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Everything posted by BETTA999

  1. i think it does at least with bettas the ratio changes
  2. yes it work great but has to be humid and is far more economic than the complex fruit fly thing to me it dosent make sense because fruit fly reproduce in trash cans
  3. the movie was good the thing it is like 3 hours long
  4. cycling with snails is good but the bad thing is when you want to eliminate them
  5. i did the same my betta megalodon died of popeye he past the last days in a big planted bowl i left that bowl with water until 2 months now that bowl is cleaned and ready for the next proyect 😌 at least he has her next generation growing {because i have bettta fry from him} cant wait to see your next proyect !!!
  6. its kind of a mix of algae and detritus i think otos eat i think its brow diatom algae
  7. well idont now a lot of hybrids but watch out because if one is waek alll are weak
  8. yes that the horrible hair alge i had the problem to and it was 10 times worse than you the thing is maintain good water quality and remove it every time you can in the long run it will start to go down put some mystery snails and that should get rid of it
  9. i am recently cultivating fruit fly in a wird way i dont feed the adults because i dont have them the way i cultivate is i put alittle container with oatmeal with out lid and the fruit fly come put eggs and larvae hatch i rinse them and feed them my oatmeal is not contaminated it dosent have fungus or other bug only fruit flys what do you think?
  10. yes crayfish need a hard water or their exosqueleton dosent form and they die
  11. i dont have blood parrot but i now they have great personality
  12. ohhh thats hard it looks like a hibrid of a fantail
  13. nothing willl happpen dont scare i had the same thing as you but then i saw That 95% of thing that go in your tank are harmles to fish and scud even help moving the ground so the thing yo can do @Danabana is rinse it an put it in a container with water for three days and then rinse it and itroduce them
  14. i had some stem plants that started losing leaves and they got narrow they look extremly ugly any way to get there big red round leaves back ?
  15. that exact thing my baby bettas do i have in the back ground a super cool palnted look and they are in the front corner asking for more
  16. i live in mexico, in yucatan and the puffers @Beardedbillygoat1975 showed are the puffers from yucatan the ones that @Patrick_Gare puffers from another part of the gulf of mexico near parts with big reefs
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