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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. What was it out of interest?
  2. Those livebearers are like frogs, just add water and they multiply at an alarming rate!
  3. Good one! Mid if I tell that one to a couple of snowboarding friends? We keep on debating wether skiing or snowboarding is better…
  4. Bit late there! It was named Aquaman, since the owners a pretty big movie fan. I can think of more imaginative names, and Ocean is probably one of them!
  5. This web page is pretty comprehensive: https://www.aquariumsource.com/synodontis-catfish/
  6. What’s the humidity level like in there? Is there a cover/light? Most of these plants require high humidity out of the water: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/paludarium-plants
  7. This page is pretty comprehensive: https://aquariumbreeder.com/panda-garra-detailed-guide-care-diet-and-breeding/
  8. Must be either A) that the industry has learnt that breeding or locally sourcing fish & shrimp is the way to go forward instead of relying heavily on exports from Asia & South America. B) Just the world getting back to “normal”. What were the prices like before COVID?
  9. This is a pretty comprehensive care sheet; I think it answers some of your questions 😁: https://www.aquariumsource.com/red-devil-cichlid/
  10. I remember there was one video with an entire carpet of Amazon Swords…it would take years to replicate in an aquarium, unless you have a lot of $$
  11. Went back to the LFS to give them the employee shirts back that I had and picked up my first ever Tiger Lotus bulb.🥳 A while back, @Guppysnailasked for some pics from my LFS; here are some updated ones:
  12. I’d lower it to around 7.5 ish at the very least.
  13. Reminds me of a Jack Dempsey cichlid.
  14. @JimmyGimbal did something on his YouTube channel on taking fish pics.
  15. Have you been using the same USB plug? It could be that
  16. The KeepingFishSimple YouTube channel has some decent advice on the subject. Good luck and keep us posted!
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