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Everything posted by Lemon

  1. what filter could you run that could support a 400+
  2. like someone mentioned kits tank kits without the tank or stand but its what you need to get started basically like one for 75,55,40B,29,20L,10,5
  3. again i wasn't planning to get a large tank. i just wanted to see the the minimum for a large tank. but if you want to talk about your tank go ahead 🙂
  4. i meant full set up. also I'm not doing this i was just curios how cheap a 400+ gallon tank could cost
  5. how to cheap to do you think you could set up a reasonable(safe, normal amount of fish for the size,) 400+ gallon tank? ponds don't count. has to have at least one view panel and a stand. please provide details and have it be replicable(no abnormally good deals)
  6. https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/reef-pi-an-opensource-reef-tank-controller-based-on-raspberry-pi.289256/ here is the r2r thread for reefpi
  7. so that's not a small flag. interesting thing to put over your house 🙂
  8. lol nice flag. is that the one that was over the 800 gallon?
  9. do you think it would work? or would the pleco caves work? I don't like how the apisto caves look.
  10. nice I love kuhli loach's. I was wondering if there is a goby that can go in a ten gallon and which one was best for a beginner?
  11. ok do you think the plecos would be issue if the tank is planted like a jungle? i mean plants everywhere if you didn't know what i meant.
  12. so I realized I spend to much on aquariums so what do I do I should set up another one. well not just any tank one for breeding fish so my stocking idea is 6 to 10 long fin white clouds pair of bristlenose plecos colony of cherry shrimp (they go in first and get established before other fish) maybe gold mystery snails then tank would probably be a 20 long or 40 breeder if you see any issues let me know thanks for the help
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