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Today I did more setup in the 20L - cut and attached the lid, unboxed and hooked up light, got sponge filter w/airstone all ready. Got email that my coop order of plants is processed for shipping and awaiting USPS pickup. Watched a video on attaching plants to wood. Watched fish for a long time and my back hurts - need to order a comfortable ottoman or something as the step-stool isn't cutting it anymore (someone here mentioned having an ottoman and how convenient it is). Ordered a second brine shrimp hatchery dish (the round kind). I don't have enough electrical plugs to make a setup with the Ziss brand work in a practical location, but need more BBS than one round hatchery can produce. They aren't super practical (no doubt more unhatched eggs and longer hatch time), but still worth it to watch the fish absolutely relish their dinner and get all colored up and flair their dorsal fins (especially the rasboras) with excitement! How I am loving this hobby, and my fish. 💚

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Moved group of corydoras venezuelanus from 10 gal quarantine tank to 40breeder tank to grow out some more and hopefully spawn this winter. Moved baby weitzmani cory into the 10 gal the Venezuelanus were in to grow out in. Moved some of my PRL Crystal Red Shrimp into another tank I set up to get a second colony started. Planted the plants I got Saturday when I went to a couple LFS, a red ludwigia, Indian red sword, vesuvius. Glued a piece of a buce plant to a chunk of cholla wood. Did water changes on several tanks. Found a male L333 with a female trapped, have to check for eggs here soon. 

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1 hour ago, josh world said:

haha never knew it was so popular. just needed to find something cheap that worked. if i could i would have gotten a coop sponge.

I just wanted a cheap sponge filter; I'm not sure I've ever used this brand before. But so far it's worked out nicely for the price. I always find myself picking through the more obscure brands and products at petland in search of good deals.

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Filled the 20L to make sure there are no issues with anything. I should have plants from Ccop on Thursday- sure hope so as I want to move my danios asap! Did a serious trim on the water sprite, and I separated a bucket of about 15 good sized "spritelets", about half of what I had in two tanks. I'm going to see if my LFS wants to give me some store credit for them when I go to pick up my next group of rasboras. I also separated some smaller "spritelets" so they can grow bigger for my next trip there.


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Tested a food dish for the Pygmy Corys since they (and the Amano shrimp) are quite messy eaters.

I’ve been feeding frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, Hikari micro pellets, Hikari sinking wafers, and Fluval bug bites.

The sinking wafers are the least messy but the Corys aren’t as crazy for them as the other foods, particularly the micro pellets. Maybe it’s the krill? Just tried the bug bites today but they didn’t seem too interested in that either. Second place goes to chopped up frozen bloodworms (if they’re whole, sometimes they come out of the Corys’ gills😟). Third goes to frozen brine.

I’ll probably skip the dish and continue encouraging their natural grazing/scavenging behavior. Seems like food particles still float out of the dish anyway, since the Corys are so wiggly. I fed a bit too much this time but usually, the shrimp (Amano + blue neos) and various microfauna (and plants!) take care of the rest.


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I bleach dipped a bunch of salvinia that I plan to bring to my LFS tomorrow. Though “local” in this case means across two state lines. Later tonight I’ll write up a little sheet about my gouramis and the plants so I have a record of the exchange to hand the owner (and keep for my own records too).

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Still deciding where to put which aquarium. I'm in the hobby for a longer time but since a couple of months I want to start breeding fish. So we just got a new house where I can maken my own small fish room. Currently in doubt of the Ramirezi Gold's I have if both are male/female of one of both.

I did ask the LFS for a male and female but it seems that both are males... so going to the LFS tomorrow.




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On 12/11/2020 at 1:37 PM, Ken Burke said:

Trimmed my Anubias and Java fern. Got ‘em glued to driftwood and rocks.  Gonna give them to a friend to get him started in planted tanks. 🤪


so glad you are getting more people into the planted tank hobby. Those easy plants look like a nice start!

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Today was all about the 65 deep community tank.

☹️Committed the last of my suddenly ill Common Plecos to the flower bed.   ...stared at the glowing green fungus cure tank that I never got to use.  ...did another 30% water change on the community tank just in case. ...failed to find any of the Wisteria and Hornwort that I planted while the water level was down last night. 

🙂The Moneywort is still where I planted it, and the Anacharis was broken loose but not eaten.  Topped off the other tanks, wired up another LED light for the community tank, and of course I visited here frequently. 

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I started my first batch of brine shrimp last night. I've had the gear for a couple of months, but I finally brought my 13-year-old bucket of marine salt out of storage. I spliced on a bit of tubing to the exit for when I harvest tonight. I only did a teaspoon of brine, and it will probably make more than I need for my tanks.


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