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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2020 in all areas

  1. Still a few days left for Christmas shopping, what are you going to get your fish?
    12 points
  2. Trying a different approach to Top View Tuesday 🙂
    5 points
    5 points
  4. I also collect stamps! (Kind of a dormant hobby for me now as stamps are used less and less often.) My other big hobby is crochet; I tend to really get into either my aquariums or into crocheting. Last time this year I was all about the hook, but this year I'm back on the aquarium train. I made this octopus to enter into the county fair; alas, he'll have to wait until next year due to covid. If you have a hobby that can be displayed (jewelry making, fiber arts, etc) definitely consider entering your county fair. It's tons of fun!
    4 points
  5. Greg is awesome! Enjoyed meeting him at our fish club when he came to give a talk on selective breeding.
    3 points
  6. I'm actually looking into a mini fridge with freezer to store all my fish food.
    3 points
  7. All of my display tanks are just a big carpet of duckweed from the top down, so I took a pic of my plastic quarantine bin. Currently housing a baby albino senegal bichir, growing out to be eventually added into my 75 gal.
    3 points
  8. I like to toss a handful of these onto my orders from Aquarium CO-OP. I get kind of bummed out when I run out and have to use something else to clean my glass. They may not last a terrible long time, but at the price and convenience and how effective they are, they're definitely worth it.
    3 points
  9. Thanks for the kudoes and replies folks! The Tank is growing nicely and the fish also. Dwarf Lilly's FTW!
    3 points
  10. Goldfish fry fresh from the eggs.
    2 points
  11. Do you mean we should change the name to Water Boxing Day? I make me 😆 laugh
    2 points
  12. Boxing Day should be an aquarium holiday!
    2 points
  13. That's what mine are getting! Well, it'll be a little late as they'll be in quarantine for a while, but tomorrow I am going to get 12 more rasboras and hoping for a discount by bringing in a bunch of water sprite! I only have 7 now, and they seem a bit nervous without more compadres in there!
    2 points
  14. I actually would do this in the opposite order. Neons, then Otos, then Betta last. This way the most territiorital fish doesn't have time to set up a territory. You let most shy fish gain confidence without harassment.
    2 points
  15. I finally got my plants for the 20L. Not set up exactly right bc the wood still wants to float. I put the poor danios and shrimp in and the danios are traumatized - they lost all their fabulous color! I also had two missing and no sign of them at all. So down to 9 danios. But I did find an extra baby shrimp.
    2 points
  16. I love a top view Tuesday idea! The only one I currently have in my phone is of my 2.5 gallon fry tank. It currently houses about 20 bronze corydoras.
    2 points
  17. I have been keeping them for I think 3 years or so. Xenotoca lyonsi to be exact. They are definitely one of my favorite fish. Everyone in this thread has mentioned how they will eat anything. I fed mine duckweed for over a year until I had no duckweed left in my fishroom. When I feed them regular food I can actually hear them hitting the surface of the water and smacking their lips. I do notice predation on the young but as someone mentioned above here, I also think it's due to the young being so vulnerable, and horrible swimmers in the first days. I have them currently in a 20 gallon tank with java moss that covers the entire bottom of the tank and is about 3in thick. I really need to upgrade their home here soon. As I have around 20 of them maybe more in that tank.
    2 points
  18. This reminds me of an episode of River Monsters where Jeremy snagged a ginormous fish. He didn't catch it the regular way, as the fish had another huge fish stuck in its throat and was itself near death! The "victim" fish was at least half the size of its predator, and was of course dead when he pulled it out, but good old Jeremy saved a gigantic river monster predator that day!
    2 points
  19. I got a picture that sort of shows the size difference between the largest one. The ones I see most often love to hang around this island of algae that has light 24hrs a day. I'm coming up on the 15 day mark pretty quick. @Preston John starts feeding brine shrimp at that point. I suspect my puffers will be growing slower than his but I fired up my brine shrimp hatchery this morning just to get some practice and to make sure my eggs are still good since it's been almost 9 months since I last hatched baby brine. I've got plenty of other fish to feed them to anyway.
    2 points
  20. The only issue I have with predation is the they are quite weak at first and wiggle around more than swim. If they aren't able to hide right away, some may get picked off. Usually after about an hour or two they join the group as much better swimmers and my adults no longer go after them. I have never tried them in tubs, I would be able to attempt it in the spring and fall, but I also have some very hot summers. I find myself trying to keep goodeid tanks cooled down too much in the summer time just indoors. Once they reach about 76 degrees, mine become visibly stressed. I have a fan that I use specifically for keeping goodeid tanks cooled down. Lots of evaporation and top offs in the summer, and I keep the tops uncovered in mine. As long as temperatures are within range, they seem to handle temperature swings throughout the day without any issues. I thought about trying a group of them in a basement tub, but then I wouldn't really get to see them and they truly are an entertaining fish to sit and watch.
    2 points
  21. I had some for a while. They like to be in big groups, and if you have caves or driftwood in your tank, they will spend all their time sitting upside down inside/under it. Cute little boogers.
