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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Most of the time I just use them for decoration 😜
  2. I’d say: 1) Fancy Goldfish, especially the ‘tubby’ varieties (oranda, etc) 2) Bettas, the current gene pool needs new blood. 3) Mollies need to be raised in freshwater at a farm before being shipped and sold.
  3. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. What type are you using?
  4. It’s usually get a genetic malformation of the jaw bone. Is he eating well (or able to eat)?? P.S. I love those fish!
  5. Thanks for posting the name of the wholesaler @Patrick_G! I might finally be able to get some Xiphophorus Montezumae.(Montezuma Swordtail)
  6. I tend to just pick the ones who are about to fall off a tree.
  7. Is the water already brackish? If not you could do some cool freshwater thing!
  8. Are the parents continually laying eggs or are these all just from 1 batch?
  9. Guppies!!!!!!!!!!!! Eat practically everything, and love to swim around. Maybe put some rummy nose tetras in with them as well to add a bit of pazzazz? Pygmy Corys would be my second choice. Keep us posted on what you choose!
  10. Seems the best plan, otherwise by forcing it in you may destroy some delicate roots. Having a 45 min mooch around my LFS is a dream come true (Although I will start part-time working there next week!)
  11. Seeing as parrots are a hybrid fish, I suggest checking the most common diseases in their ‘ancestors’ and referring to that. From what I can see there’s no obvious bloating, which is a good sign.
  12. It’s OK, we all have that moment! Welcome to the forum btw!
  13. @Colu @Marilyn and @xXInkedPhoenixX seem to either know a lot about sicknesses or have a lot of experience with bettas Good luck!
  14. I usually wait until the evening or the wee hours and gently lift up a piece on decor that they’re on and lift it up while putting my largest net underneath. Works OK.
  15. Good Luck catching them! I’m still traumatized after catching Hillstream Loaches out of a heavily planted 63 gal(there were just too many!) which took me about 45 min to catch 13😰
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