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Very hard to see I used a magnifying glass and phone on full zoom and it’s still not super clear. In person with just a magnifying glass I can see eyes and a baby panda in the egg I think. It is the grey one on the right. ACFA488E-894B-4BCC-B1C5-F8A4A45AE259.jpeg.8777a30ea4a7c10f11c4d0b6a322384e.jpeg
my lotus in the 29 is producing another plant. 190D9805-6F50-4A35-884A-01EB2FC65AA8.jpeg.5c8ffd6b9ec404f6b491153d560a12fd.jpeg

Hooking up the other 4 new coop air pumps. So far the extra sound is negligible. I’m pleased. 

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Good luck with the pandas, they will definitely be the next cory I’ll be getting. Your tanks, fish, and plants all look great as always. I agree with @Odd Duck if I can get crypts to grow you will easily have success with them. They are slow growing but they have so much different textures and colors, I think their a awesome plant and I need more of them! 😀

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My lotus just sent out #5, one of them broke off into it's own plant when it was very small and survived. It has some nice leaves that still nearly hit the surface on my 29 but not nearly as bushy and has never sent up a pad like the mother. That's okay though. I put it in a back corner, and I sustain 8-10 pads from the conglomerate of the big one's 4 sprouts, most pads off the second sprout, and that's enough to nearly blanket and create a second layer of pads depending where they grow.


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So my updates have been sparse. I am involved in a gardening type project that’s consuming time and brain power. All my tanks are doing good. I have not had time to sit for lengths of extended time to get to see all the fun little things I video.  My second panda fry did nott make it. He looked different (not deformed) than the first. He would not eat either. Bbs he scooted away from. They looked t big for him. I took down the breeder box. After my gardening type project is finished I will set up one of my ugly tanks and grow gobs of microfauna and try again.  I never have luck with breeder boxes and rarely have issues with ugly tanks. I don’t have the heart to keep watching fry starve because outside of microfauna my live food skills are not good.

I removed the AR rom mom n dads tank. My CPD liked to spawn in the planters. I had taken the gravel out and it was doing much better. I came into the room last week in time to see a boy ramming his head against the bottom disoriented and unable to get out not understanding glass. By the time I got the tank lid up he had rammed so hard he was deceased. I floated him in a net breeder to see if he just knocked himself out but sadly he was gone.
I put the AR in a terra cotta pot in the guppy girl grow out. I don’t have any pics right now because I am at the hospital with hubby who is sleeping right now.

Last night I had the worst scare I have ever known.  Just after midnight my husband had a heart attack.  I called the ambulance and followed them to the hospital. Waited forever then got to see him for just a few minutes before they took him for a procedure.  His circumflex artery was 100% blocked and two other main arteries were 50% blocked. They put in a stent he is recovering with only odd rhythms. This afternoon the specialists said because we acted quickly there was no major permanent damage to his heart thank heaven. 

As I sat in a room forever they put me in alone I felt like I was lost and could not focus or think just feel real fear. I signed onto the forum to try and get my mind to kick in so I could function or at least distract myself.  We have no family near us to reach to.

I reached out to @Odd Duck who was active on the forum at the time. I needed human companionship.  She offered me compassion and companionship that I will forever be grateful for. THANK YOU 🙏  It helped me start thinking and calm down. 

I share this to encourage anyone in a crisis or hurting to REACH OUT TO SOMEONE.  It genuinely helps. It takes courage to reach out but please do not suffer alone. The grace of simple human companionship can work wonders. 

In this modern age of faceless names on computers it sometimes gets overlooked that there are real life kind, compassionate folks behind those names. Reach out.  Do not hurt alone and please do not allow others to hurt alone. 

I love and appreciate my forum friends. They are part of my real life. Thank you each and every one of you. 🤗


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And me, sitting here ORD.  🤗   I was so glad that I could help distract you from your stress and worry.  Sometimes that’s half the battle for getting through the tough times.  You are a wonderful human, so generous with your time and kind with your comments.  I couldn’t possibly live with myself if I hadn’t made myself available to you when you just needed a friendly voice.  It was a pleasure talking to you last night.  I’m very glad to hear there’s no sign of permanent damage for the dear hubby.

