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Everything posted by BETTA999

  1. thi video was from our planet its only a clip of it when bettas appear but its awesome
  2. i dose seachem exel in my tank is it rigth? everyday
  3. mosquito larvae adaphnia and blackworms all easy yes i have two adult bettas and they dont like flakes alot they sure like pellets
  4. aqua junky thank you a lot i was scared that the first would say it was to small
  5. in my local fish store they lied to me about the size of my corys that are corydora paleatus so can they live all there live in aheavily planted with good filtration and weekley water changes 10 gallon tank there are only three and only one looks like a female
  6. i but my corydora paleatus i have read that thet get to 6 cm but in another place they said it was 8 cm max size mine are omly 3-4 cm anyone that has kept them to adult age ?
  7. yes i have but all of them say no its to big
  8. i have one of my aka matsuba koi growing to fast in a year i bougth it for a little pond and now its a 13 inch monster had to up grade to a 200 gal pond it eats enormous amounts of fish food and no one wants to buy it because of it size what do i do
  9. just remember that hes a common tail so he will get big i recomend planning hiw in 20 gal pond
  10. @Pinkyi agree it could be the wen growing
  11. i just bougt some dried tubifex and my fish seem to love it but i dont now if i could use them as frecuent food as flakes and tips for culturing daphnia ?
  12. the only way is to remove mannually but i put tetra alge control it killed it all but it also generates a lot of amonia and starts to reapear
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