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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I don’t think I have to worry. I put the leaf in and overnight this happened. Look at the edge. Originally it was a perfect leaf. C3PO is having a field day. And Ingot is checking it out too. Little rock to make sure it stays put. @xXInkedPhoenixX do you think Geppetto is a certain type of betta? Based on his fin shape or whatnot?
  2. That is so interesting! Thanks for sharing!
  3. What you've done with the big box bettas was quite the undertaking. Don't sell yourself short; that was amazing! Next time Geppetto won't get a whole leaf. Because all his bubbles keep it floating 🤣 and my plants are not getting light! I'm just moving it side to side each day to make sure each plant gets some sun. He watches me to make sure I don't mess up what he made. It's interesting how observant he is. He even watched me water change the tank next to him. I looked over and there he was, making sure I was doing a good job. The leaves that I boiled to make the tea - I gave those to the shrimp & snails and they are munching away at them. They like that they've been softened up a little bit. They didn't really like the crunchy leaf I gave them before.
  4. A little water change for the 2 small tanks and the QT tank today. I wanted to clean Geppetto's sponge filter because it had accumulated some sand dust from planting. He warily watched everything I was doing, but he wasn't afraid. He knew I was in his turf but was patient. No flaring this time. I used a gallon of the tannin water that @xXInkedPhoenixX told me how to make. So convenient! No running to the sink; it was right there ready to go and made tank maintenance a snap.
  5. 1 - carbon comes with filters but it's bad for plants and removes medication. Ditch it and just use sponges and ceramics. 2 - have a quarantine tank or run an extra sponge filter in an established tank so you can quickly set one up if needed. Have some meds on hand or, at minimum, aquarium salt. 3 - research the needs of plants before purchase. Make sure the light you have is for plant growth and don't forget to fertilize. Use Reverse Respiration on new plants to prevent contamination of your tank (disease, pests, etc). 4 - make sure your species are compatible. 5 - some creatures need reduced water flow and will not do well with a hang-on back filter (unmodified) 6 - have a plan for power outages. 7 - Snails! ❤️ If something dies they will eat it, so no worries about an ammonia spike or the spread of disease. They only eat dead or dying plants, not healthy ones (exception: rabbit snails eat java fern; banana plants are tasty to some snails). They need to be fed regularly: calcium, protein, and vegetation. And they will clean your algae (still feed them though because algae won't be enough food for them). Also they are really cute, and if you pay attention, you will find that they do some silly stuff (like riding the bubbles like an elevator, or "parasnailing" from the top of the tank to the bottom) 8 - Research the needs of every creature in the tank (preferably before purchase). Does one need a cave? Does one need to be fed on the bottom? Do they like similar temperatures and/or water parameters? Do they need tannins? Etc. Try to avoid buying a fish just because it looks cool. It may not do well if the habitat is not right for it. 9 - Test your water. If there is a problem, it's probably water parameters. If there is not a problem, prevent one by testing regularly. 10 - Take the time to sit and enjoy your tank(s). Don't look for a task every time you approach the tank. If it's just a chore, what's the point? Watch the mannerisms and interactions from creature-to-creature, and from creature-to-you (you may even find that some are social with humans and love the attention). As well as how your underwater garden is doing! It is so rewarding.
  6. That loach looks like @xXInkedPhoenixX's loach.
  7. I am sure @xXInkedPhoenixX does not want to put him through the stress of shipping after all he’s been through.
  8. Perhaps you need to apologize to “the culprit”. Perhaps with a boiled green bean (split lengthwise) or boiled piece of zucchini? 😁😉Hehe
  9. Well the storm is still on course. It has brought 23’ seas to the ocean so it seems wicked. It is still a tropical storm though, milder than a hurricane. The storm should hit tomorrow night. I had two more power banks overnighted for my nano pumps, esp since I have a new tank going now. I’m also fasting everybody to keep waste down, but the snails are still eating catappa leaf. I don’t think there is much harm in that. Water changes today and tomorrow. @TheSwissAquarist that is so cool! 😍Your fish looks a lot like my Geppetto, only yours is a crowntail and mine is, I’ve been told the scientific name, is “regular betta”. 🤣
  10. Looks at this happy bulb! ok and now for some glamour shots since he is so dead-set on being in the frame. I think his colors are standing out more against the dark leaf. What do you think? one day I will clean the glass. That seems boring though, so I didn’t do it.
  11. Interesting- I conducted an experiment without trying to. The dwarf sag that I gave the root tab to is doing great. The other ones that don’t have root tabs are starting to have die-off on some of the leaves. Hope that ACO order arrives tomorrow! I thought grass plants would be less needy, like my micro sword is, but these are more demanding; I can already tell. I got the big container of root tabs this time since I have a fair number of sword plants now.
  12. So I was taking a photo of a snail eating a green pepper and Snoopy invited himself into the shot.
  13. 😍 looks a lot like a mystery. Cool how the foot is mottled on top and pure white on the bottom.
  14. C-3PO likes the catappa. Look at the edge. This was a perfect leaf yesterday. This morning I noticed a shrimp that was WAY FATTER than the others. But it didn’t look like there are eggs, that I can tell. The shrimp was busy picking at algae and seems happy. (?)
  15. @Guppysnail is the one to ask about bladder snails. For baby mysteries you can swirl in Repashy powder or even some fry food. Just be careful not to overfeed or you will have ammonia. When mysteries are new they are not going to be interested in vegetables. They will go mainly for algae or biofilm. One great thing you can do also is get a small chunk of driftwood and throw it in there. It will create a lot of slimy biofilm and the snails love that. (I boil it first to kill any bacteria or remove any dust that might be on the wood)- also it may float but you can use a rock to weigh it down. Baby mysteries love moss as well. They like to attach to it and eat stuff off of it. Calcium is important as well. You may want to put a wondershell in there. When they start accepting commercial foods you can give them banquet block or crab cuisine.
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