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Oh my goodness! 😰 That’s so scary. I’m really glad there’s no permanent damage, that the procedure went well, and that our dear @Odd Duck was here to talk with you. Forum friends are 100% real. I hope we get to meet in person one day. ❤️

My mom had a heart attack when I was 20 and we were all on vacation (my siblings were 18, 16, and 11). It happened when we were on a shuttle bus back to our hotel, and the bus driver ended up turning the bus around (full of people and everything) and driving us to the hospital. She radio’ed ahead and they were ready for us. Honestly probably saved her life. The worst part was sitting in the waiting room after she’d been taken back. She had to be transferred to a bigger hospital that night, and the doctor’s wife and 14 year old daughter drove us behind the ambulance, a full hour drive one way. They were so kind. The daughter distracted my little sister really well. Everything ended up fine in the end, thankfully, but I’ll never forget the kindness of all those strangers. ❤️

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Oh no! I'm so sorry you went through that! So thankful your hubby will be ok and that you had companionship when you needed it most. I had a tragedy happen last week and thought about reaching out but I didn't because I wasn't brave enough. I wish I had. You're an incredible human! HUGE hugs to all! 

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On 3/22/2022 at 12:37 AM, Jennifer V said:

Oh no! I'm so sorry you went through that! So thankful your hubby will be ok and that you had companionship when you needed it most. I had a tragedy happen last week and thought about reaching out but I didn't because I wasn't brave enough. I wish I had. You're an incredible human! HUGE hugs to all! 

Anything we can help with?

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On 3/22/2022 at 1:37 AM, Jennifer V said:

Oh no! I'm so sorry you went through that! So thankful your hubby will be ok and that you had companionship when you needed it most. I had a tragedy happen last week and thought about reaching out but I didn't because I wasn't brave enough. I wish I had. You're an incredible human! HUGE hugs to all! 

I understand.  It was awkward for me. I was just pushed to that place.  I could not even really understand the posts I was reading to distract myself. Powers greater than me guided me to reach out as I’m normally just a deal with it myself type person.  That’s why I posted this in hopes someday it may guide someone else in need to do the same. I hope everything has resolved for you. If you ever need you can reach out to me. I understand first hand. 

On 3/22/2022 at 5:27 AM, Odd Duck said:

Anything we can help with?

Thank you. Im ok now. I was finally able to gear down and get a good nights rest. Im grateful he is still with me. The doctors said if nothing else shows and he continues to make progress and do well with recovery he may be able  come home this evening or tomorrow morning. 

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On 3/22/2022 at 3:27 AM, Odd Duck said:

Anything we can help with?

I lost my cat of 18 years. She had a stroke so it all happened very quickly and it absolutely broke my heart. We had her since she was four weeks old and she filled the house with her presence. I was extremely attached to her so it's been very difficult for me. It seems to pale in comparison to what poor @Guppysnailhas gone through though. 

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On 3/22/2022 at 4:47 AM, Jennifer V said:

I lost my cat of 18 years. She had a stroke so it all happened very quickly and it absolutely broke my heart. We had her since she was four weeks old and she filled the house with her presence. I was extremely attached to her so it's been very difficult for me. It seems to pale in comparison to what poor @Guppysnailhas gone through though. 

This is something I’ve had to deal with on both sides of the exam table.  It’s never easy to make a decision to let a pet go, even when you know it’s the only right choice.  I often tell people that it’s the hardest decision you will ever have to make other than making the same type decision for a human.

18 years is pretty amazing and beating the odds for a kitty, so I’m sure you gave her an amazing life!  Being a good pet parent means sometimes having to make that most difficult decision to let them go peacefully and gently.  I’m so sorry for your loss.  She will be waiting to welcome you at the rainbow bridge.

If you need to talk to a human, message me, I’ll give you my phone number.

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On 3/22/2022 at 5:47 AM, Jennifer V said:

I lost my cat of 18 years. She had a stroke so it all happened very quickly and it absolutely broke my heart. We had her since she was four weeks old and she filled the house with her presence. I was extremely attached to her so it's been very difficult for me. It seems to pale in comparison to what poor @Guppysnailhas gone through though. 

