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A few of the plants I got decided where they want to be. A few have complained so I’ve move them to different spots on other tanks. Some seem happy but I still have a few fuss budgets complaining.  Some just insist on being where I do not want them. 😑 The happy ones I started transitioning.  

I figured I would share here how so anyone unfamiliar with plants or that needs ideas could see how I did it.  Plus I am using this to procrastinate something else that needs done 🤣

In previous years I attempted  to root pothos in hobs.  I would forget to trim roots or look and know it was such a bother I would put it off and they would grow into the impellers and kill my filters. So these I put in pots so I can just pick the pots up and redirect roots to spill into the tank.

I started with the Peace lilies hubby decided I could have back in exchange for the polka dot plants for his pots.  

My first attempt went well but the pot was to big so I ordered hydroponic 3 inch baskets  


Hydroponic baskets8A5F5AE5-A266-4008-A7B3-4DDEABEA2917.jpeg.dfae8f868f23585fdeb6b8e392e3680b.jpegCCFBB933-876F-4317-AEC1-A885AEBB81E0.jpeg.d35c01a57c9046a15e30a3fd2dfdbca8.jpeg

I had leftover sheets of 20 and 30 ppi matten foam I used to cushion, support and collect organics for the plants to root in and feed on  so they don’t entirely strip my water column (hopefully). I cut small pieces to cushion the bottom and sides and then place over the root tops so the tops didn’t dry.  

see original 4 inch pot to big  2221B1B9-6648-473B-84D2-8BCB192A14B5.jpeg.7a3802a633451297eb04a855b55cb055.jpeg

3 inch pot is just right I had to cut the lip off the back of the pot to settle it in  00704559-F4C6-4018-B1B1-68FC8E81900C.jpeg.63b07f76683a30f54cf0c49a1fda1024.jpeg

Then I did the Calathea white star.  I wanted to show this one because she has two babies one apparent one not yet breaking ground surface and how to support those.  I am assuming the same goes for planting these in water as it does for terrestrial planting.

I allowed space around the bottom cushion because she grew her primary roots around the bottom of her pot so I wanted to support the lower stem portion so they do not rot.71016967-BB51-45CB-8FA5-029A2E09F968.jpeg.32b0abb04c371ea2421ee29801f0885b.jpeg


when I tucked her in her pot I placed spacing sponge between her an her 1 leaf baby and her and her sprout.  The oldest child did not have enough self established roots to separate. The baby was not ready for light yet but just the tip bulging the ground surface so it was place behind mom to shade it.0307A0ED-5701-4018-BCA6-15F2B74FD7D8.jpeg.d98ae82570ba320b6c71d71fdd307791.jpegAB0736B7-3489-4607-B16B-066AEFB4D3B0.jpeg.b170e76bee1497a2591a3cd7bd910f23.jpeg

I thought the free baby plant was something  else but looking it may be a just rooting Philodendron I think. I sat it close and touching Calathea for sympathetic support and shading  37A4034B-F143-4DE5-B2F9-EF134EE0CB70.jpeg.ba5078d1a1c5ce2492463546497d8955.jpeg

These are all still being worked on and most things are small so everything looks level but will grow in to different heights so imagination when looking please.  I have a lot more to do but it’s getting there.   This is the window of the fish room so farEB818729-D2FB-4D2D-B082-1A742896BCA3.jpeg.b39b5a954e0234fa5e5c0cb169863519.jpeg


My niece painted the pictures in the fish room free hand.  I’ll be moving the blue one by mom n dads tank to highlight the Anthurium, just not sure where yet.







