adult neocaridina shrimp--I think because they are still young.
  3. I haven't seen them eat either when I have kept them in the past. I wonder if you could paste thin repashy on some smooth rocks? or smear on the glass...?
  4. The anubias nana petit will grow more quickly with an extra shot of potassium I have found. I have a bonsai covered with it. It seemed frozen in time, until I started fertilizing consistently with extra potassium AND a bit of easygreen
  5. I am pretty sure they could. My angel can hear me pick up the crinkly bag of vibra bites and he alerts the rest of the tank.
  6. Paint is really great if you want black. Easy on, easy off, looks clean and professional. I used regular craft acrylic, and I can blade it right back off if I change my mind. I have considered sponging on colors to do a rock look, I think that would also be easy and effective, but I am kinda a fan of plain--too much pattern distracts from the fish and makes the tank look smaller in my tanks.
  7. To me that sounds light. how long does it take them to clean it all up? I think I feed about that much to a tank half that size with half as many fish, but I am a chronic over feeder...
  8. Time, patience, and trimming it short. If it likes your water it just will.🤷‍♂️ Most of carpeting anything is just time and patience.
  9. My person...boyfriend...fiancee...whatever he is...actively HATES the hobby. Hates pets, plants, and throw pillows, lol. He is so with the wrong lady... Anyway, he helps reinforce tank stands, built me a rack to hold the brine shrimp hatchery, and helped me install an undersink water filtration unit with a 30ft waterline for filling tanks. He hates it...but he still helps and even enjoys the projects. And he made a fish tank cake for his daughter last week.
  10. cardinal tetras are a classic, but silvertips would be amazing...
  11. I don't know I havn't kept ropefish. I bet a khuli loach could get under... It really would depend on the mesh. My problem with most mesh is that it will be stiff, and my tanks rarely have flat substrate. I used a rock, and thread, to weight down a little ball of java moss, and then I have sheared it into a nice little hedge MUCH bigger than the original ball. I could let it spread out and trim shorter, and for a real carpet like the pic I think I would use many small pebbles, and it will get there and lock together eventually. Probably a little slower, but safer than mesh.
  12. No, once it consumes the mesh you wouldn't be able to get it free, lol. If you don't want mesh, I would just weight it down with rocks, and let it spread. It will self attach to substrate like eco-complete, but digging fish will tear it loose. It would be the most forgiving...
  13. A thought: java moss. you can put it under mesh, or attach it to pebbles, and then trim HARD. Like keep it at 1-2 inches, just like mowing a lawn. You will be clipping it lots but it will work under lower light, and with minimal care. A random pic off the internet:
  14. It is very very not for beginners. I am pretty plant savvy and I can get tufts, but I have never made it really carpet. I don't run CO2, have med lights, and use both liquid ferts and root tabs.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. In the interestt of the PSA, was the tank bare bottom or do you have gravel? I have seen some crazy, so I am sure they could have got in there...somewhere on here is a story of an otocinclus that stuffed his head into the grate in the top of a sponge filter and hooked his gill cover or spines behind said grate--I got him out. Just today a chilli rasbora got jammed into a filter intake despite the sponge cover I had put on specifically to prevent that. Word is still not in whether it will survive the ordeal. Murphy's law...
  16. PITA=Pain In the A**...such as buffing out scratches in a used acrylic tank.
  17. I suspect they are fine. If you are feeding wafers, drop one in, see if they are excited. My albinos are just as you describe--spazzy! Love it.
  18. Regular distilled water? maybe for your iron? I really wouldn't worry. If they start flashing it means their sides are itchy--that is what you would likely see if the ph and other parameters start bugging them. Corys are pretty adaptable though. Don't bother the LFS--he likely knows, and may or may not be in the process of fixing it.
  19. aside from the ph, you water is an improvement, that nitrate is way high. I think you will be ok, but if you see flashing you could try a partial water change with RO to make them feel more at home until they adjust.
  20. I kept the filter as was, and just added media. Sponge, and pot scrubbies, and filter floss (so, as youtube), because cartriges are dumb. I have live plants, a betta, shrimp, and snails, and the tank is glass clear and did not go thru the algae bloom most of my tanks have. I honestly doubt the filter is even necessary on a tank this size, an air stone is probably enough. What I thought needed a huge upgrade was the light.
  21. The simple answer, without going down a rabbit hole, is yes. Dose more. I think the idea is that you do need to be dosing weekly, because Easy Green is more than just nitrates, so if you had a wildly overstocked tank and you had off the charts nitrates you would need to water change first. But under normal load, if you have 2 anubias you will need a pump/10g/wk....and if you have 40 anubias, you will need a lot more, and if you have floaters more yet... Just shoot for a consistent 20ppm, and start there.
  22. Ahhh, I seem to remember there is a problem with the mobile app. I think it shows back up on the desktop.
  23. You know, I am not sure I know how a regular user could turn that on and off. If that is possible, maybe @Gideyon accidentally did so? Does anyone know how to turn that on and off? In any case, it is working normally for me right now.
  24. yes, floating plants in general that grow and multiply quickly. They also provide shade and cover.
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