I’m sorry you had to go through. I just went through this with my 17 year old cat who had intestinal cancer. And I lost my older bearded dragon  in august to a tumor. My pets are my family we never had children. This is no small matter. Being with them every minute we are home, to me home is my safe comfort zone, you loose a friend, family member and a piece of your world. Big hugs.  

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I’m sorry to hear this, I sincerely hope all is well now. It sounds like he is making a good recovery and has a caring wife to help him along.

@Guppysnail @Odd Duck @Torrey you all were so helpful when I reached out when I was going through some very tough circumstances. Each of you in different ways supported and gave me motivation when I needed it most. This is such a wonderful community.

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On 3/22/2022 at 6:13 AM, Atitagain said:

I’m sorry to hear this, I sincerely hope all is well now. It sounds like he is making a good recovery and has a caring wife to help him along.

@Guppysnail @Odd Duck @Torrey you all were so helpful when I reached out when I was going through some very tough circumstances. Each of you in different ways supported and gave me motivation when I needed it most. This is such a wonderful community.

ORD 😍. This is a true community rather than just an information forum. 🤗

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Quick non fish update. Hubby came home last evening. It is amazing they can fix a major heart attack and him be able to come home in days. Miracles of Modern medicine. He has tons of pills now. He is a bit unsteady. After affects of morphine and anesthesia. We do not drink or use recreational things so the loopy-ness after affects are very noticeable. 
Thank Fishy Friends for all your support. It made such a huge difference!🤗🥰

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On 3/23/2022 at 4:31 AM, Guppysnail said:

Quick non fish update. Hubby came home last evening. It is amazing they can fix a major heart attack and him be able to come home in days. Miracles of Modern medicine. He has tons of pills now. He is a bit unsteady. After affects of morphine and anesthesia. We do not drink or use recreational things so the loopy-ness after affects are very noticeable. 
Thank Fishy Friends for all your support. It made such a huge difference!🤗🥰

That’s fantastic!  So glad to hear he was ready to come home so soon!  That truly is amazing.  He’ll get better with time and meds and likely be able to wean off most of the meds.  Maybe even all the meds, perhaps, after lifestyle changes?  Even if he stays on meds, that’s a simple thing to do to minimize future issues.

I’m so glad to be just a tiny part in such a great community.  I’ve never seen the like before and it was the last thing I expected when I joined the forum.  Such a pleasant surprise!

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On 3/23/2022 at 10:57 AM, Patrick_G said:

What a scary time for you @Guppysnail. It’s amazing that he’s already back at home. It’s hard to believe he was only there for two nights, I bet it felt much longer than that! I can empathize with the loopy-ness, I’ve rarely had general anesthesia but it affects me for days afterwards. 

I know such a short time. The only folks I know who had heart attacks were my grandparents in my youth. I remember vaguely triple bypass etc and weeks in the hospital and months of recovery. I’m so grateful medicine has come so far. 

On 3/23/2022 at 10:39 AM, Odd Duck said:

after lifestyle changes?  

I have the prothrombin gene mutation and hereditary high cholesterol/high blood pressure. My diet is very different than his. He eats nothing I do and visa versa. So today I stripped the house with his full permission of every no no food. He has agreed to begin eating the same as I do. 🤗🙏

yes this community amazes me 🥰

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On 3/23/2022 at 10:22 AM, Guppysnail said:

I know such a short time. The only folks I know who had heart attacks were my grandparents in my youth. I remember vaguely triple bypass etc and weeks in the hospital and months of recovery. I’m so grateful medicine has come so far. 

I have the prothrombin gene mutation and hereditary high cholesterol/high blood pressure. My diet is very different than his. He eats nothing I do and visa versa. So today I stripped the house with his full permission of every no no food. He has agreed to begin eating the same as I do. 🤗🙏

yes this community amazes me 🥰

Nothing quite like a near death experience to motivate a lifestyle change.