Edited by Guppysnail
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If you didn’t see the post a pleco baby was living in my filter.  I cut the media apart and removed the holding basket in the aquaclear to plant a spider plant.  The next morning I was greeted by a very small pleco baby that hid there for a month 😲. Courtesy of @Ken Burke s/he has a name. 🍀 Lucky 🍀 A little pale from improper nutrition but even the fins are in good shape 🥰 So now I have 2 extra pleco babies and no tanks larger than 10g  😝 that does not already have 1-2 plecos  ***sigh***


I named the sneaky one that hid in the tank Lavender 918F9A33-AE0A-4C50-A8C8-0CD1A70F1BC4.jpeg.de1a0a12d0304ae56dfcd5bc6b0d4b21.jpeg

CPD are hatching and making it to free swimming in the Pygmy/CPD tank so I was able to get 2/5 the other 3 were eaten as I was rescuing newly free swimming eyelash size fry yesterday.  Today I found 1 more.  I won’t be able to introduce just 3 to either adult tank without them getting picked on.  I ordered Java and susswasertang for both adult tanks as well as guppy grass  if I can get a few more to survive to juveniles in either tank I will be able to reintroduce these 3 that are in the Magical Mystery tank.


…The group in mom n dads tank video taken with flash held on on my phone  I love when they make shadow puppets on the wall  

My big boy on his way for lunch










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I don’t know spider plants could grow this way. I have a new spider do I need the wait till it starts sprouting babies then clip them to introduce?

Lucky such a cool story! It’s crazy what they can live through but if our parameters are off by a bit we can way over react.

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On 5/2/2022 at 10:06 PM, Atitagain said:

I don’t know spider plants could grow this way. I have a new spider do I need the wait till it starts sprouting babies then clip them to introduce?

Lucky such a cool story! It’s crazy what they can live through but if our parameters are off by a bit we can way over react.

This is my first ever spider plant. The new baby plants are on the same runner stalk and right now only 1-1.5 inch babies.  I know those are what are used to propagate. I was going to wait until they are a bit bigger and ask @xXInkedPhoenixX how to propogate correctly. Perhaps we could all use a how to propagate spider plants tutorial. 😁

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☺️ They're not hard @Atitagain but I have found they do like to have fertilizer when growing in water- so that's probably why being in an HOB works well (and using Easy Green or ?). I have a baby spider in my Accidental Oto tank and it's alive and growing (roots dangling in the tank) but not like my Scapes From Scraps Spider baby which is frankly an "adult" at this point - but it has organic soil (with bat guano) and a few drops of easy green to help it along.

I wait to cut babies off my parent plant until they have their own good looking "root" system- multiple and longer the root usually the easier and faster the baby will grow, for example the two below are ready:20220503_0649081.jpg.d885b2f92544dee6b0190c1c7b5278a0.jpg

Some spider babies only have stumps like this one: Resized_20220503_064811.jpg.4f1a80c86b8741b2fadf5629f1c8f972.jpg

Not to say that one wouldn't root (because it absolutely can) but the other ones have a better chance and trust me- your spider gets mature enough like mine you'll have hundreds of babies to pick from. Just cut it off the plant and I then just stick the roots in water for a week or 2 so the roots get a bit longer- then plop it in wherever I want it to go, soil usually. If you're going to just put it in an HOB or similar you can just do it that way. It was only recently I started trying them in my tank water. The research I did said they aren't huge fans of being grown in the water but when they are they DO require ferts. My plants are proving that to be correct. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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On 5/2/2022 at 8:07 PM, Guppysnail said:

If you didn’t see the post a pleco baby was living in my filter.  I cut the media apart and removed the holding basket in the aquaclear to plant a spider plant.  The next morning I was greeted by a very small pleco baby that hid there for a month 😲. Courtesy of @Ken Burke s/he has a name. 🍀 Lucky 🍀 A little pale from improper nutrition but even the fins are in good shape 🥰 So now I have 2 extra pleco babies and no tanks larger than 10g  😝 that does not already have 1-2 plecos  ***sigh***


I named the sneaky one that hid in the tank Lavender 918F9A33-AE0A-4C50-A8C8-0CD1A70F1BC4.jpeg.de1a0a12d0304ae56dfcd5bc6b0d4b21.jpeg

CPD are hatching and making it to free swimming in the Pygmy/CPD tank so I was able to get 2/5 the other 3 were eaten as I was rescuing newly free swimming eyelash size fry yesterday.  Today I found 1 more.  I won’t be able to introduce just 3 to either adult tank without them getting picked on.  I ordered Java and susswasertang for both adult tanks as well as guppy grass  if I can get a few more to survive to juveniles in either tank I will be able to reintroduce these 3 that are in the Magical Mystery tank.


