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Everything posted by BETTA999

  1. yep almond leaves salt and good water changes should sky roket your bettas health
  2. remember the post on betta fry foods find it and that should perfectly work
  3. start with valsneria and crypts almost bullet proof once let and abandoned tank with no fish and neither ligth an the ones that where perfect where the crypts an the tank was abandoned 3 months
  4. i saw in a video that the power of normal bio rings is more powerful than the double of a k1 mdia an yes it needs movement
  5. id love to get a care package they would help me a lot so im gonna try to win one in the future gonna try hard!!!
  6. yes i will do that never tought of using a fork
  7. yes i have left my alge alone but any way my parents tell me to remove the string alge or i cant have my aquarium
  8. smarty in the top there three buttons and then option appears the just click edit
  9. the steps are pretty simple first you get arline tubing then you buy one of those syringe and only use the part that holds water then in the point you connect the airline tubing and you have amini siphon!!!
  10. ok i will stop using an will try to get test strips should i buy them?100 for 50 dollars and if i divide them its 200 test
  11. a group of corys and neon tetras with black background would look amazing
  12. i finally found what the cory problem was its swim bladder and hi tires him self out to be on the bottom and the he float but the leaves stop him
  13. ok so it a 10 gallon tank 3 months old filter:aqueon 10 plants:valsneria , amazon sword ,crypts , rotala , little carpet , fish:24 baby bettas about 2.5 cm 3 cory the same size any other thing:dosing alge control food:tetra min 2 times a day and some bottom foods
  14. in fotos videos and journal i will start to post it today just the title tomorow se what happens!!!
  15. avocado good idea i dont think its toxic they grow slow like really slow so it will take 7 years to out grow your tank
  16. a extra tank it helps a lot and towels
  17. guppy snail and patrick G i cant thank you enough when i started my tank i didnt have any problems then alge appear i had betta fry and had to make like 4 different live foods my cory started acting wierd and now my fry are beating up on each other🥵
  18. i dont think there a lot of guppies so happy as yours!!!
  19. i love seeing new sprouts of water lettuce there little and cute (to a crazy nerm like me😅)
  20. i havent bred guramis but i have bred bettas and there really similar there of the same family my foods are baby brine insuforia microworms daphnia little flakes or pellets
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