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The pleco babies that hatched outside somewhere away from dads cave 2 spawns ago turns out I have between 30-35. I shudder to think how many I would have had if I left the ones in dads cave hatch. There are 5 wily ones in mom n dads tank I cannot catch. To the best of my knowledge none perished a fry death which is a good sign that tank is very healthy which makes me happy. 3 have breakthrough color. I tried getting a picture of the cutest one Spot to no avail. Any other time he is front and center. His nose is brown. It’s adorable. CCFA2E49-2995-49FA-B211-3EBAEC17F323.jpeg.d2981ecf8e652cc99427e722c7129bb5.jpeg9D47EB9A-E015-407C-806A-C59BAF7DB87E.jpeg.0ebf0ebb3d664a530b0396818ef0f1ef.jpeg

Here is Lefty with these guys. You can see his growth was stunted by his tragedy. But he is working on growing up 🥰30E45D11-FF96-48B0-80CA-0413E41D172D.jpeg.ed0e1fa8b6fef69fc46f4a07c3f19531.jpeg


I just noticed I did get Spots picture 


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All my critters are doing well. It is time to rehome this group of plecos. Three display the breakthrough color spots. Spot is one. One has a spot on the side and one has a tail stripe. My pharmacist is taking Spot. I’m worried the other two will be viewed as “defective” or something wrong with them. I spoke to the manager at the LFS they go to.  He said no problem.  They accept unwanted fish as rescue rehabilitations. If they do not get adopted they will happily live in the giant plant room with their plants on a separate filtration system so not be exposed to all the incoming stuff from the fish they get for sale. That made me feel a lot better. A1A3DF30-8490-471B-B8DC-B5E99DE719C5.jpeg.a492f4924a7a22b8dd9074502225a3df.jpeg

Tulip continues to live upside down on various leaves. The panda are a bit to rambunctious for her but she does clean the walls and eat her veggies etc. at night. I feel bad that I took her food dish but she didn’t use it because the pandas like to sleep in it 🙄….perpetual two year olds.  EE0CE2AB-B737-442D-9001-F930B351382F.jpeg.0642d34a07cc4e8743b8c38e58505193.jpeg

Honeysuckle on the other hand..always hanging out with the Pygmy and CPD. He has claimed the terra cotta tunnel though instead of his pleco cave. He chases the other fish when they try to go in. C48C7586-A558-405C-964D-AA6AF0F0A43F.jpeg.21dc177ff12b25f74bbfedca5fdb5a6c.jpeg

Lefty is less than thrilled with her younger siblings sharing her tank. She sits and stares at them from hidden spots. When I add new veggies she chases everyone away then after she starts eating she allows them to join in. Definitely queen bee. 

Angel still bosses the guppies about but loves his snail. The snail and shrimp are the only ones allowed in the food bowl. He positions himself so he can see it at all times. Guppy comes near he gives chase. 2AB12A54-8F59-496E-AE25-D3E2D3965053.jpeg.f1522238cbd2e9c3c460760141c1c1fd.jpeg

Mom has a big egg belly again 😫 Dad has begun flirting and cleaning the cave. 913D5114-C182-46E6-A5A2-B0A84E6F759C.jpeg.f9ece5708ca453d7e7e17fc7b0a5c4fd.jpeg602BB3BC-6F7C-41CC-AFDE-0DB68C8F958A.jpeg.d9f3ac14dc1b58bad027e62dfd7104ae.jpegAF68EF16-A6A6-4672-B5C6-63F358BA619D.jpeg.89c3764690347f7b6403a6fc255cb738.jpeg

Guppies are headed to the LFS as well. The two blue ones I’m keeping continue to get prettier. Nemo is slowly but surely cleaning the yucky back wall 😁 One girl is exhibiting the more blue body. She is still young though. Doesn’t show great on camera. Sadly she does not have moms black lipstick  😕  


Possibly somewhat cannibalistic of a sort but my shrimp love frozen brine shrimp. 615A9ECC-F850-4171-AD1A-F3D0ADCB905A.jpeg.2a01bcd6961f55048a333cba7e7b9832.jpeg 

I spend entirely to much time watching my badder snails acrobatic arguments. 




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