…The group in mom n dads tank video taken with flash held on on my phone  I love when they make shadow puppets on the wall  

My big boy on his way for lunch










Lucky is a looker. (And a handy excuse for a new tank?😳🤪

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My Pygmy cory are finally getting used to the phone camera! I found another tiny Pygmy. I seen distinct mating behavior today from my largest girl and two of the boys. Then they duck behind the filter intake for a few minutes and return to the behavior. I did not get much of that on camera but you see a little of them ducking behind.  I’m thinking that is where they lay eggs and why I have never seen any but this is the second tiny one to show up.  The first group you see is just playing. You see the big female duck behind the red lotus. 

“If I smoosh these wafers between me and the glass the 🐷 guppies can’t get them”359C8CF3-BA59-48A6-BBAD-5FCBE13C5000.jpeg.f92c3e265712af68563a3ad20c72f727.jpeg

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I need my head examined!  I swore I was moving away from mystery snails.  The last group I bought as a clutch aged out and it broke my heart.  I cried at the passing of each and every one. I only have my big guy Chestnet a little girl and two more I kept from my nieces clutch I raised. I just get to attached.  All week I’ve been watching my snails and it makes me sad I only have 4 left.  Well….seen these on on the E as a suggested to look at ad while plant shopping. I bought 6. I’ll post pics when they arrive next week.  I guess I will always be a mystery snail girl.  🥰

The snail adventures continue…TRY SOMETHING NEW






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@Guppysnailthose are beautiful Mystery Snails! I love the stripes 😍

I honestly didn't think I would ever be a "snail fan", but after watching the ACO videos (and others) on YouTube, and all the information and photos on this forum I started changing my thinking about snails in general.

When I had the opportunity to adopt about 12 baby Mystery Snails in a cycled tank in March, I jumped at the chance. Fell madly in love with their adorable, strange little faces and their behavior!

Well...now I have Mystery Snails in all my tanks except the Turtle tank, because snails are yummy LOL! 🐌

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On 5/5/2022 at 11:59 AM, Nicohorse318 said:

@Guppysnailthose are beautiful Mystery Snails! I love the stripes 😍

I honestly didn't think I would ever be a "snail fan", but after watching the ACO videos (and others) on YouTube, and all the information and photos on this forum I started changing my thinking about snails in general.

When I had the opportunity to adopt about 12 baby Mystery Snails in a cycled tank in March, I jumped at the chance. Fell madly in love with their adorable, strange little faces and their behavior!

Well...now I have Mystery Snails in all my tanks except the Turtle tank, because snails are yummy LOL! 🐌

Once you fall for them they are impossible to resist. 🥰. Welcome to the snail club 😁

@Nicohorse318 have you seen this thread. Tons of cuteness


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On 5/5/2022 at 9:39 AM, Guppysnail said:

I need my head examined!  I swore I was moving away from mystery snails.  The last group I bought as a clutch aged out and it broke my heart.  I cried at the passing of each and every one. I only have my big guy Chestnet a little girl and two more I kept from my nieces clutch I raised. I just get to attached.  All week I’ve been watching my snails and it makes me sad I only have 4 left.  Well….seen these on on the E as a suggested to look at ad while plant shopping. I bought 6. I’ll post pics when they arrive next week.  I guess I will always be a mystery snail girl.  🥰

The snail adventures continue…TRY SOMETHING NEW






How easy/hard is it to ship a clutch of eggs?🐌

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On 5/6/2022 at 12:18 AM, Torrey said:

How easy/hard is it to ship a clutch of eggs?🐌

Not hard at all from my understanding. Wet paper towel and a small styrofoam container from my understanding but I’ve never done it. There are tons of you tube videos on it. I shipped a friend a bunch of the gold bladder snails they did fine. I’ve bought actual hatched partial clutches before that did fine even pea size. I think it would be safer to ship the eggs than actual hatched ones since they are protected in the egg sac. 

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