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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. The dots are either darting or swimming all over the cup. I don’t know if it is a seed shrimp or a shrimp. Using the baster for now. It’s awful. Lol Because water wants to drip back out so I’m putting my finger on the end then watching the baster to make sure I caught the little one for sure. Two of the dots things have been returned to the tank so far.
  2. Help. I’m doing the water change on the shrimp tank. I took some of the mulm and put it in a white dish. I don’t know what I’m looking for in the ways of shimplets, but in this dish there is one “dot” that is very energetically swimming all over the dish. Uh- is that a shrimplet? Should it be obvious? I don’t know what I’m doing lol Also how would I pick it up? With a plastic spoon or the baster? I don’t want to pick up a bunch of mulm though either. Not sure the best approach. @TeeJay @Guppysnail
  3. I thought about doing that. Those scales are only about 8 bucks.
  4. I was trying to link the other thread, but I can’t find it. Maybe @flyingcow or @redfish can link it.
  5. @meadeam freeze the Snello. They don’t really eat the veggies til they are bigger. Nice work on the diy. My cycle crashed too so I did add some bottled bacteria as well as performing water changes with Prime. Starting out my babies are hard boiled egg yolk. Don’t put much. Just like, a little of the dust from it. Swirl it around. Then they moved on to algae wafers and crab cuisine. And from there green beans and other veggies. I also fed calcium chips.
  6. I’m so sorry I missed this notification. Hikari cichlid gold micro-size sinking pellet is a good choice. He likes bloodworms and brine shrimp also - I use the frozen ones. And he eats flakes if I stick my hand in and drop them at mid level. He doesn’t eat from the top but some rams do @Garciac14
  7. He is my centerpiece fish. I chose him because he does well in a community. I did think about getting him a girlfriend time point. There is another thread by some folks that kept more than one and there was a lot of aggression and one unfortunate fatality. Therefore I decided to keep him solo.
  8. The King Koopa snail has a name now! Kratos (god of strength) Kratos has a white foot.
  9. Seems I always get ammonia when quarantining fish. It’s caused by the meds killing or slowing the bacteria. Water changes with prime do the trick. Test daily and water change daily. If in a course of a specific med, I just dose prime without the water change until that course of treatment completes. Then I resume water changes with prime.
  10. Do be careful with Tums. If they have color or flavor, or other ingredients, it may harm your inhabitants. Go with Wondershell or cuttlebone instead. Also if you want to be super cheap, rinse some egg shells to get the membrane out of them. Then crush them into powder and put that in the tank. Not pretty looking but it does the trick. Some foods containing calcium include Zoomed banquet blocks and Hikari crab cuisine.
  11. Mine sleep closed up or half out of the shell. If they are sleeping they usually have their “snorkel” out (but not always). But if they are laying in the same position for a long time, you should sniff them. Here are photos snails napping.
  12. The song I think about when I'm squishing out sponge filters.
  13. He seems to be enjoying his new digs and he also has a "secret passageway" between the rocks. He stays close to his bubble nest and returns to it often after swimming around.
  14. @nabokovfan87 are you using methylene blue as well in your tumbler?
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