    2 points
  22. Wow, that hard stare looks familiar. Is It possible? ?
    2 points
  23. @FishyJames is right about the path of least resistance. You should get air valves for each one and adjust until they are equal. I'd start with both turned down to 75ish% max flow but you may have to turn the one that currently has more flow lower
    2 points
  24. I would agree with @Lynze that its Corydoras leucomelas. also goes by the name false spotted corydoras. Corydoras(ln9) leucomelas • Callichthyidae • Cat-eLog (planetcatfish.com)
    2 points
  25. I have read about the possibility of pandas and false julii cross breeding, but I don't know if there is any truth to it. Perhaps it is possible and you have a hybrid panda x false julii cross in your mix? It's also possible it's another variant/morph of a julii that just looks a little different from the rest. Either way, it's a pretty little fish! My leucomelas seems to be accepted as one of their own most of the time, but you can tell he doesn't belong completely. It seems he shoals with them as a last resort, but spends more time alone than the rest of them.
    2 points
  26. This is a updated pic of my mini pond. The duckweed has grown so much : )
    2 points
  27. Aliens are listed as wilds because they're hybrids of "wild" splenden complex species, mahachaiensis and smaragdina traits are pretty prevalent in them but I think they might have domestic splenden genes crossed in too. I know on aquabid you find them under the wild-type listing but honestly I wish they had their own category at this point because as far as I'm aware they aren't naturally occurring to any degree I know the co-op has at least one video featuring one They're nice bettas, there's nothing really different involved in keeping an Alien compared to any regular splenden. I really liked mine until my lid slipped forward and he jumped out the back 😥
    2 points
  28. Oh poor guy! If it’s been a few days I would probably net him. I’ve done that with my gouramis when they ate something stringy that got stuck. I recommend netting him, bringing the net just a little out of the water so he’s still submerged but can’t really go anywhere, and then using a pair of tweezers to grab the bit outside his mouth and see if you can pull it out.
    2 points
  29. By golly, I think you've done it! I poked at one with a mechanical pencil and it quickly retracted. Thank you so much for your help Jack. Whatever you're doing, you deserve a raise.
    2 points
  30. I found this image on this site. Can it retract into its tail shell piece? Insect Identification WWW.KNOWYOURINSECTS.ORG
    2 points
  31. My plant collection gets me through the winter! The plants receive aquarium water after every water change...a great companionship!
    2 points
  32. Got a decent macro shot. Kind of edited it a lot so you could see it better.
    2 points
  33. I’m late in the game for mini ponds but out here in Hawaii you can keep fish outside all year. Here are some pics of my pond next to my garden.
    1 point
  34. Hi I am from Lincoln, NE. I have a total of five tanks. Been following Aquarium Coop for the past 3 years. Use many of there products. Love there customer service! Its great to have a place where we can share and ask questions 😊.
    1 point
  35. It's a maturity thing. The lateral line spotting is more prevalent in young females and tends to fade as they age. Some I've seen it fade completely, but not all. I have noticed the same in my older Amecas as well. I'll get some more photos of them when I get off of work. It's still lights out here as well and if I turn it on to take photos, they will want to eat again. I've never seen a fish go from 0 to 100 as quickly as these guys. I do a lot more water changes on their tanks because they constantly eat. I look forward to seeing photos of your new fish. Glad to see more goodeid nerms on the forum! 😁
    1 point
  36. Found a baby pencilfish from an accidental spawn. One of those happy accidents! At least I'm 99% ita the pencilfish rather than a cory. Only 2 species in my tank.
    1 point
  37. Cory returns from the wild to make the Monday Livestream
    1 point
  38. Taken while watching tonight’s livestream. Just a PetSmart grade guppy
    1 point
  39. 1) The spongefilter can bother me, it depends on the aquarium 2) If the aquaclear could turn back on by itself after a power outage. 3) I clean my filters once every other week during water changes. 4) I soak and squeeze the sponge and media in dirty tank water 5) Carbon, sponge, AquaClear Bio Max 6) add a prefilter and sometimes add more media then supposed to
    1 point
  40. If you don't get notifications, here is the forum's very own @Daniel Harnden.
    1 point
  41. Corydoras leucomelas sometimes get sold as trilineatus. I have one that was sold with a group of false julii. He was a little darker when I first got him.
    1 point
  42. I needed some cherry shrimp and I was pretty sure some must have gone down the standpipe in the big tank out to the outdoor pool. It has been cold here recently so I had to bust through ice on the top to put a net in. Yep, cherry shrimp were outside, underneath ice and doing just fine.
    1 point
  43. I have 10 black neon tetras. They stick together and are very hardy.
    1 point
  44. I have a 20 long with celestial pearl danios, kubotai rasboras, dwarf emerald rasboras, sparkling gouramis, and pygmy corys. I'm not saying to get all those, because if I was doing it again I'd probably skip both kinds of rasboras, but it might give you some ideas. The sparkling gouramis are especially entertaining to watch, but if you do get some I'd suggest getting at least 8 (I think I have 10) to spread out aggression, and also give them places to hide. There are also quite a few shrimp in the tank. I never see babies or juveniles, but there's a large mass of java moss in the back, so I assume the shrimp stay in there until they get larger.
    1 point
  45. NO DON'T DO IT!! AND DEFENETLEY NOT 3!!! I had one dwarf gourami that chased my fish around ALL DAY. It came to the point where my fish would hide behind the HOB filter all the time, and then come out for feedings. If you want a gourami get a honey goruami they are not as aggressive and just as pretty (maybe more). If you want a feuture fish that aren't as aggressive as gouramis I would do, Apistogramma or angelfish.
    1 point
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