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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I was wondering too. My coffee got cold! Now it is Iced Coffee with TeeJay. I hope the ghost didn’t get him.
  2. I wonder if feeding a frozen food may help? When I feed frozen brine shrimp to tetras, they immediately begin mating dances. I wonder if swords would do the same.
  3. Hey @Mmiller2001 - in your experience, do root tabs that pop up have a high/obvious impact? I had one pop up in a 5.5g and I got a nitrate reading of well over 100 (I had used Easy Green too so, double whammy!) Could not pinpoint the issue to anything else. It’s a neo shrimp tank and lately they’ve been eating boiled veg, not even commercial food.
  4. That’s a pair 🙂 ❤️ Drop the waterline 1 inch, she will want to go up and lay eggs periodically. Unwanted eggs can be frozen to prevent development and then crushed once frozen (most humane way). If you don’t drop the waterline you should check the bottom of your lid every few days. @Guppysnail said males will mount males too, so.. that could be a possibility too. LOL!
  5. Yep, should be fine. Just take care if you swap filters between tanks and stuff.
  6. It’s a matter of preference, really. The coarse requires extra precaution when maintaining because it is a shrimplet house, that’s all.
  7. Oh man, I had that happen before, I believe with my Columbian shark or a pleco. It was a long time ago. I think I cut the net and just left a little piece of net attached to the fish and eventually it came off.
  8. My shrimp like to use the inside of cholla log as a cave. It makes them feel secure and some go in there to molt, when they are most vulnerable. When I use a HOB with shrimp, I don’t trust a coarse prefilter sponge because shrimplets are so so small. They even get through the tiny holes of tank dividers and stuff. I use a rubber band to attach a small piece of pantyhose around the pfs for their safety, so they don’t get sucked in. You can kind of see that in this photo. (Carbon because I was removing meds at the time) I have converted both of my shrimp tanks to fine sponge filters because you cannot maintain coarse ones without a risk to shrimplets, as they LOVE to live inside coarse sponge.
  9. The exact same thing happened to me with red ludwigia. I did top it- well, the snails chewed the melty stem and the tops would float to the surface, so they “helped” remind me the plants were ill. Then I would put the tops in the sand, and they’d do “just ok” for a while, then would look leggy and bad again, get leggy again, the cycle repeated.. ultimately I decided it wasn’t something I wanted to keep tending to. The moneywort in the jar, however, has been very happy and has even learned to grow around the light, and has recently flowered as well (unexpected!).
  10. Sorry @nabokovfan87. That’s sad. I hope you sent the OP a DM inviting them to the CARE forum. And also my shrimp are at 80 gH. The LFS and breeder raised them in tap water, and in tap water they survive and thrive and have had lots of babies sooooo…. OMG, SOMEONE CALL THE SHRIMP POLICE!
  11. Looking forward to following along @nMILLER You can highlight words and a Quote selection button will come up. Click that and it will put that excerpt into your post. Or to quote a whole entire post click the word “Quote” below it.
  12. I really think the root tab popping up is to blame. The tanks gets the same treatment with feeding and maintenance but the root tab was the difference. I just can’t believe it would throw the reading that much. Then again, I dosed the Easy green too so that didn’t help things. Some of the hornwort has some algae (shrimp food), so, bonus for them. One shrimp was immediately on the hornwort as soon as it hit the water. ☺️ I don’t think it matters much. Some people keep them outside in tubs during the winter and stuff.
  13. What in tarnation is even going on?? I don’t even know what to say. I am STUNNED by what came up on a routine water test of the 5g shrimp tank. It is not overstocked (I don’t think?) and the shrimps are the only things in there besides microfauna. I did a 15% water change last week with siphoning. Oh, I did accidentally uncover the stuff from ONE root tab during the siphoning. That one and only root tab couldn’t have caused this.. could it? (When I had planted that root tab I found it had popped up onto the substrate later). And I had found one dead shrimp during that maintenance, pretty intact.. Test strip. Looked sus. Liquid test 1: Liquid test 2 using NEW test kit, right out of the box. Stocking level (water change in progress) They’ve been eating spinach and green beans lately. The green beans can take 2 days to consume. They get, say, 1/8 of a green bean when I feed, or 1 spinach leaf. One day I fed kind of a lot of shrimp cuisine but they ate it all within the day and it was in the feeding dish. And there has been a detritus worm situation, just within the past few days. Also I had dose a half mil of Easy Green one week ago. 10g shrimp tank for comparison: Tap water One other anomaly to report is that I forgot to plug the heater back in so they were at 71 for a few days (vs 74). Idk why this nitrate is so cattywampus. Much to the shrimps’ delight they have hornwort now.
  14. I’ve seen people do this with very large pieces of driftwood but they also add a whole bunch of aquarium salt to the water to kill all of the things, if any exist.
  15. Your snails should enjoy the Repashy! You can mix calcium carbonate into it (see Snello 2 in my signature)
  16. Oh my! Keep an eye on your ammonia and nitrite. Maracyn can sometimes kill off beneficial bacteria on the filter. Sorry I missed your last post about the driftwood algae. Glad you got it sorted.
  17. Why not give Aponogeton bulbs a try? They do great in deeper tanks. Your old setup looks dope. I never could get stem plants to work for me… Also your tank looks great now! I love those swords.
  18. Yeah. It’s such an easy thing to put some meds in. Harder to know what the meds are actually doing once they are in there. Like when our doctor prescribes something new for us and then we experience side effects. Your tank (not just the fish, but the bacteria, viscosity, parameters, all of that) experienced the side effects. I got into the habit of moving fish (only the affected ones) out to a quarantine when I medicate. I use a clear tote. This is how I set it up. I haven’t always done that though. With ich I wouldn’t because of the life cycle it has, ich parasites have a free swimming stage. I’ve been successful with columnaris quarantines though on more than one occasion; one of those stories is in my signature line. I leave the quarantine dry but when I have to set it up lickety split, I just drain 5g of tank water into it, then top off with 5g of dechlorinated water. I also have an extra sponge filter going in my main tank that I can just move out to quarantine whenever. Then I give the bacteria a little boost with Fritz Zyme 7 and drop in the heater and extra air. The silver lining of this whole thing is that you found the CARE forum. Welcome, by the way! Since you’re here, click around a bit! Some people have some fun projects going on with breeding, outdoor tubs, aquascaping; one guy was even taking an old retro gumball machine and converting it into a nano tank. There is a journals section, so when you do decide to start up again you may want to start a journal so that people can follow along with what the latest is in your fishroom too. I imagine you’re still trying to process things, but, you know. When you’re ready.
  19. This is true for crypts but swords get planted just like a garden plant with the roots totally covered. Just ensure the leaves are above the substrate.
  20. @nabokovfan87 is pretty good with filters. Maybe he can help? What kind of media are you using and how do you have it loaded?
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