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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. No. Have 2 sponge filters. ———— Umm… (??) I was siphoning out an uneaten calcium chip, and Geppetto rubbed his body against my hand. He did this a minimum of 5 times. Like a cat rubs on a person’s leg. Is this affection? Is this common in bettas? @xXInkedPhoenixX @Odd Duck
  2. At least they are accepting food now. I’ve only seen the 3 females though. The male has been MIA a couple days. I picked up the decor and everything and looked under it and could not find him.
  3. Most of those photos were taken in an area called The Seas. Also went on the Finding Nemo ride in there. Each car is a clamshell. 🙂
  4. I went to Epcot yesterday and unexpectedly saw this band in Germany. If you want to smile, go to 6:00 and hit play. 🙂
  5. I’ve done redecorating with fish in the tank before. Stirred up debris doesn’t harm them, and if filtration is adequate, the water will clear up quickly. The same thing happens in nature, where, for example, channel cats will wiggle in and out of the mud, clouding the water that other fish are swimming around in.
  6. So last night my husband and I went to a free event called Christmas in the Park. We got there pretty early: 5-something, and the event started at 6:15. Christmas in the Park is a lighting of lights and Tiffany stained glass windows by the museum that showcases Louis Comfort Tiffany’s work (you might be familiar with Tiffany lamps. Those were made by him too.) Also a symphony would be there playing Christmas music as people strolled around the decorated village. The place was a zoo. We drove around the village for one hour trying to find parking, and literally everything was filled, even the parking garages. So we went to PF Changs and then went home. 🤣 Oh also we had our own concert in the truck with Bing Crosby, so there’s that. 😉
  7. Some other helpful tips are to add a second airstone while medicating and to add a little bit of aquarium salt to help the fish with electrolytes and healing (1 T per 3 gal). @arielroxi
  8. What I use is a clear tote, I mark the side with the gallon lines. @arielroxi You just have to make sure you put a seasoned filter in there so you don’t run into new tank syndrome.
  9. Yes. The snail bodies are similar to worm bodies and anti-parasitic meds have the same effect on both creatures. @Guppysnail
  10. If you do, make sure you remove your snail friends first!
  11. What works really great is a soup spoon, plastic. Also, you can turkey baster the ones that aren’t suctioned. Or put Java moss and they will attach to the moss. Then just move the moss.
  12. The one didn’t want anyone near her tail. If they got too close to her tail, she would turn towards them so the tail was no longer near them. Also they were going in and out of the flowerpot caves this morning. I also saw what looked like fanning , she only did it when she wasn’t eating. Also she was using the legs under the tail differently than the other shrimps. She was periodically tucking them or something.
  13. The Mylar blankets are thin as paper; the car shields have some padding in between. Not sure which would be better for a tank?
  14. You can’t win. Punk is mad because he got a water change and Koianu is mad because he didn’t. Have you tried Fritz Dark Water?
  15. If you start to read nitrites after ammonia hits zero, continue with daily water changes w/ Prime until nitrites are consistently 0 also.
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